Last edited by Tilomere; 12-13-2015 at 06:05 PM.
In last Lammania build it was broken. Critical rage did not show on weapon tooltip nor did it expand crit range on my wolf druid.
For the DPS, I tested TWF/Shield mastery for barbarian5/druid15 and SWF/TWF ranger5/druid15, getting following results:
Barb5/druid15 bossdps
395sec (1265dps) generic +11 weapon/DC
285sec (1754dps) TF3 club/DC
231sec (2164dps) TF3 club/LD
Rgr5/druid15 bossdps
158sec (3164dps) TF3 club/LD
203sec (2463dps) TF3 club/DC
Not very flattering at all, even if the level split is stupid dumb.