Originally Posted by
Yeah word. I know the math show less missiles over time, but what I don't know if shows is actual total damage. As with throwers, the number of missiles is one variable (both from extra proc chances * actual rate of fire). With a lower total number of missiles you will get less proc/on hit effects, but that can be rapidly made up for by the other multiple in the DPS equation: Physical damage. If the Ranged power during Manyshot is raised enough, it will outpace the lost on hit and %proc effects you lose. And for the vast majority of on hit and %proc effects physical damage can outscale those values pretty quickly. It's why for a thrower, LD is better than Shadowdancer (SD gives SA dice, more RP in the cores, and 5% Vuln proc).
The one real exception to this rule is Mortal Fear against things susceptible to it's most powerful effect. On EE where mobs regularly have 10k+ HP, a vorpal proc is anywhere from 5000-8000 damage with Mortal Fear. That's 250-400 damage per hit. Against trash, you would have to have 200 additional Ranged Power to equivocate. So, versus Red/Purple named, you might actually come out ahead (for full time bow users).
For your hybrid build, its definitely a knock, no matter what. It's like Manyshot was originally designed to be a hybrid characters dream: Use off cooldown for big ranged damage, penalize doubleshot (or not before Doubleshot existed), to switch back to melee. Now they have decided since there is Doubleshot and 10k to just make it be a full time archers ability. The same is happening with 10k stars, which was never meant to only fully benefit pure class Monks. It was just a way to throw extra stars sometimes, rewarding you for high Wisdom. Now it is being adapted to benefit heavy Monk splash full time bow users. Whatever.