I have left over Ottos and no use for them currently. I will entertain trade offers for them, but would need to be impressive offers as I don't ha e an immediate need for much
I have left over Ottos and no use for them currently. I will entertain trade offers for them, but would need to be impressive offers as I don't ha e an immediate need for much
I can trade you TP codes for the otto's. Send me a PM and we can talk. In game name is Guhjeel. ( can send me a mail too)
Hmm... let's see what I have to trade....
Not sure what you're looking for, but I saw your post about being a returning player. Not sure what to offer, as I don't know what classes you play.
Can trade:
Thunderforged Ingots
Fire and Shadow Scales (for Thunderforged Crafting)
ToEE Mushrooms (Temple of Elemental Evil Crafting)
Haunted Halls loot and upgrade stones
Named Augments
Raid Timer Bypasses
Stacks of GH/DW/Resto pots
Various named loot
Or, if you need to farm stuff, can run with you to help pull. Can offer to lead raids you're not familiar with.
Short version is that I want stones/boxes bad and am willing to be your b*tch to get one. Will send PM as well.
~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
~Shipbuff, Sophalia, Northenstar ~
~ Ascent~