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To be clear I'm not in favor of removing TR'ing, I do it, but i find the process dull. I also "feel" like I have to do it, in order to keep up to the standards I enjoy playing. In the past I could make a character, gear it out and play end game, now I feel like if I don't have X amount of past lives, i'm behind. I would like to see TR'ing changed from being the primary form of 'end game" as it is now, to one where Content is #1 at the highest levels.
As for my comments about why TR'ing was invented, TR'ing came in late 2009, just after the game went free to play. With DDO Unlimited, the only high end quests was Amarath, which after a year of no content thanks to a long running law suit and other problems, wasn't much, even if they were good quests (and challenging at the time!). The Devs at that time as part of the re-launch of DDO and the sudden influx of new players, concentrated the next several updates primarily on the lower and mid levels. This gave people 2 options, either TR at level 20 or Run Epics, which were not easy. Of course that all changed with MoTU, which added epic levels etc. But that took 2.5 years of an anemic amount of high level content, making TR'ing about the only thing for people to do. It bought the developers time.
I hate grinding and i still play. I don't do it either.
My problem I think really boils down to the idea that I I have no option to make my character "as good" (note: not the same!) as another, because I don't have the time. Gear helps, but doesn't compare to someone who has stacks upon stacks of Past Lives.
To me the solution is easing the (time) requirements to achieve past lives by lowering the amount of xp needed for both Heroic and Epic TR's. They lowered the heroic already once, i'd like to see that 3rd tier go away.
I know that the marketing back in 2006 that portrayed this game as the anti-grind, has become nothing but grind argument has gone out the window long ago, but I would like to see the game shift back towards that idea.