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  1. #1

    Default Announcing a 2015 Halloween Trivia and Costume Contest!!

    Happy Halloween Sarlona!

    Gingerspyce and the High Lords of Malkier present our 2015 Halloween Trivia and Costume Contest!!

    When: 10pm EST Halloween Night!
    Where: Sarlona Harbor (we will gather at the upper mailbox)
    What: 100 DDO trivia questions for killer prizes!

    This year's event will feature 100 all new trivia questions designed for both newbies and veterans. Lots of questions about low level and free to play content, so casual and new players don't be dissuaded! There will even be a chunk of questions just for pen and paper junkies!

    Special prizes for best costumes at 10pm and 11pm! Costumes will be judged by the High Lords of Malkier. While we don't really have "costumes" in DDO, we'll be looking for creatively dressed individuals!

    Big thanks to my guildies and everyone who has made donations for the games. Special thanks to Firegoddess for donating a hoard that would make an elder dragon swoon!

    We hope to see you there!

    Much love,
    Gingerspyce and the High Lords of Malkier

  2. #2
    Community Manager
    Cordovan's Avatar
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    Nov 2010


    Cool! We'll be supporting this with a few prizes as well, like the Robe of Trivial Knowledge, along with a couple of Turbine Point codes.
    Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
    Follow DDO on: Facebook Twitter YouTube
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  3. #3
    Community Member Bolo_Grubb's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Cool! We'll be supporting this with a few prizes as well, like the Robe of Trivial Knowledge, along with a couple of Turbine Point codes.
    Very Nice, Go Highlords!
    Kill'em all and let their favorite deity sort'em out
    BoloGrubb / DJGrubb / Gijo
    Proud member of the HighLords of Malkier

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Cool! We'll be supporting this with a few prizes as well, like the Robe of Trivial Knowledge, along with a couple of Turbine Point codes.
    Woohoo thanks Cordo!

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Smile 3 huzzahs

    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Cool! We'll be supporting this with a few prizes as well, like the Robe of Trivial Knowledge, along with a couple of Turbine Point codes.
    Good going cordovan. This will definitely bring more interest and more attendance with the chances for those prizes too and thanks to Ginger and the HL's too for choosing to host this
    Main toon-Akajin Other toon/s-Firajin, Skillmonkeyi
    Currently pursuing my lives on Skillmonkeyi(Currently 8th life) and going for Triple/True Completionist but l am always happy to help if you need it as l am also a capped crafter

  6. #6
    Founder & Hero
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    Sounds fun but I will be at Bangore FEST

    Beware the Sleepeater

  7. #7
    Community Manager
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    Good luck tomorrow!
    Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
    Follow DDO on: Facebook Twitter YouTube
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    Hello from Standing Stone Games! Facebook Twitter
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  8. #8
    Community Member Tom116's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nachomammashouse View Post
    Happy Halloween Sarlona!

    Gingerspyce and the High Lords of Malkier present our 2015 Halloween Trivia and Costume Contest!!
    This is great! Love to see community events, even if it isn't on my home server. Nice job for putting this together
    Kestros, Wisdom Wolf
    Leader of The Shadowtouched, Ghallanda
    Member of the Tyrs Fellowship

  9. #9
    Community Member Bolo_Grubb's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    The day is here, good luck all
    Kill'em all and let their favorite deity sort'em out
    BoloGrubb / DJGrubb / Gijo
    Proud member of the HighLords of Malkier

  10. #10

    Default Wow what an amazing turnout!!

    Wow that was such a great turnout!! I had so much fun and the costumes were awesome!! Thank you Cordovan for hanging out with us through both costume contests and for the TP codes, the Robes of Trivial Knowledge and the Wayfinder's Scepters!

    Here's the 10pm turnout...

    And the winners of the 10pm costume contest were...

    Second Runner Up: Nasuadu the witch! Nasuadu won a Wayfinder's Scepter!

    First Runner Up: Contia the Fiery Badass! Contia won a Robe of Trivial Knowledge!

    And the 10pm Winner: Palarel the Spartan! Palarel won a 500TP code!

    Very nicely done!!

    And the 11pm Winners were....

    There was a tie for first and second runners up with the best dressed couple of the evening...

    Klabcm and Yoonbora! Klab and Yoon each won a Robe of Trivial Knowledge!

    And the 11pm Winner is: Szephyre the Dark Lord Warlock!! Szephyre won a 500TP code!

    Way to represent Sarlona guys!!

    There was a 5 win limit on trivia and the big winners were...

    5x winners: Slaid, Revanxxqc, Dmitwit, Dawninja, Ankalla, Peregrynne, Barbarann, Klabcm, Qlai, Tobril, Yoonbora, Punchey, Ragnornn, Torrance, Necromanncer and Yerfy!

    All 5x winners got a bonus Night Revels Key! Great job guys!!

    Honorable mentions go to Jnkljn for 4 wins and Badias and Clydeson for 3 wins!

    Thanks for coming e1 that was just too cool and so much fun!! My next big event will be a Christmas through New Years daily games event!

    Thanks again to all who donated!

    Much love,

  11. #11


    Oh and I wanted to add that there were 2 trivia questions that stumped the group for a bit...

    The first stumper was...

    Q1: Where can you find Charoush the Efreet?

    and the second stumper was...

    Q2: What do you get when you put a Toothpick inside a treasure chest in the middle of your lair?

    And I thought both of these would be easy ones. Scroll down for the answers...

    A1: Prison of Planes.
    A2: Anyone that endlessly farmed Prey back in the day for tempest runes has the answer burned into their memory, which is of course "Dinner and Entertainment" lol

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