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  1. #21
    Community Member Lemdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duhboy View Post
    TIER 5: Requires 30 AP spent
    Eldritch Shield: Passive: Every 6 seconds while you have a shield equipped/wearing armor and not taking damage, you gain +25 Temporary Hit Points. Every 2 seconds from then you gain +25 Temporary Hit Points for a total pool of +50. If you have epic levels it increases the total pool amount by an additional +25.
    *If you take ANY damage even if it's -1 point of damage you have to wait out the initial 6 seconds again before you can gain any further temporary HP from this effect.*
    *You do not benefit from this ability while unconscious.*
    AP Cost: 2
    This one please. We don't need another Shining through OP'ness in the game.
    Quote Originally Posted by Elsbet View Post
    Moved his sense of humor to a new data center, eh?

  2. #22
    Community Member Duhboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FedoraSire View Post
    No negative heal amp love for the undead caster?

    Love the rework, but why would sorcs/wizs get heavy armor prof when bard and warlock can only get medium as classes who ALREADY wear (light) armor?

    1. My design
    2. Most importantly wiz/sorcs can use heavy armor without asf through the EK enhancements. I would like to see warlocks have a EK PrE as well but whatever. :P
    3. Pale Master already has Neg heal amp :P
    Last edited by Duhboy; 10-30-2015 at 12:43 AM.

  3. #23
    Community Member Duhboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duhboy View Post
    TIER 5: Requires 30 AP spent
    Eldritch Shield: Passive: Every 6 seconds while you have a shield equipped/wearing armor and not taking damage, you gain +25 Temporary Hit Points. Every 2 seconds from then you gain +25 Temporary Hit Points for a total pool of +50. If you have epic levels it increases the total pool amount by an additional +25.
    *If you take ANY damage even if it's -1 point of damage you have to wait out the initial 6 seconds again before you can gain any further temporary HP from this effect.*
    *You do not benefit from this ability while unconscious.*
    AP Cost: 2


    When you use the ability you gain temporary HP based on class level x CON score.
    SP cost: 50
    AP Cost: 2
    AP Cost: 1
    Was thinking that the class lv x CON one would be on a 2 minute cooldown or something

  4. #24
    Community Member Duhboy's Avatar
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    As a side note, I will be making revamps of Pale/ Archmage and would love to hear from you guys what you want to see changed. Thank you everyone!
    Last edited by Duhboy; 10-30-2015 at 01:06 AM.

  5. #25
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    Default Eldritch Knight Viable Build

    The Eldritch Knight enhancements as is is not bad but I agree could be better. As the guild leader of the "Eldritch Knight Riders", I love playing my wizard as an eldritch knight because of its survivability. For the longest time I played Jasonius Goodheart as Pale Master 18 wiz / 2 Rogue until they made the epic belt of thoughtful remembrance. I could not heal fast enough (because of the deathblock absorption of neg energy which eats at how much you heal from death aura and neg energy burst) and that belt has way too many good advantages to pass up to other things. So I determined to rework my character to heal with positive energy and I started as 18 wiz / 2 Rogue human wizard because of lack of hearts of wood at the time. With the advantage of increased heal amp for positive energy / prr and mrr / and the thunderforged swords / rejuvenation cocoon would almost always
    replenish me to full health. This made the build much more enjoyable to play because I hate dying too much.

    Thanks to the advice of fellow guildie Isword I have revamped the build into a 18 wiz 1 cleric 1 rogue sun elf.
    Sun elf gives the advantages of 20 int to start /fey energy tap to replenish sp / and reduces Arcane Spell Failure by 15% which stacks with EK enhancements and a sapphire of Spell Agility 15 which I use to reduce ASF to zero. At level 1 obviously rogue for skill points and trapping abilities level 2 cleric for built in heavy armor proficiency and shield proficency and the ability to use cure light wounds amped with meta magics to self heal while in the heroics. (I use the masters touch spell to give me tower shield proficiency) and 18 wizard. The build can survive well, heal well, and deal decent dmg both in melee and with spells for a nice basic
    well rounded Eldritch Knight build. Send me a tell in the game if you want to know how I do other things with the build. I had read on the forums in the past that was no decent EK build and I think I have proven that to be wrong.

    This is not to say the build has some important weaknesses
    I have nearly 300 spell power in all forms which either as a pm or an ek I seem to not be able to get past this barrier. I might have 320 force spell power but honestly I want to see this increase higher for more dmg.

    DCS are always a problem if you are not a pure wizard pale master the effective extra 6 or 8 int you get from the final core enhancements plus shroud of the lich and improved shrouding are not achievable in archmage or in ek and thus a hit to dcs is taken.

    Survivabilty vs Increased dmg. As an EK I am usually in unyielding sentinel for the extra prr/mrr extra shield stuff the 10000 hp clickie etc. My spell dmg increases though when im in Shiradi champion obviously. The trade off for spell dmg is survivability.

    Despite these setbacks however I have successfully soloed on EE the Against the Demon Queen part 2 (the raid). I am working on other class combinations to improve the build, but I think with this achievement here that should dispel any and all doubts about the EK tree in its current state as not being viable.

    I dont know about your suggestions for revamping the ek tree but in general I would like to see these changes for wizards/sorcs using the EK tree.

    I would like to see EKS have the ability to gain heavy armor proficiency in 1 enhancement button not 2 like we have currently so it would be simply called armor proficency ap cost 1 gives light armor prof, the next level medium at also ap cost 1 and the third level heavy armor proficency at ap cost 1 so that way you can make a pure wizard and still have heavy armor without consuming feats or multiclassing. Each level would also reduce asf by a % that stacks with racial enhancements and spell agility augments as it does currently.

    I would like to see the improved mage armor increase mrr 10 for light armor 20 for medium armor and 30 for heavy armor in addition to what it does to armor class.

    I would like to see tower shield proficiency be added to the shield proficiency enhancement since currently to my knowledge the only shield that has no asf is the skyvault shield. I would also like to see that having this shield proficiency automatically reduce asf from all types of shields to zero. This way a wizard isn't limited to that shield alone. I would also like to be able to get shield mastery and improved shield mastery as well.

    I agree that the dmg from spell swords should scale better with spell power but also deal force dmg in addition to the spell sword type. So a swing would do melee , force dmg, and spell sword dmg at least equal to the respective spell power. So if I do normally 100 melee dmg and I had 300 spell power in force and in fire it would do 100 melee dmg 300 force and 300 fire dmg for a total of 700 dmg. That would increase the melee dmg quite significantly making the melee dmg even more worth while as opposed to int to dmg alone from harper tree for melee dmg that I currently use.

  6. #26
    Community Member Powerhungry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluemagexp View Post
    The Eldritch Knight enhancements as is is not bad but I agree could be better. As the guild leader of the "Eldritch Knight Riders", I love playing my wizard as an eldritch knight because of its survivability. For the longest time I played Jasonius Goodheart as Pale Master 18 wiz / 2 Rogue until they made the epic belt of thoughtful remembrance. I could not heal fast enough (because of the deathblock absorption of neg energy which eats at how much you heal from death aura and neg energy burst) and that belt has way too many good advantages to pass up to other things. So I determined to rework my character to heal with positive energy and I started as 18 wiz / 2 Rogue human wizard because of lack of hearts of wood at the time. With the advantage of increased heal amp for positive energy / prr and mrr / and the thunderforged swords / rejuvenation cocoon would almost always
    replenish me to full health. This made the build much more enjoyable to play because I hate dying too much.

    Thanks to the advice of fellow guildie Isword I have revamped the build into a 18 wiz 1 cleric 1 rogue sun elf.
    Sun elf gives the advantages of 20 int to start /fey energy tap to replenish sp / and reduces Arcane Spell Failure by 15% which stacks with EK enhancements and a sapphire of Spell Agility 15 which I use to reduce ASF to zero. At level 1 obviously rogue for skill points and trapping abilities level 2 cleric for built in heavy armor proficiency and shield proficency and the ability to use cure light wounds amped with meta magics to self heal while in the heroics. (I use the masters touch spell to give me tower shield proficiency) and 18 wizard. The build can survive well, heal well, and deal decent dmg both in melee and with spells for a nice basic
    well rounded Eldritch Knight build. Send me a tell in the game if you want to know how I do other things with the build. I had read on the forums in the past that was no decent EK build and I think I have proven that to be wrong.

    This is not to say the build has some important weaknesses
    I have nearly 300 spell power in all forms which either as a pm or an ek I seem to not be able to get past this barrier. I might have 320 force spell power but honestly I want to see this increase higher for more dmg.

    DCS are always a problem if you are not a pure wizard pale master the effective extra 6 or 8 int you get from the final core enhancements plus shroud of the lich and improved shrouding are not achievable in archmage or in ek and thus a hit to dcs is taken.

    Survivabilty vs Increased dmg. As an EK I am usually in unyielding sentinel for the extra prr/mrr extra shield stuff the 10000 hp clickie etc. My spell dmg increases though when im in Shiradi champion obviously. The trade off for spell dmg is survivability.

    Despite these setbacks however I have successfully soloed on EE the Against the Demon Queen part 2 (the raid). I am working on other class combinations to improve the build, but I think with this achievement here that should dispel any and all doubts about the EK tree in its current state as not being viable.

    I dont know about your suggestions for revamping the ek tree but in general I would like to see these changes for wizards/sorcs using the EK tree.

    I would like to see EKS have the ability to gain heavy armor proficiency in 1 enhancement button not 2 like we have currently so it would be simply called armor proficency ap cost 1 gives light armor prof, the next level medium at also ap cost 1 and the third level heavy armor proficency at ap cost 1 so that way you can make a pure wizard and still have heavy armor without consuming feats or multiclassing. Each level would also reduce asf by a % that stacks with racial enhancements and spell agility augments as it does currently.

    I would like to see the improved mage armor increase mrr 10 for light armor 20 for medium armor and 30 for heavy armor in addition to what it does to armor class.

    I would like to see tower shield proficiency be added to the shield proficiency enhancement since currently to my knowledge the only shield that has no asf is the skyvault shield. I would also like to see that having this shield proficiency automatically reduce asf from all types of shields to zero. This way a wizard isn't limited to that shield alone. I would also like to be able to get shield mastery and improved shield mastery as well.

    I agree that the dmg from spell swords should scale better with spell power but also deal force dmg in addition to the spell sword type. So a swing would do melee , force dmg, and spell sword dmg at least equal to the respective spell power. So if I do normally 100 melee dmg and I had 300 spell power in force and in fire it would do 100 melee dmg 300 force and 300 fire dmg for a total of 700 dmg. That would increase the melee dmg quite significantly making the melee dmg even more worth while as opposed to int to dmg alone from harper tree for melee dmg that I currently use.
    I had a lot of fun playing my pure 20 EK. I went THF since I had a lot of great axes from previous lives. That build would run in LD and blitz through everything with some of the highest melee DPS I've ever had on a character (side note - I have not run a Barb, Bard or Pally since before their passes so that might make a difference). It was my first build that could solo (at level) more than just Impossible Demands on EE. Everything goes into INT and use the Harper INT-to-damage ability. Eldritch Tempest is your opening CC followed by cleave, great cleave, momentum swing, lay waste. Rinse. Repeat. The cool down on Eldritch Tempest is a little long IMO. Maybe reduce it from 60/45/30 to 45/30/15.
    (Combat): You are hit by your knockdown.

  7. #27
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    I was looking at EK today, it's quite interesting and I think it should be re-worked similarly to the AA rework.

    1. Make the imbues scale with spellpower.
    2. Make ranged versions of the melee attacks.
    3. It needs more doublestrike/doubleshot. 1% per core is ridiculously low.
    4. The stuff that works when you have a shield should apply when you have the shield spell up.
    5. Tenser's Transformation should be "Improved Tensers" (in line with Improved Mage Armor and Improved Shield) and should grant melee/ranged power.
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  8. #28
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    I was looking at EK today, it's quite interesting and I think it should be re-worked similarly to the AA rework.

    1. Make the imbues scale with spellpower.
    2. Make ranged versions of the melee attacks.
    3. It needs more doublestrike/doubleshot. 1% per core is ridiculously low.
    4. The stuff that works when you have a shield should apply when you have the shield spell up.
    5. Tenser's Transformation should be "Improved Tensers" (in line with Improved Mage Armor and Improved Shield) and should grant melee/ranged power.
    Agree with all of that. Plus the cleaves should be a lot cheaper on the SP considering the bang for the buck you get from them.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  9. #29
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dunklezhan View Post
    Agree with all of that. Plus the cleaves should be a lot cheaper on the SP considering the bang for the buck you get from them.
    Yeah. It just doesn't have any coherent organization or good synergy to it as it stands.
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  10. #30
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    Yeah. It just doesn't have any coherent organization or good synergy to it as it stands.
    Well... it has some. It does count for resetting lay waste and momentum swing from Legendary Dreadnaught, along with Cleave and Great Cleave and doesnt' share a cooldown with them. That's certainly valuable (My EK has been playing revels at cap. Done surprisingly well in the L33 instances considering how poorly he fares in true Epic Elite... but its mostly the ED and normal cleaves/great cleaves that does it, I only throw in the EK cleaves when I know there's a shrine coming).

    But in heroic... its really very pricey, and the force + spellsword additional damage is really nothing to write home about. I'd rather have it free but on a cooldown, frankly. Also not a fan of spellswords draining your SP. EK is not good enough to be relying on echoes of power + eldtrich cleave.
    Last edited by dunklezhan; 11-08-2015 at 06:43 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  11. #31
    Community Member bloodnose13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duhboy View Post
    CORE 0: Wizard level 1
    Eldritch Training: Passive: Proficiency with all martial weapons.
    im very much oposed to this, it would mean that every wizard or sorc OR splash of 1 level of such, could get a blanket proficiencies just by spending 1 point in a tree.......... bad idea, if devs do that then i demand that paladin defenders get their **** tower shield proficiency wrapped in a golden ribbon.

    as for what to do instead, only thing that should be given by this tree should be shield and armor proficiencies, weapon proficiency should be requred to be taken as a feat. when makeing a melee out of caster, it should not be considered to be a caster still, both parts melee and caster should form one. but neither should be perfect without other (otherwise we will get another warlock), and i think that tree itself should have enchancements that would augument the spells cast with effects useful for that tree user that would be meleeing, as example, effect: when standing in a self cast cloud spell, you get eldrich advantage, you gain bonus to attack and stacking dodge bonus, on top of all other bonuses granted by cloud spell. thats just one of things that could be done, and those enchacnements could cover spells by type.
    "If you're not having fun, you're doing something wrong."
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  12. #32
    The Mad Multiclasser Failedlegend's Avatar
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    You do realize you can already do that with fighter and that doesnt cost an enhancement point/tree slot, higher BAB etc
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    There is little value in getting into an edition debate; as with anything, we create what we believe works best for DDO.

  13. #33
    Community Member Duhboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bloodnose13 View Post
    im very much oposed to this, it would mean that every wizard or sorc OR splash of 1 level of such, could get a blanket proficiencies just by spending 1 point in a tree.......... bad idea, if devs do that then i demand that paladin defenders get their **** tower shield proficiency wrapped in a golden ribbon.
    As I have said before, in pnp D&D in order to qualify to become a Eldritch Knight you MUST have martial proficiency. Taking proficiency in great swords or whatever in and of itself will not suffice. You have to have complete martial proficiency. That's why all Eldritch Knights in pnp take one level of fighter or paladin to gain this but since turbine made Eldritch Knight as a wizard/sorc PrE, I think it would only be fitting to have martial proficiency as the first core.

  14. #34
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duhboy View Post
    As I have said before, in pnp D&D in order to qualify to become a Eldritch Knight you MUST have martial proficiency. Taking proficiency in great swords or whatever in and of itself will not suffice. You have to have complete martial proficiency. That's why all Eldritch Knights in pnp take one level of fighter or paladin to gain this but since turbine made Eldritch Knight as a wizard/sorc PrE, I think it would only be fitting to have martial proficiency as the first core.
    Whilst I'm one of the biggest advocates of buffing EK, I'm afraid I agree with Bloodnose. We can't lock off a whole PrE tree based on a prerequisite, but nor can we just grant prerequisites that should be there if this was PnP.

    Within DDO's mechanics, I could certainly see you being able to pick a specific martial weapon from a longer list to be proficient in as part of the PrE (e.g. your specialist Knightly weapon), but not till maybe 6 levels of wizard (so 3rd core) - you don't want all wizards to automatically take core one of EK, you want this to be something you invest to get, not something where 1Ap buys you a fighter/paladin/barbarian class feature. Up until about level 6 or 15/20 AP spend seems perfectly reasonable as a limiting factor, before which you make do with what you've taken feats for or get as free feats for being wizard or one of your other classes.

    I too want to see EK get some serious love, especially I'd like to see a pure wizard work well with it whether you pick PM or AM as a secondary tree - but, speaking as a mostly-pure-class player... splashing fighter (or pally on a sorc maybe) is how you should be getting 'every' martial feat. Not a single AP selection as soon as you have a level of wizard.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  15. #35
    Community Member Duhboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dunklezhan View Post
    Whilst I'm one of the biggest advocates of buffing EK, I'm afraid I agree with Bloodnose. We can't lock off a whole PrE tree based on a prerequisite, but nor can we just grant prerequisites that should be there if this was PnP.

    Within DDO's mechanics, I could certainly see you being able to pick a specific martial weapon from a longer list to be proficient in as part of the PrE (e.g. your specialist Knightly weapon), but not till maybe 6 levels of wizard (so 3rd core) - you don't want all wizards to automatically take core one of EK, you want this to be something you invest to get, not something where 1Ap buys you a fighter/paladin/barbarian class feature. Up until about level 6 or 15/20 AP spend seems perfectly reasonable as a limiting factor, before which you make do with what you've taken feats for or get as free feats for being wizard or one of your other classes.

    I too want to see EK get some serious love, especially I'd like to see a pure wizard work well with it whether you pick PM or AM as a secondary tree - but, speaking as a mostly-pure-class player... splashing fighter (or pally on a sorc maybe) is how you should be getting 'every' martial feat. Not a single AP selection as soon as you have a level of wizard.
    A wizard spending 1 AP to get martial proficiency isn't going to break them whatsoever. It's martial proficiency. Given how pnp D&D EK works and turbines presentation of EK in DDO as a wizard/sorc PrE, I don't see any logical reason to NOT have it as the very first core of EK. So, my set-up on it still stands. Thank you.
    Last edited by Duhboy; 11-14-2015 at 09:08 PM.

  16. #36
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    Default Like the ideas here, but...

    Like the idea of this rework, but I think it is a bit too defense-oriented. Also think there should be a way, possibly via Core Abilities (Improved Tenser's in particular) to get some of Spellpower added to Melee power, and the same with Cha/Int. Also like the idea of giving a chain of tfw/thw/swf feats, especially for the feat-starved Sorcs. Would like to see a synergy of spellcasting and melee, rather than turning a spellcaster into a melee, maybe along the lines of Monk (specially spell-like melee attacks), or something like Arcane Warrior. Would like it if Tenser's and Improved Tenser's were either lower in the Core Abilities or somewhere in the tree (probably teir 4/5), so that EKs could multiclass effectively. Would be neat, although a lot like Monk, if a further Core Ability expanded on the spellsword theme, giving a Savant-like transformation (like less cost and/or higher MCL for spells of that element), as well as melee buffs depending on the element (like Prr/Mrr + some healing for earth, dodge + power [maybe stat, or melee/spell] for air, dodge + healing for water, and prr/mee + healing for fire).

  17. #37
    Community Member Duhboy's Avatar
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    Updated: 11/12/18

    *Remove SP drain whenever you hit something while spellsword toggle is active.*

    CORE 0: Wizard/Sorcerer level 1
    Every point spend in the Eldritch Knight tree grants you +0.5 Universal Spell Power.

    Eldritch Training:
    Eldritch Combat Training: Multi-selector
    Two-Handed Fighting
    Single Weapon Fighting
    Shield Mastery
    Two Weapon Fighting

    *Eldritch Strike: +2[w] Melee Cleave Attack: Sheathe your weapon in eldritch energies, striking foes in front of you. If this attack hits, your weapon also releases a blast of magical energy, dealing an additional 1d2 Force Damage per character level to all nearby foes. This additional Force damage is affected by your 100% of your Force Spell Power. (Activation Cost: 5 Spell Points. Cooldown: 5 seconds)
    While Eldritch Imbue is active, your Eldritch Strike deals an additional 1d2 (element) damage per character level. This additional damage is affected by 100% of your (element) spellpower.
    (affected by metamagic feats)

    Proficiency with all MARTIAL weapons.
    SP Cost: 5
    AP Cost: 1

    Core 1: Wizard/Sorcerer level 3
    Eldritch Weapon Imbue:
    Imbue: Fire
    Imbue: Cold
    Imbue: Shock
    Imbue: Acid
    Imbue: Force
    SP Cost: 5

    Toggle: Charge your equipped weapon with magical (element), causing them to deal an additional 1d6 (element) damage on hit. This damage increases to 2d4 at Wizard Level 6, 3d4 at Wizard Level 12, and 4d4 at Wizard Level 18.(affected by 100% spell power)
    While active, your Eldritch Strike deals an additional 1d2 (element) damage per character level. This additional damage is affected by your (element) spellpower.

    +10 Force spell power
    -5% Arcane Spell Failure
    Every point spend in the Eldritch Knight cores, starting with this one grants you 1% double strike.

    CORE 2: Wizard/Sorcerer level 6
    Tenser's Transformation: Toggle: Gain the benefits and penalties of Tenser's Transformation (Activation Cost: 25 Spell Points)
    Tenser's Transformation:
    Causes the caster to become a virtual fighting machine becoming stronger, tougher, faster, and more skilled in combat. You gain a +4 alchemical bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, a +6 alchemical bonus to Armor Class, and proficiency with all simple and martial weapons. Your base attack bonus equals your character level. Your spellcasting ability is reduced, resulting in a -2 penalty to all spell DCs, -2 to your rolls to bypass enemy Spell Resistance, and doubling the cooldown of your spells

    Multi-selector: Improved Eldritch Combat Training
    Two-Handed Fighting
    Single Weapon Fighting
    Improved Shield Bash
    Two Weapon Fighting & Oversized Two Weapon Fighting

    You now use your INT(wiz)/CHA(sorc) to determine DC with your tactical feats like trip, stunning blow, etc.
    +10 Force spell power
    +5 Melee power

    CORE 3: Wizard/Sorcerer level 12
    Multi-selector: Greater Eldritch Combat Training
    Two-Handed Fighting
    Single Weapon Fighting
    Shield Mastery
    Two Weapon Fighting

    *Eldritch Tempest: Activate: Perform a spinning melee attack, dealing weapon damage +5[W] to all nearby enemies and knocking them prone and considered in helpless state for 3 seconds on a failed reflex save. DC 10 + character + INT or STR mod (whichever is higher) + vertigo, etc. (Activation Cost: 20 Spell points. Cooldown: 30 seconds)
    If any foes are struck by Eldritch Tempest, your weapon also releases an explosion of magical force, dealing an additional 2d6 Force damage per character level to all nearby enemies. This additional force damage is affected by 200% of your force spell power.
    (affected by metamagic feats)

    +10 Force spell power
    -5% Arcane Spell Failure

    CORE 4: Wizard/Sorcerer level 18
    Eldritch's Transformation: You no longer suffer from the double cooldown on spells from Tenser's Transformation and gain the following while Tenser toggle is active:

    Equipped main weapons gain +1[w] to main weapon, (+1 critical damage multiplier & threat range (Compentence Bonus))(does not apply to shields)
    +10 Melee power
    +25% Max HP (compentence)

    +10 Force spell power

    CORE 5: Wizard/Sorcerer level 20
    Eldritch Blade: Your Eldritch Strike now grants you a Power Charge. When you have 10 Power Charges, you gain Eldritch Power.

    Eldritch Power: Clickie activation: For 30 seconds you gain a +20 Determination bonus to melee power, +25 Determination bonus to universal spell power. While Eldritch Power is running all of your imbues are applied to your attacks (affected by spell power). On critical hit, applies 2d2 stacks of vulnerability. On vorpal hit, 400 Bane damage (affected by 200% force spell power).

    +4 Con
    +4 Intelligence
    +15 Force spell power
    +10 Melee Power

    +4 Con
    +4 Charisma
    +15 Force spell power
    +10 Melee Power

    TIER 1: Requires Eldritch Training
    Improved Mage Armor: Spell Like Ability: Mage Armor. (Activation Cost: 8/6/4 Spell Points)
    In addition, while you are under the effect of the Mage Armor spell, you gain a +5%/+10%/+15% increase to your total Armor Class.
    AP Cost: 1

    Toughness: +5/+10/+15 maximum Hit Points
    AP Cost: 1

    Arcane Empowerment: Use half your INT(wizard)/Cha(sorc) modifier for extra damage and DC to tactical feats (30 sec/ 1 minute/ 2 minutes)
    AP Cost: 2

    Battlemage: You can use Int(Wizard)/Cha(Sorc) to hit.+
    5 Concentration and Spellcraft.
    AP Cost: 2

    Still Spell: Passive: Your Arcane Spell Failure from equipped armor and shields is reduced by 5%/10%/15%.
    AP Cost: 1

    TIER 2: Requires 5 AP spent
    Improved Shield: Spell Like Ability: Shield (Activation Cost: 8/6/4 Spell points)
    In addition, while you are under the effect of the Shield spell, you gain +3/+6/+10 Physical Resistance Rating.
    AP Cost: 1

    Shield Training: Passive: You gain proficiency with all shields except Tower Shields, and your Arcane Spell Failure chance from equipped shields is reduced by 5%.
    AP Cost: 2

    Light Armor Proficiency: Passive: You gain proficiency in Light Armor, and your total Arcane Spell Failure chance from equipped armor is reduced by 5%.
    AP Cost: 2

    Battlemage: You can use Int(Wizard)/Cha(Sorc) to damage.
    +5 additional Concentration and Spellcraft. (+10)
    AP Cost: 2

    TIER 3: Requires 10 AP spent
    Arcane Barrier: Passive: When your HP drop below 50% of maximum, you are immediately protected by an Arcane Barrier that reduces all incoming damage by 25% for the next 10/15/20 seconds. This effect may only trigger once every 150/120/90 seconds.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 No requirements

    Elemental Resistance: Passive: +2/+4/+6 Resistance to Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire, and Sonic.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 No requirements

    Medium Armor Proficiency: Passive: You gain proficiency in Medium Armor, and your total Arcane Spell Failure chance from equipped armor is reduced by an additional 5%
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 No requirements

    Strength, Dexterity, or Intelligence: Choose one:
    +1 Strength
    +1 Dexterity
    +1 Intelligence
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 No requirements

    TIER 4: Requires 20 AP spent
    Shield Striking: On Hit: +10%/+15%/+20% chance to proc an immediate Shield Bash attack with an equipped shield. +3%/+5%/+10% Combat style bonus to attack speed while a shield is equipped.
    AP Cost: 1

    Heavy Armor Proficiency: Passive: You gain proficiency in Heavy Armor, and your total Arcane Spell Failure chance from equipped armor is reduced by an additional 5%
    AP Cost: 2

    Critical Strike: Passive: +1/+2/+3 to attack rolls to confirm critical hits and Critical Damage
    AP Cost: 1

    Strength, Dexterity, or Intelligence
    AP Cost: 2

    TIER 5: Requires 30 AP spent
    Eldritch Shield: Passive: Every 6 seconds while you are wearing armor and not taking damage, you gain +25 Temporary Hit Points. Every 2 seconds from then you gain +25 Temporary Hit Points for a total pool of +50. If you have epic levels it increases the total pool amount by an additional +25.
    *If you take ANY damage even if it's -1 point of damage you have to wait out the initial 6 seconds again before you can gain any further temporary HP from this effect.*
    *You do not benefit from this ability while unconscious.*
    AP Cost: 2

    Eldritch Armor Mastery: While wearing armor, you gain +5/+10/+15 PRR, MRR, and AC
    AP Cost: 1

    Sealed Life: You are immune to Energy Drain.
    AP Cost: 2

    Eldritch Shield Mastery: Your equipped shield gains +1{w} and +1 to critical threat range and +1 critical multiplier.
    AP Cost: 2

    Doublestrike: Passive: +3%/+5%/+10% Doublestrike.

  18. #38
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2018


    Holy necro batman. It would probably have been better to start a new thread since feedback from 2015 is likely outdated.

    My only wishes for EK is that:
    • Weapon proc damage actually scales to not be junk by L30 (e.g. much more than AA). Perhaps make it crit based on spell crit.
    • That you aren't forced into TWF to capitalize on multiple-procs.

    It could have respectable and cheap (weapon) single target damage, at the cost of some casting efficiency and close combat req.

    Currently it is just a survivability tree for arcanes casting spells. Boosting this too much can be dangerous (c.f. ES Warlocks). Some long cd temp hp somewhere in the arcane trees would be very helpful against 1-shots though.

  19. #39
    Community Member Duhboy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2014


    I didn't feel like making another thread on something that alot of people have already done in the past.

  20. #40
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Duhboy View Post
    Hello everyone, Eldritch Knight since it's introduction into DDO has been utter **** and the only reason why wizards and sorcs use it is to reduce ASF on armor/shields. I like the concept don't get me wrong but I felt that it was poorly executed and since the devs are "revamping" other classes/PrEs that it could shed some ray of hope onto Eldritch Knight. So here I present a basis of a proposed revamp to Eldritch Knight. Thank you.

    ***Updated 11/26/2015***
    CORE 0: Wizard/Sorcerer level 1
    Every point spend in the Eldritch Knight tree grants you +0.5 Universal Spell Power.
    Eldritch Training: Passive: Proficiency with all martial weapons.

    Multi-selector: Eldritch Combat Training
    Two-Handed Fighting
    Single Weapon Fighting
    Shield Mastery
    Two Weapon Fighting

    Eldritch Strike: +2[w] Melee Cleave Attack: Sheathe your weapon in eldritch energies, striking foes in front of you. If this attack hits, your weapon also releases a blast of magical energy, dealing an additional 1d2 Force Damage per character level to all nearby foes. This additional Force damage is affected by your 100% of your Force Spell Power. (Activation Cost: 5 Spell Points. Cooldown: 5 seconds)
    While Eldritch Imbue is active, your Eldritch Strike deals an additional 1d2 (element) damage per character level. This additional damage is affected by 100% of your (element) spellpower.
    SP Cost: 5
    AP Cost: 1

    Core 1: Wizard/Sorcerer level 3
    Eldritch Combat Training -Two Weapon Fighting add on:
    Oversized Two Weapon Fighting (MAYBE?) (You will be granted this feat ONLY if you have taken the Two Weapon Fighting feat from the previous core otherwise you will not be granted this additional feat)

    Eldritch Weapon Imbue:
    Imbue: Fire
    Imbue: Cold
    Imbue: Shock
    Imbue: Acid
    Imbue: Force
    SP Cost: 5

    Toggle: Charge your equipped weapon with magical (element), causing them to deal an additional 1d6 (element) damage on hit. This damage increases to 2d4 at Wizard Level 6, 3d4 at Wizard Level 12, and 4d4 at Wizard Level 18.(affected by 100% spell power)
    While active, your Eldritch Strike deals an additional 1d2 (element) damage per character level. This additional damage is affected by your (element) spellpower.

    +10 Force spell power
    -5% Arcane Spell Failure

    Every point spend in the Eldritch Knight cores, starting with this one grants you 1% double strike.

    CORE 2: Wizard/Sorcerer level 6
    Tenser's Transformation: Toggle: Gain the benefits and penalties of Tenser's Transformation (Activation Cost: 25 Spell Points)

    Multi-selector: Improved Eldritch Combat Training
    Two-Handed Fighting
    Single Weapon Fighting
    Shield Mastery
    Two Weapon Fighting

    +10 Force spell power
    +5 Melee power

    CORE 3: Wizard/Sorcerer level 12
    Multi-selector: Greater Eldritch Combat Training
    Two-Handed Fighting
    Single Weapon Fighting
    Improved Shield Bash
    Two Weapon Fighting

    Eldritch Tempest: Activate: Perform a spinning melee attack, dealing weapon damage +5[W] to all nearby enemies and knocking them prone and considered in helpless state for 3 seconds on a failed reflex save. DC 10 + character level + INT or STR mod (whichever is higher) + vertigo, etc. (Activation Cost: 20 Spell points. Cooldown: 30 seconds)
    If any foes are struck by Eldritch Tempest, your weapon also releases an explosion of magical force, dealing an additional 2d4 Force damage per character level to all nearby enemies. This additional force damage is affected by 200% of your force spell power.

    +10 Force spell power
    -5% Arcane Spell Failure

    CORE 4: Wizard/Sorcerer level 18
    Perfected Tenser's Transformation: You no longer suffer from the penalties from Tenser's Transformation and gain the following while Tenser toggle is active:
    +10% Max HP
    Equipped weapons gain +1 critical damage multiplier
    +5 Melee power

    +10 Force spell power

    CORE 5: Wizard/Sorcerer level 20
    Eldritch Blade: Your Eldritch Strike now grants you a Power Charge. When you have 10 Power Charges, you gain Eldritch Power.

    Eldritch Power: Clickie activation: For 30 seconds you gain 15% melee damage, +25 universal spell power. While Eldritch Power is running all of your imbues are applied to your attacks (affected by spell power). On critical hit, applies 2d2 stacks of vulnerability. On vorpal hit, 400 Bane damage (affected by 100% force spell power).

    +2 Strength
    +2 Intelligence
    +10 Force spell power

    +2 Strength
    +2 Charisma
    +10 Force spell power
    You should really consider adding intelligence to hit and damage somewhere in your tree or else there will be some potential synergy lost between this tree and the Pale Master tree through requiring action point investment into the Harper tree.

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