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  1. #1

    Default YourDDO is hiring...sort of...

    Heya DDO'ers!

    Just wanted to pop in to say hey, been a long time since I've been around the forums but things have been busy for me in RL.

    So, you're probably wondering about the title of this thread... Well, here's a long story short: I really want to continue developing for YourDDO and expanding upon it in many ways. But RL commitments are drastically slowing down my development. So I wanted to fish a little bit and see what type of community interest there would be if I opened future expansions of project up for collaboration to other web coders in the DDO community.

    Ideally, I would be looking for people that are proficient in current web standards in the following languages: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, php5, MySQL; and familiar with the following frameworks: SASS, LESS, jQuery, BootStrap.

    If you don't know all of the languages, that's fine.

    If you're interested, let me know here, and if there's enough people that are interested in helping, then I will make another post here letting everyone know that we're "going public".

    DISCLAIMER: This is NOT a paid position in any way! I'm NOT actually hiring anyone, just looking for information on interest in coding collaboration. YourDDO is a fansite for the DDO community, so if you have a little time to spare and some solid coding knowledge and want to give back to the community, then this might be up your alley. If you're looking for anything other than personal gratification in return for helping on this project, then this is probably not for you.

  2. #2


    Well, it seems nobody is interested in collaborating on YourDDO. Guess I'll just be keeping it private then...

  3. #3
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Ague View Post
    Well, it seems nobody is interested in collaborating on YourDDO. Guess I'll just be keeping it private then...
    That's surprising.

    I know there are several talented code jockeys (or used to be ) hanging around. *

    * /resists adding a sarcastic quip about how many claim to be awesome coders.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    That's surprising.

    I know there are several talented code jockeys (or used to be ) hanging around. *

    * /resists adding a sarcastic quip about how many claim to be awesome coders.
    Yeah, seems as such. I recall over the years hearing about a lot of peeps in the forums being proficient in this language or another. I based my fishing request solely on that notion... suppose I was mistaken...

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Jan 2010


    It's probably less a lack of qualifications than a lack of definition of goals.

    How exactly did you want to expand it? Looking at the site, I don't see anything that isn't both useful (for some definition of "useful") and not already handled by an existing project.

    Character planners? There are a couple floating around. Server status widget? I can tell by using the client. Crafting planner? There's a good Cannith one up, Green Steel has the uMontreal site, and nothing else is complicated enough to craft to write a planner for it. Monster Manual? Much the same functionality on the wiki. And someone's recently written a weapon DPS program.

    People might get more excited if there were more information about how you're expanding.
    I Cannith-craft (150 levels in all schools) for free on Thelanis if you provide all needed materials.
    Getting Past Traps without Trap Skills | Musical Musings

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Thalone View Post
    It's probably less a lack of qualifications than a lack of definition of goals.

    How exactly did you want to expand it? Looking at the site, I don't see anything that isn't both useful (for some definition of "useful") and not already handled by an existing project.

    Character planners? There are a couple floating around. Server status widget? I can tell by using the client. Crafting planner? There's a good Cannith one up, Green Steel has the uMontreal site, and nothing else is complicated enough to craft to write a planner for it. Monster Manual? Much the same functionality on the wiki. And someone's recently written a weapon DPS program.

    People might get more excited if there were more information about how you're expanding.
    The whole idea behind the post was to see if there were any interested people in the community that would be interested in collaborating. Then if there was/were/is a couple people interested, then it would be time to talk specifics about the direction of the site and then the interested people could decide if they wanted to collaborate on the site or not. Like it said in the OP, I'm just fishing to see if anyone was interested in collaborating.

  7. #7

    Default ...

    Missed the thread when it was posted... Just finding now while searching for one of my threads to update. You're not hiring, you're looking for volunteers. As we've discussed on IRC, might as well log it here, I'm interested and willing to contribute when and where I can. You know how to find me...
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Now with real 100% closing.

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