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  1. #1
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    Default Deathwyrm - red light / green light bug still present

    Seriously, after all this time, the bug is still there on red / green light rooms in Temple of the Deathwyrm?

    Having suffered in there previously, I stepped in with a Pale Lavender Ioun stone equipped and watched helplessly as the charges were slowly depleted. I was a little slow in switching to my EE Jewelled Cloak and died. After resurrecting with help from a guildie, we continued. I was able to determine that if I didn't attack, then the rate of depletion was significantly slower (but not zero). So it appears to be something with the full attack sequence.

    At this point, I'd usually just give up and tell someone to carry my stone through the rest of it. However, as the main melee DPS in the group of 3 (yes, 3 - raid seems unpopular and myself and 2 guildies started the raid with an open LFM hoping to pick more up later), I was very much need.

    Of course, we'd forgotten that you need 4 toons to progress here.... and we were only 3. Luckily an idle toon I had pinged decided to join us out of sympathy and entered to stand on the last tile to exit that cursed place. The other room available was the gravity room, and I understand you need 5 toons there, so no joy (tower was closed). All went well from there (except when I fell trying to drop the battle ragers in the end fight and died in red / green light again and had to be retrieved by the bard) and we completed with 4 (well, 5 if you count the piker who joined after we locked).

    My build was a Paladin based PDK (Epic Completionist and one TR) in SWF style (pick and orb).

  2. #2
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    I've heard other people talk about this bug, and seen in it group, but only experienced it myself for the first time recently.

    It didn't kill my character, but by the time we got through the area I had exhausted all but a couple charges on my cloak (25) ioun stone (50) and magestar (10). None of it was due to moving at the wrong time or having caster aggro.

    It would be nice if this were fixed. Like a bunch of other long-standing bugs really. Though I suspect what will happen instead is a nerf of spell absorbtion items.


  3. #3
    Ultimate Lord of Shadows Dreppo's Avatar
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    This might be kinda spoilerish, but have you tried standing still during red light? And there's a yellow light to warn you that red will hit soon. You should be able to make it through without any spell absorption whatsoever.

  4. #4
    Community Member vryxnr's Avatar
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    Default Confused

    So... what's the bug? The red light causing instant death if you move when it's red is how it's supposed to be I thought... and that spell absorption gear could delay the instant death by absorbing it... so that still sounds like it's working as intended.

  5. #5
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    Default ...while standing dead still

    Thanks for the replies.

    Just to clarify (for vryxnr), I was standing still when losing charges from disintegrate. I've got about 90 completions on this raid and probably run the tower two-thirds of the time and red/green light otherwise (have never run through gravity room). So yes, I'm quite familiar with the raid and how it operates.

    This bug never used to be a problem for me - stop moving when red and still attack. But I know the same issue also happens with Bladeforged so I suspect that it is related to Iconic races in some

    I even took to standing still as soon as the amber light came on in case there was some lag causing the issue. Didn't change anything.

    My main observation was that attacking (while standing still) significantly accelerated the depletion of spell absorption charges.

    Was running in Fury of the Wild ED, but doubt that contributed.

  6. #6
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreppo View Post
    This might be kinda spoilerish, but have you tried standing still during red light? And there's a yellow light to warn you that red will hit soon. You should be able to make it through without any spell absorption whatsoever.
    Quote Originally Posted by vryxnr View Post
    So... what's the bug? The red light causing instant death if you move when it's red is how it's supposed to be I thought... and that spell absorption gear could delay the instant death by absorbing it... so that still sounds like it's working as intended.
    I have physically held both hands up in the air when the light turned yellow and still died when it turned red. I haven't figured out what causes the bug, but it seem more likely to happen to my paladin.

  7. #7


    Never experienced it personally, but have seen others that had that problem.

    More information on build, fighting style (THF, TWF, etc.), destiny, race might be useful. For example there used to be a bug where your character physically moved in the attack sequence when fighting with sword and board and you were playing a human. That was fixed in u21, but it might be something similar?

    My other guess would be bad latency, as in desynchronisation of your actual position on the client and server side, which need a bit to long to determine your actual position, which ends up in you still getting moved on the server side, even though on your client it appears to you that you are standing still.

    This is something you also probably experience outside of deathwyrm from time to time, but in other quests it simply has no consequences.

    However, my best tip would be: learn the gravity room.
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  8. #8
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    I have died in this portion of the raid due to lag, and even mysteriously (later in the puzzle), so I think most of it is lag related.

    However if it happens when stand swinging, it may be related to hops when swinging. IIRC bladeforged do that, and should be getting a fix. Same with pali cleaves. Try abstaining from those.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    More information on build, fighting style (THF, TWF, etc.), destiny, race might be useful. For example there used to be a bug where your character physically moved in the attack sequence when fighting with sword and board and you were playing a human. That was fixed in u21, but it might be something similar?

    My other guess would be bad latency, as in desynchronisation of your actual position on the client and server side, which need a bit to long to determine your actual position, which ends up in you still getting moved on the server side, even though on your client it appears to you that you are standing still.
    Heaps of build info up further in the thread :-)

    I do like your desynchronisation theory. I also suspect that the full attack sequence includes an unintended hop.

    So I was off timer last night and convinced 4 guildies to join me in Deathwyrm. Again the choices were gravity room or incandescent halls (red/green light). And no, I refuse to learn gravity room!! :-)

    My PLIS was depleting very quickly, so I started experimenting in a vain hope of finding a solution. The most effective solution (but not 100%) was to switch off the Aura of Purification from Divine Crusader ED. I survived the room; running through much of it with either 1 or zero charges on my PLIS.

  10. #10
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nhennan View Post
    Heaps of build info up further in the thread :-)

    I do like your desynchronisation theory. I also suspect that the full attack sequence includes an unintended hop.

    So I was off timer last night and convinced 4 guildies to join me in Deathwyrm. Again the choices were gravity room or incandescent halls (red/green light). And no, I refuse to learn gravity room!! :-)

    My PLIS was depleting very quickly, so I started experimenting in a vain hope of finding a solution. The most effective solution (but not 100%) was to switch off the Aura of Purification from Divine Crusader ED. I survived the room; running through much of it with either 1 or zero charges on my PLIS.
    I would just stand there, and not attack with no aura's or any toggles on of any kind. Then try turning them on one by one.

    Maybe compare autoattack vs holding down the mouse button? Or maybe it's the cleave animation? Guess we should compare just holding down attack vs spamming tacticals...

    IIRC, it was the combo of human with pala that had the hop? What are your race models?
    Last edited by Mindos; 10-20-2015 at 07:06 PM.

  11. #11
    Community Member Eryhn's Avatar
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    I have seen on a recent run how a party member died, seen his ghost stand still as a statue, get raise, still stand still like a statue but die again immediately after the raise as the color changed again a second or so after he was raised. this happened several times in a row to that one person. the overall conditions were slightly sluggish but not rly highly laggy, other people died a few times, too but if so due to moving or slight lag, it felt like normal occurence in comparison. 2/3rds of the group got through just fine. the person in question was an experienced player, I honestly do not think he moved at the wrong time and it occured a bit too often to be solely attributed to lag. if memory serves right he was on a pure barbarian 2hf build. on many occasions him dying was not at a moment where he was swinging weapon.

    i cannot say I ever experienced the issue myself, but that one occasion i witnessed was defo very very weird...
    Last edited by Eryhn; 10-20-2015 at 07:46 PM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mindos View Post
    I would just stand there, and not attack with no aura's or any toggles on of any kind. Then try turning them on one by one.

    Maybe compare autoattack vs holding down the mouse button? Or maybe it's the cleave animation? Guess we should compare just holding down attack vs spamming tacticals...

    IIRC, it was the combo of human with pala that had the hop? What are your race models?
    Again, PDK Pal15/FvS4/Ftr1 running SWF (pick/orb), epic completionist and running in Divine Crusader ED.

    Mmmm, which reminds me, I was in Fury of the Wild the first time through, and yet switching off DC's Aura of Purification helped.....

    I do have a cleave attack from the Knight of the Chalice tree that I use.... possibly that also contributes.

    Quite frustrating to sit there and let bone ragers and helmed horrors beat on you during amber/red light just so I can avoid the disintegrate. I just spam consecration at that point and wait.

  13. #13
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    The casters in red green light will drain your spell absorb items.

    Aside from that I've seen people afk die in red light green light so there is definitely a bug.

    I believe the bug is that if someone moves, all the people near that person get hit for one charge even if they don't move. Bottom line is figure out who is doing it and don't raise that person - just carry their stone.

    This bug didn't exist when the quest was new, but was introduced at a later date. I've never had it happen so much that I run out of charges, but yeah the caster will drain your item fast if you do'nt swap it off.
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  14. #14
    Community Member FestusHood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eryhn View Post
    I have seen on a recent run how a party member died, seen his ghost stand still as a statue, get raise, still stand still like a statue but die again immediately after the raise as the color changed again a second or so after he was raised. this happened several times in a row to that one person. the overall conditions were slightly sluggish but not rly highly laggy, other people died a few times, too but if so due to moving or slight lag, it felt like normal occurence in comparison. 2/3rds of the group got through just fine. the person in question was an experienced player, I honestly do not think he moved at the wrong time and it occured a bit too often to be solely attributed to lag. if memory serves right he was on a pure barbarian 2hf build. on many occasions him dying was not at a moment where he was swinging weapon.

    i cannot say I ever experienced the issue myself, but that one occasion i witnessed was defo very very weird...
    I think i know the guy you are talking about and he can't be trusted.

    I personally have only gone through that room two times. Last time on a pure thf barb, and previously on my mostly paladin. Both times i died multiple times when i absolutely was not fighting or moving. My hands had not even touched any controls since the last time the light had changed. Want to mention that when i ran through the area later after falling while trying to drop the boneheads, i had no issues. It never occurred to me that a spell absorption item would help, i will have to try that. Yes, in my case there was not a hint of lag present on my client, it absolutely was not that.

  15. #15
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    The buttons in both gravity and red/green require a friendly, "living" body to step on them. Artie dogs, PM skeletons, and Druid pups all count. Six buttons are required for gravity and four for red/green. In parties I lead, there is an audible party-wide groan when combat is not available. I would always choose gravity and lead people singly, by the hand, to each required button if I could reliably get a party together that doesn't just "take initiative" and wander and get lost.

    From my experience in there, it's not cleaving, it's not other people in the party moving, it's not auras. I was frustrated at this puzzle because I'm still farming out phlogs on characters. I made a video of it on my Sorc (after the rest of the raid recalled, so no cleaves, solo, no other party members, no auras) and posted it on the council forums back in June.

    Here's the entirety of my report:

    The lagwipes seem to have been fixed, but an extremely common complaint is that the red-green puzzle doesn't work. I.e., people die whether they move or not. I've been trying to catch it happening after Deathwyrm runs and haven't been successful until today.

    At 0:05, I do a /loc and then I don't move at all for the remainder. At 0:06, it cycles to red. At 0:14, it cycles to green. At 0:16, I start turning, but do not move--this is allowed by the rules. At 0:30, I bite the dust. A subsequent /loc shows I haven't budged except for the angle.

    Sorry for the terrible video quality; my system isn't top-line. Here's a screenshot after death. Notice that, weirdly, there is nothing in party chat saying that I've died.

    So how is this implemented in practice? How can I be not moving at all over a number of cycles of the lights and then suddenly die without moving? I've been in many parties where people (including me) have had their hands completely off their keyboards and mice, with the puzzle cleared of monsters, yet we'll die when the red light comes on.
    So here we are in October, and the thread is marked as 29 reads. The video had four views prior to my just checking again just now, which I purposely left as unlisted on YouTube. At least one is mine, to verify it was working properly, and I assume the one response I got from a fellow councillor accounts for an additional view. So two--or fewer--developer views on the video documenting this issue, and no commentary at all.

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  16. #16
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    I was positive that I had seen threads raised on this previously, but I searched to no avail before posting.

    And yes, someone mentioned that the raid didn't used to have this bug. But it definitely exists now and has done for a few updates.

    Farming phlogs is not much fun, and I'll be taking the 10 phlogs as my 20th completion reward. (I already have all the items I think I need from the raid).

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