With confirmation that gnomes are coming, possibly as soon as Update 30, The Stormreach Campaign looks at the history of the gnomish nation of Zilargo.
The fey gnomes of Zilargo travelled to Eberron from Thelanis thousands of years ago. The demise of the Dhakaani Empire following the Daelkyr invasion allowed the gnomes to take over the ancient cities abandoned by the retreating hobgoblin and Xorian forces. Establishing the main city states of Trolanport, Zolanberg and Korranberg, the gnomes were able to greatly accelerate their knowledge of magic, engineering and architecture from the ruins left behind by these invaders.
As the third race to manifest a dragonmark, House Sivis became the model for the other Dragonmarked Houses. The powers of the Mark of Scribing together with Zilargo’s stance of fierce neutrality has saw the gnomes become an integral part in the background of many other nations. Unknown to many, House Sivis’ played an instrumental role in rediscovering the secrets of the ancient giant ability to bond elemental forces to items which led to the creation of the Lightning Rail and Airships.
The History of Zilargo