great... looks like all worlds are up, except for khyber... *grumbles*
great... looks like all worlds are up, except for khyber... *grumbles*
Community Member
Khyber still down ... applying an "anti-drama" patch to Khyber?
Yep, in and playing.
I can also see everyone is nerfed, the sky is falling, things are currently quiet in the graveyard, NPC's are fighting each other, Fred is feasting on brains for free (I changed feats 5 times in 60 secs), and MRR has a grave in Deleras.
(Not all of the above statements are true)
All of the DDO game worlds are open except for Khyber! We're working on getting Khyber reopened and will let you know.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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How dare they open early!!! This is an outrage!!! I'm going to... huff and puff...
Good job guys!
would really appreciate some info about what is going on with kyber server, did it break or are you all on break.
Did you forget to feed the rats again ? You know they can not produce power in the little wheels with no food? lol Seriously it would be nice to get an update eta on it .
if only one world has not re-opened, it is probably in the realm of 'something unexpected has gone wrong' and giving an ETA on such things is usually not a good idea unless you devise the scotty principle.
update time was 7am to 3pm, now it is after 3, just because it is only 1 server the people that play on that server would still like to know what is going on.
I have been in IT for 20 years; it boggles my mind that the server that has the most usage is the one brought up last. I don't particularly care, but methinks they cut their own throats sometimes with the patch mismanagement. Also, since 900% of the players are U.S.-based, why are the patches not done overnight? Players are on in the mornings and late afternoon-evening. If it takes 8 hours, roll it out from 1 AM. to 9 AM; that gives you a whole team in the office in case of problems as opposed to having them stay late.
It's not rocket surgery.
As an addendum, customer service is the #1 priority, and keeping customers informed is the proper way to do it. Even if you tell them every 15 minutes that it is being worked on, it has been my experience that customers are usually OK with waiting. They just want to know what is going on, especially the people for whom this game is digital crack.
Last edited by deadlord43; 10-22-2015 at 03:23 PM.
patch timing has been discussed ad absurdum in pretty much every update thread and all over the forums, so I really do not want to go into the obvious reasons why they do it the way they do (like not having to call in people for a nightshift, for example, but having the whole staff present and at hand in case stuff goes wrong..)
I guess the 900% is a typo and means 90%, and even there I am curious what that number is supposed to be based on. I for one am rather sure there is a lot more than 10% players in europe, oceania, and so on.
if all servers was still down I know there would be some message about what was going on. 30 minutes after the down time all we want is to know some thing, even though it is just 1 world.