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Thread: Elf Supremacist

  1. #1
    Community Member Enderoc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Default Elf Supremacist

    Elf Supremacist
    Fighter 20
    Neutral Good Elf

    . . . . . . . .36pt. . .Tome . . Level Up
    . . . . . . . .----. . .---- . . --------
    Strength. . . . 16 . . . +6. . . .4: STR
    Dexterity . . . 16 . . . +6. . . .8: STR
    Constitution. . 14 . . . +6. . . 12: STR
    Intelligence. . 16 . . . +6. . . 16: STR
    Wisdom. . . . . .8 . . . +6. . . 20: STR
    Charisma. . . . .8 . . . +6. . . 24: STR
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28: STR

    . . . . . 1 .2. 3 .4. 5 .6. 7 .8. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    . . . . .------------------------------------------------------------
    Jump. . . 2 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 2 .2. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 23
    Heal. . . 2 .½. ½ .½. ½ .½. ½ .½. ½ .½. ½ .½. ½ .½. ½ .½. ½ .½. ½ . . 11
    Spellcr . 2 .½. ½ .½. ½ .½. ½ .½. ½ .½. ½ .½. ½ .½. ½ .½. ½ .½. ½ . . 11
    Spot. . . 2 .½. ½ .½. ½ .½. ½ .½. ½ .½. ½ .½. ½ .½. ½ .½. ½ .½. ½ . . 11
    UMD . . . 2 .½. ½ .½. ½ .½. ½ .½. ½ .½. ½ .½. ½ .½. ½ .½. ½ .½. ½ . . 11
    Tumble. . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . ½ .½. ½ .½. ½ .½. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 10
    Swim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. .2
    Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. .1
    . . . . .------------------------------------------------------------
    . . . . .20 .5. 5 .5. 5 .5. 6 .6. 6 .6. 6 .6. 6 .6. 7 .7. 7 .7. 7 .7


    .1. . . . : Combat Expertise
    .1 Fighter: Dodge
    .2 Fighter: Weapon Focus: Slashing
    .3. . . . : Mobility
    .4 Fighter: Spring Attack
    .6. . . . : Least Dragonmark: Shadow
    .6 Fighter: Two Handed Fighting
    .8 Fighter: Improved Two Handed Fighting
    .9. . . . : Improved Critical: Slashing
    10 Fighter: Weapon Focus: Ranged
    12. . . . : Greater Two Handed Fighting
    12 Fighter: Point Blank Shot
    14 Fighter: Bow Strength
    15. . . . : Rapid Shot
    16 Fighter: Manyshot
    18. . . . : Improved Critical: Ranged
    18 Fighter: Precise Shot
    20 Fighter: Improved Precise Shot
    21 Epic . : Overwhelming Critical
    24 Epic . : Bulwark of Defense
    26 Destiny: Perfect Two Handed Fighting
    27 Epic . : Combat Archery
    28 Destiny: Holy Strike

    Enhancements (80 AP)

    Elf (32 AP)
    • Elven Accuracy, Elven Dexterity, Elven Accuracy II, Elven Dexterity II, Elven Accuracy III
      1. Phiarlan Dragonmark Focus III, Valenar Weapon Training
      2. Lesser Dragonmark of Shadow, Valenar Weapon Training, Arcanum III
      3. Greater Dragonmark of Shadow, Valenar Weapon Training, Arcane Archer
      4. Valenar Weapon Training

    Stalwart Defender (16 AP)
    • Toughness, Stalwart Defense
      1. Durable Defense III, Stalwart Defensive Mastery III
      2. Resilient Defense III, Armor Expertise III
      3. Strength

    Elf-Arcane Archer (32 AP)
    • Arcane Archer, Morphic Arrows, Metalline Arrows, Aligned Arrows
      1. Conjure Arrows, True Strike III, Corrosive Arrows, Awareness III
      2. Force Arrows III, Shock Arrows
      3. Flaming Arrows, Dexterity
      4. Smiting Arrows, Frost Arrows, Dexterity
      5. Improved Elemental Arrows

    Destiny (24 AP)

    Unyielding Sentinel
    1. Energy Resistance II, Brace for Impact I, Constitution
    2. Constitution
    3. Renewal II, Constitution
    4. Spark of Life, Constitution
    5. Hardened III, Strength of Vitality III
    6. Resurrection

    Twists of Fate (9 fate points)
    1. Rejuvenation Cocoon (Tier 1 Primal)
    2. Imp. Combat Expertise (Tier 2 Dreadnought)
    3. Stay Frosty (Tier 1 Shirardi)

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2013


    how does this build hold up soloing?

  3. #3
    Community Member Enderoc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by corny View Post
    how does this build hold up soloing?
    It's only means of suitable in combat healing is through cocoon so it would still make sense to use a hireling, but it is geared and suited for offensive, defensive, and ranged capabilities. Like a fighter with splashes of paladin and ranger though entirely pure. Instead of cleaves, IMPS would take their place. Staying out of combat where you are going to be mobbed seems a good way to avoid wondering how to stay healed in hairy melee if it gets too much. Lining them up firing through them is never a bad idea if you are constantly taking a beating. But you should have a good PRR/MRR so its a "just in case" measure or to weaken your kills before you decide to engage them to finish them off.

    I did not want to make a glass cannon where it was all about the DPS... I wanted it to be a survivor and adaptable type. I am getting close to TR so I am considering what I will do next.

    This idea is primarily all about investing heavily in Elven racial enhancements...thus the name. Using both Falchion and shortbows primarily. Which is why I added in the spellcraft to add damage from the elemental arrows.
    Last edited by Enderoc; 10-31-2015 at 05:32 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2014


    I'm not sure what type of armor you're wearing with this build, but if you go medium or heavy, you can get Strong Defense in SD giving +4 Str for 2 AP instead of only +1.

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