Originally Posted by
I don't think you understand what I was doing, I divined by the double shot because I
wanted to see what the average increase to damage per hit is. If you were to turn Arrow of Slaying in to just
+x damage on every attack you make how much would it be?
To figure this out you need to know how many attacks are made in 20 seconds (cooldown time for Arrow of
Slaying) double shot adds attacks so we need to factor those attacks in. To make this really simple lets say
you make 40 attacks in 20 seconds since Arrow of Slaying adds +250 damage to 1 attack you can say that Arrow
of Slaying on average increases you damage per hit by 250/40 = 6.25. Which is what I did and why i divine by
the doubleshot number as well.
It does matter a little bit if the Arrow of Slaying can double shot if it can double shot then I shouldn't say
its only +250 it should be treated as 385 (1.54*250 = 385 since 54% of Arrow of Slaying activations will
double shot). 384/40 = 9.625. Same will apply for Headshot if it can doubleshot.
Does that make more sense as to what I'm doing?
Exacly, that was my statment. If these abilities can proc on Doubleshoots, then correct math for Arrow of
Slaying is just 10 damage and Head Shoot just 6.
But it;s even more inacurate. +250 damage from Arrow of slaying are multiplier by criticals hits. So for
critical threat like 17-20 with x4 multiplier is not +10 more damage but: ((250x4x4)+(250x15)) / 20 = 387,5
average damage per Arrow of Slaying. So correct number is not even 10, but 15,5 (same critics math for other
Overall IMO correct math, should be: (bow is 1d8, with 17-20 x4, RoF: 1,25 arrow per second, Damage bonus:
- Base damage: 53,4 (average damage per hit)
- Moonbow: +3,15 (elemental damage)
- Arrow of Slaying: +15,5 (average damage per hit)
- IEA: +3,3 (elemental damage)
- Runebow: +3,1 (normal damage)
- SUM:+25,05
- SUM TOTAL:78,45
- Side Note: Almost free in SP Arrows of slaying from Moonbow, Some nice effect from IEA, +2 to hit from
Runebow, 7 AP
- Base damage: 53,4 (average damage per hit)
- Extra FA: +3,1 (against FA, normal damage)
- Heavy Draw: +7,75 (normal damage)
- Strikes Like Lightning: 20% doubleshoot (Sum multiplier x 1,2)
- Head Shoot: +9,97 (average damage per hit, normal damage)
- IAF: (moving) +3,7 or (still) 25,9 (average damage from base and T5 abilities, normal damage)
- SUM: (moving) + 29,42 or (still) +56,06
- SUM TOTAL: (moving) 82,82 or (still) 109,46
- Side Note: Additional FA, Draw can be upgraded, +10% doublestrike, Head Strike, +5 Melee Power, 10 AP
- Moonbow: 10 Spell Power: 7d8=~31,5; 31,5x0,1=3,15 (average damage per hit)
- Arrow of Slaying: +250 damage per 20 second: ((250x4x4)+(250x15)) / 20 = 7750 / 387,5 (average damage per
hit). 387,5 / 20 = 19,375; 19,375 / 1,25 = 15,5 (average damage per arrow)
- IEA: 3d10 elemental damage per critical: 33/2=16,5; 16,5x4=66; 66/20=3,3 (average damage per hit)
- Runebow: +2 enhancement: ((2x4x4)+(2x15)) / 20 = 3,1 (average damage per hit)
- Extra FA: +2 damage against FA: ((2x4x4)+(2x15)) / 20 = 62 / 3,1 (average damage per hit)
- Heavy Draw: +5 damage: ((5x4x4)+(5x15)) / 20 = 155 / 20 = 7,753,1 (average damage per hit)
- Strikes Like Lightning: Sum multiplier x 1,2
- Head Shoot: +5[W], autocrit once per 12 second: ((5x4,5x4)+|((((30x4x4)+(30x15))/20)-((30x19x4)/20))|)x(19/20)= (90 + |46,5 - 114|)*(19/20) = (90 + 67,5)*(19/20) = 149,625 (average damage per hit); 149,625 / 12 = 12,47; 12,47 / 1,25 = 9,97 (average damage per arrow)
- IAF: (moving) +5 Ranged Power: (0,05*3,1)+(0,05*7,75)+(0,05*9,97)+(0,05*53,4) = 3,7
- IAF: (still) +35 Ranged Power with Archer Focus: (0,35*3,1)+(0,35*7,75)+(0,35*9,97)+(0,35*53,4) = 25,9
This color: Subject to RoF: With higher RoF, lower additional damage per arrow.
This color: SUbject to RoF and Additional Damage. With higher RoF, lower additional damage per arrow, but more additional base damage means better additional damage per arrow from this ability.
I think the result is obvious. DWS T5 >> AA T5 any time.