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  1. #41
    Community Member der_kluge's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    My longsword-wielding cleric still sucks in the DPS department, but I don't think anything changed there.

    But the ranger in our GH group last night was just killing it. Like, nearly one-shotting a lot of mobs. So, I wouldn't be surprised to see Rangers become the FotM now.
    Brigette; Completionist! || Aoeryn; Wiz20(3rd life).

  2. #42
    Community Member kismetbuy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    After a few beers the nerfs are unnoticeable and I'm still yelling at hirelings and their slow healing.

  3. #43
    Community Member Mithis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Mithis View Post
    I have not been able to play all of my characters yet but so far:

    Barbarian (THF level 13 Pure) is feeling the loss of MRR. Blood Strength is providing less healing of course but the 1s. cooldown is not having that big of an effect at this level.

    Warlock (level 8 Pure) DPS is down but still able to handle quests well...just a bit more kiting required. Didn't have much MRR or PRR to begin with so not feeling the idea how this will play out over time.

    Cleric (SWF +orb level 28 14 clr, 4 ftr, 2 pal) took advantage of Fred and swapped out a good half dozen feats. MRR is down and can feel it but was able to keep loss minimal to PRR through feats and EnH. Lost a few points to saves due to DG change but will likely keep (2) Paladin anyway.

    Yet to be tested:
    Shuriken thrower (level 28)
    Mech. repeater (level 23)
    Pure BF Warlock (level 22)

    Retired and awaiting TR or pass (not due to changes)
    TWF Rogue (level 25)
    Wolf for Druid (level 11)
    Some additional thoughts:

    Pure Barbarian is really struggling without MRR now. He essentially has no magic mitigation now and I have not figured out how to change that at his level. I basically cannot solo any HE with lots of casters whereas I could before.

    Shuriken thrower (12 Monk, 6 Ranger, 2 Ftr; 8 Epic): Had not played this character in a while and between the ranger DWS changes and new 10k stars he is actually better. As a monk base he never had much MRR to begin with so he lost nothing really. Doubleshot gets to ~112% with 10k running now and without the debuff DPS is better in between.

    Pure BF Warlock (level 24 now) is doing well. As a BF the self heals are invaluable. Single target DPS is a bit of a problem but AOE is good. Using Consume and Stricken to build up some vuln. against single targets helps but still lags. If this character was not a BF survivability would be a problem I am sure.

    Mechanic still has not been tested.

    Edit: should point out that none of the 20+ characters are running EE...EH or less.
    Last edited by Mithis; 10-26-2015 at 05:12 PM.

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