Changes to a lot of things, some good, some great, some meh. But most of us applaud the effort you are giving moving the game forward.

A few quick questions please.

1) the was a discussion about content difficulty. My query is if you are going to address this. You have updated almost everything, and have changed certain things for enemies in certain quests, but not overall.
Is this something we can expect soon? The changes IC, etc, lead me to believe these combat changes are a way to circumvent the daunting task of changing monster & quest combat/difficulty.(and power creep)

2) Mithril armor. I had a pm from a dev saying there might be small changes. but they excluded prr & mrr. Surely the finest armor material should FINALLY get an overhaul. Yes I understand it would most likely have to be done item by item. But could you please cost this out and put it in the que?

3) Ranger spell additions and/or overhaul. Nuf said