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  1. #1

    Default Erdrique's Blog-Complications in the Den

    I took Erdrique into the Demon's Den and ran into some complications-Complications in the Den.

  2. #2
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erdrique View Post
    I took Erdrique into the Demon's Den and ran into some complications-Complications in the Den.
    Demon's Den is one of the few quests that still pretty much requires multiple players on Elite - Yes there are people out there who can solo it....There's at least 2 people who've Duo-ed VoN5!
    BTW I'd love to know how you solo the four levers to get the other person up the fire jet?

    One problem with this type of quest is favour farming - That didn't used to be a big problem....Back in 2010-2012 you put up a Favour run for Xorian Cypher for instance and you'd have a full group in less than 5 minutes!
    Today you MIGHT get one person join if you're lucky.

    Demon's Den unlike say Xorian isn't a quest that can be completed with Hirelings {so the likes of the Panther and Owlbear and Elierie are no help} - I'm not sure but even at Lvl 28 I don't think I could make the journey from 1st to 2nd to 3rd Efreeti in 30 seconds.

    I did manage to finally solo Heroic Elite Crucible yesterday - I got lucky with the placement of the crests in the maze as my Hireling wouldn't stay targeted on the levers and I had to DDoor a couple of times - Is it me or did the Devs up the timer on the runewheels?

    Maybe they could up the timer on the Efreetis - To 45 seconds or even 1 minute?

  3. #3
    Community Member Xahtep's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Its not THAT hard to solo fran, given that the toon have resistance to elements (fire and sonic mostly), wich is crazy easy to get in any half of the road-guild. True, you need high-ish dps to clear every hall then pull a efreeti slowly towards the 2nd, prep them a bit and head to the last one, once you have all 3 near and down to 10-30% hp just pull up the big guns and kill´em.

    Its annoying? hell yes it took me slightly over 30 minutes and 25 of that went just in pulling the nameds, they have the terrible tendency of losing interest on you and start heading towards their inintial spots once they lose sight of you for 3 seconds or more.

    Hirelings on this kind of quest are detrimetal as they could kill before time and screw over all the pulling work.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeonAureo View Post
    Its not THAT hard to solo fran, given that the toon have resistance to elements (fire and sonic mostly), wich is crazy easy to get in any half of the road-guild. True, you need high-ish dps to clear every hall then pull a efreeti slowly towards the 2nd, prep them a bit and head to the last one, once you have all 3 near and down to 10-30% hp just pull up the big guns and kill´em.

    Its annoying? hell yes it took me slightly over 30 minutes and 25 of that went just in pulling the nameds, they have the terrible tendency of losing interest on you and start heading towards their inintial spots once they lose sight of you for 3 seconds or more.

    Hirelings on this kind of quest are detrimetal as they could kill before time and screw over all the pulling work.
    You forgot self-healing for that toon (hirelings will be dead most of the time due to attacking aurora or going through blade barriers), the ability to survive aurora's blades, the ability to perform well without buffs because the efreets dispell often and the ability to survive efreeti disintegrates on a roll of 1.

    All that combined with the resistances you mentioned and the high DPS so you can make some progress and make that ranged DPS because otherwise you'll have to deal with aurora up close and personal, you'll have to deal with efreet blade barriers, you'll have to confront multiple ice flensers which have the potential to instakill you.

    I believe you're narrowing the build choices for solo down to a very few builds with good gear, good player skills and patience to see the quest through. No, that's not easy to solo. That's classified as "soloable".
    My main server is Khyber. Have toons in almost every server for favor purposes. The Faltouts

  5. #5


    Yeah, I'm going to experiment some more with In the Demon's Den this weekend, hopefully. As I mentioned, I only did this quest once or twice before with a different character and that was on normal and I didn't have that particular problem. We'll see how it goes, but "spreading" out of the efreetis definitely makes trying to solo the quest (with hirelings) irritating.

  6. #6
    Community Member Xahtep's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Faltout View Post
    You forgot self-healing for that toon (hirelings will be dead most of the time due to attacking aurora or going through blade barriers), the ability to survive aurora's blades, the ability to perform well without buffs because the efreets dispell often and the ability to survive efreeti disintegrates on a roll of 1.

    All that combined with the resistances you mentioned and the high DPS so you can make some progress and make that ranged DPS because otherwise you'll have to deal with aurora up close and personal, you'll have to deal with efreet blade barriers, you'll have to confront multiple ice flensers which have the potential to instakill you.

    I believe you're narrowing the build choices for solo down to a very few builds with good gear, good player skills and patience to see the quest through. No, that's not easy to solo. That's classified as "soloable".
    Many good points here.

    Yes dude, as i said i was on a barb (lvl 21 wanted to ge bb and tought it was 19 on normal), since barbariands with blood str have such good suravility and good dps i had no issues on that side, only the ocasional lesser silver flame pot (something that a average player may or may not be bale to get eaily).

    On that build i had good hp, slightly over 1100 raged at that moment that even failing a disintegrate was not an issue (tbh never noticed them casting one) only had o **** moments and had to chug sf pots on the ice flencers (as you said, deadly indeed).
    Found Aurora dps not an issue sice she was mostly a few fet behind me all the time i pulled the efreeti and cleared halls and bb´s are way behind you unless you have to backtrack constantly to get efreeti aggro.

    Now that you raise that point i see that truly is not eaily soloable to everyone or every build.

    Think i once heard Amossa (nibel) said that this quest is how n/h/e scaling should be. I dont agree completly but the game would benefit from that and players would hone their skill.

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