Heya DDO'ers!
Just wanted to pop in to say hey, been a long time since I've been around the forums but things have been busy for me in RL.
So, you're probably wondering about the title of this thread... Well, here's a long story short: I really want to continue developing for YourDDO and expanding upon it in many ways. But RL commitments are drastically slowing down my development. So I wanted to fish a little bit and see what type of community interest there would be if I opened future expansions of project up for collaboration to other web coders in the DDO community.
Ideally, I would be looking for people that are proficient in current web standards in the following languages: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, php5, MySQL; and familiar with the following frameworks: SASS, LESS, jQuery, BootStrap.
If you don't know all of the languages, that's fine.
If you're interested, let me know here, and if there's enough people that are interested in helping, then I will make another post here letting everyone know that we're "going public".
DISCLAIMER: This is NOT a paid position in any way! I'm NOT actually hiring anyone, just looking for information on interest in coding collaboration. YourDDO is a fansite for the DDO community, so if you have a little time to spare and some solid coding knowledge and want to give back to the community, then this might be up your alley. If you're looking for anything other than personal gratification in return for helping on this project, then this is probably not for you.