Seriously, after all this time, the bug is still there on red / green light rooms in Temple of the Deathwyrm?
Having suffered in there previously, I stepped in with a Pale Lavender Ioun stone equipped and watched helplessly as the charges were slowly depleted. I was a little slow in switching to my EE Jewelled Cloak and died. After resurrecting with help from a guildie, we continued. I was able to determine that if I didn't attack, then the rate of depletion was significantly slower (but not zero). So it appears to be something with the full attack sequence.
At this point, I'd usually just give up and tell someone to carry my stone through the rest of it. However, as the main melee DPS in the group of 3 (yes, 3 - raid seems unpopular and myself and 2 guildies started the raid with an open LFM hoping to pick more up later), I was very much need.
Of course, we'd forgotten that you need 4 toons to progress here.... and we were only 3. Luckily an idle toon I had pinged decided to join us out of sympathy and entered to stand on the last tile to exit that cursed place. The other room available was the gravity room, and I understand you need 5 toons there, so no joy (tower was closed). All went well from there (except when I fell trying to drop the battle ragers in the end fight and died in red / green light again and had to be retrieved by the bard) and we completed with 4 (well, 5 if you count the piker who joined after we locked).
My build was a Paladin based PDK (Epic Completionist and one TR) in SWF style (pick and orb).