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  1. #301


    Quote Originally Posted by Kolbathin View Post
    Any update to this build with Sharn gear?

    Used to play it alot back in the days and thinking of reviving it. So wondering what it looks like now with Sharn gear, ac/prr/mrr/dodge ect ect.
    I am still playing Voodu and updating this post. The gear shown in the OP is still what I am using. Haven't tried to work in Sharn gear. Haven't made it a priority to try to change my endgame gear because I've been on the racial past life train, but I'm at cap atm and will prob stay there til after Night Revels.

  2. #302
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    So we can expect a sharn gear update soon then?
    Krag says: Clerics are better then FvS because they have Domains, Divine Metamagic, can carry a ton of useful spells and meet prestige requirements 1 level earlier.

    Oh, wait... that was some other game.

  3. #303
    Founder Rydlic's Avatar
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    I just did my first Reincarnation since they made the changes to earning Reaper Exp with this build, and wow. It was much easier at lower levels for a much better pay out, but at lvl 12 it was a literal walk in the park. Many of the quests I never healed myself, unless there was a reaper gang jump like the time 5 Famine Reapers appeared at once . I was used to getting meh levels as due to my schedule I solo'ed mostly, but wow it was nice getting 2-4x what I used to get.

    I have to agree, the blast may be a better way focusing on instant kills and control but can't beat the ability to just walk through the quest not taking damage.
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  4. #304
    Community Member xBunny's Avatar
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    Default Shield ASF on Burst/Blasts

    Just found out Spirit Blast and Eldritch Burst are affected by ASF, though it is not shown on tooltip, unlike it is on spells. Prevents from using heavy shields on heroics. Running with Warsword Shield instead of epic looking Breaker of Bodies. Like build though.
    Arcane Casting Dexterity augment not easy to get, would be good if there would be some kind of Shield ASF Enchantment like Eldritch Knight have.
    Last edited by xBunny; 01-10-2020 at 04:21 PM.

  5. #305


    Quote Originally Posted by xBunny View Post
    Just found out Spirit Blast and Eldritch Burst are affected by ASF, though it is now shown on tooltip, unlike it is on spells. Prevents from using heavy shields on heroics. Running with Warsword Shield instead of epic looking Breaker of Bodies. Like build though.
    Arcane Casting Dexterity augment not easy to get, would be good if there would be some kind of Shield ASF Enchantment like Eldritch Knight have.
    Hi xBunny, I'm glad you're liking the build, ty for saying. I have a section in the op discussing ASF on a warlock. Copy and pasting here for convenience. Hope this helps


    I'm adding a special section for shields because one of the most frequent questions I get is about which shields to use and how to overcome arcane spell failure while using a shield on a warlock. At low levels, I personally like to use a small mithral shield blank to craft on. Mithral shields are no longer on the main loot tables, but can still drop as end rewards from some older quests and chains like waterworks, Red Fens, Sharn Syndicate and I believe some others. A small mithral shield will have no ASF. You can also use a large mithral shield, which will have 5% ASF that can be overcome crafting a Lesser Arcane Spell Dexterity item using Cannith Crafting. Lesser Arcane Spell Dexterity affects ASF from any source, regardless of the item that its crafted onto.

    By the time you reach mid to upper heroic levels, you can use shields like Fanion and Skyvault Shield, which have zero ASF. You can also use a Sapphire of Spell Agility augment at levels 12/16/20 to overcome 5%/10%/15% ASF. A typical large shield has 15% ASF so by the time you reach level 20 you can use a Sapphire of Spell Agility +15 to overcome the ASF of any large shield, as I do with an Epic Shield of Tireless Aid at level 28 and Legendary Crystalline Ward at level 29. You can purchase a Sapphire of Spell Agility +15 from Lahar, the epic vendor in The Twelve for 20 Tokens of the Twelve. Epic Skyvault Shield is also a nice choice for mid epic levels. Some people like to use Skyvault at endgame, however be aware that it has a max dex/dodge bonus of 4. For more about arcane spell failure, see the DDO wiki article here.
    Last edited by Nachomammashouse; 01-10-2020 at 03:59 PM.

  6. #306
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    Default u43 Gearing

    Quote Originally Posted by Nachomammashouse View Post
    I am still playing Voodu and updating this post. The gear shown in the OP is still what I am using. Haven't tried to work in Sharn gear. Haven't made it a priority to try to change my endgame gear because I've been on the racial past life train, but I'm at cap atm and will prob stay there til after Night Revels.
    Hi Nachomammashouse,

    I've been using your Voodu build on one of my alts for quite some time and want to contribute to this great thread. Here's the u43 gearing that I've put together for my Voodu build. I'm spelling this gearing out a bit more than usual:

    When leveling, I choose Charisma for all levelups (this in order to up my intimidate skill). I could have instead focused on Constitution for more Hit Points. My intimidate is at 135.6 without any GH nor pots, sitting in the marketplace.

    Focus on this gear was to max out: Armor Class, PRR, MRR, Resistance, Spell Power (this character specifically needs Radiance, resonance, positive), Charisma (to boost intimidate), Constitution, Intimidate, balance, spell resistance, spell saves.

    I choose my minor artifact to boost my intimidate by another 11.

    What I wanted but did not fit in:

    Legendary Green Steel gear. I'd like one piece that would give a stacking boost for my intimidate. I'd also like another 2 or 3 or 4 pieces that would give me a huge % increase to hit points. The drawback to those items is the lack of needed effects or stats or spellpower that I also need/want. So I've decided against them. My standing HP's sitting in the marketplace with a lasting elixir of supreme ability and tenser's = 2650, and 3343 with Shining Through

    Heavy Armor. This would require a feat, and I felt other feats more important. I may change my mind.

    Armor = Legendary Blessed Vestments = Roll Call, End Chest
    +15 Enhancement Bonus, Fortification +214%, Physical Sheltering +54, Competence Healing Amplification +85, Hit Points +81, Empty Green Augment Slot, Legendary Flamecleansed Fury set

    Cloak = Legendary Hallowed Trail = House of Pain, End Chest
    Radiance +214, Radiance Lore +31%, Evocation Focus +9, Quality Spell Penetration +3, Empty Blue Augment Slot, Legendary Flamecleansed Fury set

    Bracers = Legendary Hallowed Castigators = Blown Deadline, End Chest
    Devotion +214, Healing Lore +31%, Insightful Sheltering +27, Efficient Metamagic - Empower Healing II, Empty Green Augment Slot, Legendary Flamecleansed Fury set

    Ring = Stolen Signet of ir'Wynarn = Minor Artifact
    Charisma +22, Exceptional Alluring Skills Bonus +11, Quality Potency +41, Electric Absorption 53%, Empty Blue & Green & Yellow Augment Slots

    Ring = The Legendary Shattered Onyx = Reach for the Sky, End chest
    Nearly Finished (unlock additional powers) - add Insightful Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma +10, Profane Spell Focus II, Insightful Resistance +8, Insightful Dodge +10%, Empty Blue Augment Slot

    Legendary Skin-tight Gloves = The Offshore Account, End Chest
    Protection +17, Vitality +72, Spell Resistance +47, Quality Physical Sheltering +13, Empty Blue Augment Slot

    Helm = Legendary Standard Issue Faceplate = Just Business, End Chest
    Incite +62, Intimidate +22, Insightful Physical Sheltering +26, Natural Armor +21, Empty Blue Augment Slot?

    Necklace = Legendary Standard Issue Sigil = No Refunds, End chest
    Magical Sheltering +54, Protection +17, Spell Save +17, Parrying +10, Empty Green Augment Slot

    Belt = Slavers Crafting
    Wisdom +17, Resistance +14, Spell Focus Mastery +6, Quality Intimidate +5, Empty Blue Augment Slot

    Trinket = Slavers Crafting
    Strength +17, Sonic Spell Lore +27%, Balance +20, Quality Constitution +4?, Empty Yellow Autment Slot

    Boots = Legendary Sunken Slippers = Members Only, End chest
    Nearly Finished (Quality Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma +5), Lesser Displacement, Insightful Potency +77, Quality Potency +38, Yellow Augment Slot

    Goggles = Legendary Collective Sight = Blown Deadline, End Chest
    Nearly Finished: any stat (Constitution +21), Almost There: any insightful stat (Constitution +10), Quality Resistance +4, Temperance of Belief, Empty Blue Augment Slot

    Shield = Cannith Crafted
    Resonance +159, False Life +57 (I'm unsure if this stacks with the armor "Hit Points +81"...and it does not), Insightful Intimidate +11

    Weapon = Morninglords Scepter
    +15 Enhancement Bonus, Insightful Potency +72, Spellcraft +22, Insightful Spellcraft +11, Empty Red Augment Slot

    Weapon Option 2 = Legendary Green Steel (half-created but not using nor pursuing due to no sentient gem for filigree slotting)
    Tier1, +30 Healing Amplification (Enhancement)
    Tier2, +50 Healing Amplification (Equipment)
    Tier3, +37 Positive Spell Power (Exceptional)
    Legendary Affirmation = Attacks and offensive spells have a small % chance to grant 1,000 temporary HP on attack. This has a one minute cooldown.
    Animal Growth = (Animal, Magic Beast, Vermin only) +4 Strength (Size), +4 Constitution (Size), -2 Dexterity
    Last edited by Kamode_Corebasher; 01-12-2020 at 11:39 PM.

  7. #307
    Community Member mr420247's Avatar
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    My alts are similar 17lock3pally bf went with a dif option

    The sharn tank set n a ravenloft mist set for max bonuses

    That gets you around 290-330 prr and 175 heal amp with the lost at sea bracers
    Damonz Cannith

  8. #308
    Mmm... purple!
    PurpleTimb's Avatar
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    Good breakdown on your gearing. I find it very helpful that you list your goals first instead of just giving the laundry list of what you think is best.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kamode_Corebasher View Post
    What I wanted but did not fit in:


    Heavy Armor. This would require a feat, and I felt other feats more important. I may change my mind.
    In my opinion getting rid of the Arcane Spell Failure from heavy armor is too problematic to make it worth taking the feat. With all the other defensive abilities this build has, sticking with medium armor never felt like an issue to me.

  9. #309
    Community Member xBunny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nachomammashouse View Post
    Hi xBunny, I'm glad you're liking the build, ty for saying. I have a section in the op discussing ASF on a warlock. Copy and pasting here for convenience. Hope this helps
    Hey. Thanks for response. Missed this part somehow, sorry.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nachomammashouse View Post
    This build, as many ES builds, is not a spell DC-dependent build. Most of an an Enlightened Spirit's burst damage is not save-based. The only portion of the burst damage that is DC-based is the pact damage, which is not the primary damage and is save for half
    Also I am at lvl 17 atm, and start getting Reflex Saves from mobs frequently when bursting. Is it okay for current level or I should struggle to max mine DCs? See that most damage goes from pact atm.

  10. #310
    Community Member Dulcimerist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xBunny View Post
    Also I am at lvl 17 atm, and start getting Reflex Saves from mobs frequently when bursting. Is it okay for current level or I should struggle to max mine DCs? See that most damage goes from pact atm.
    I used Cannith Crafting to make goggles with Evocation, Insightful Evocation, and Insightful Spell Pen; and have versions of this for level 10 and level 23. At level 17, see if you can find a place to slot a Topaz of Evocation - the DC augments stack with all other sources of DC. Since this build uses Fey for sonic damage, I stick the Evocation augment in my Dashing Gloves. Just this boost and wearing items to boost my charisma have been sufficient.

    I tacked Conjuration on something else I crafted, just to boost Tentacle holds in epics, but didn't bother with Conjuration in heroics.
    "Swords will cut you wide open!" - Trip Fisk

  11. #311


    Quote Originally Posted by Kamode_Corebasher View Post
    Hi Nachomammashouse,

    I've been using your Voodu build on one of my alts for quite some time and want to contribute to this great thread. Here's the u43 gearing that I've put together for my Voodu build. I'm spelling this gearing out a bit more than usual:

    When leveling, I choose Charisma for all levelups (this in order to up my intimidate skill). I could have instead focused on Constitution for more Hit Points. My intimidate is at 135.6 without any GH nor pots, sitting in the marketplace.

    Focus on this gear was to max out: Armor Class, PRR, MRR, Resistance, Spell Power (this character specifically needs Radiance, resonance, positive), Charisma (to boost intimidate), Constitution, Intimidate, balance, spell resistance, spell saves.

    I choose my minor artifact to boost my intimidate by another 11.

    What I wanted but did not fit in:

    Legendary Green Steel gear. I'd like one piece that would give a stacking boost for my intimidate. I'd also like another 2 or 3 or 4 pieces that would give me a huge % increase to hit points. The drawback to those items is the lack of needed effects or stats or spellpower that I also need/want. So I've decided against them. My standing HP's sitting in the marketplace with a lasting elixir of supreme ability and tenser's = 2650, and 3343 with Shining Through

    Heavy Armor. This would require a feat, and I felt other feats more important. I may change my mind.

    Armor = Legendary Blessed Vestments = Roll Call, End Chest
    +15 Enhancement Bonus, Fortification +214%, Physical Sheltering +54, Competence Healing Amplification +85, Hit Points +81, Empty Green Augment Slot, Legendary Flamecleansed Fury set

    Cloak = Legendary Hallowed Trail = House of Pain, End Chest
    Radiance +214, Radiance Lore +31%, Evocation Focus +9, Quality Spell Penetration +3, Empty Blue Augment Slot, Legendary Flamecleansed Fury set

    Bracers = Legendary Hallowed Castigators = Blown Deadline, End Chest
    Devotion +214, Healing Lore +31%, Insightful Sheltering +27, Efficient Metamagic - Empower Healing II, Empty Green Augment Slot, Legendary Flamecleansed Fury set

    Ring = Stolen Signet of ir'Wynarn = Minor Artifact
    Charisma +22, Exceptional Alluring Skills Bonus +11, Quality Potency +41, Electric Absorption 53%, Empty Blue & Green & Yellow Augment Slots

    Ring = The Legendary Shattered Onyx = Reach for the Sky, End chest
    Nearly Finished (unlock additional powers) - add Insightful Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma +10, Profane Spell Focus II, Insightful Resistance +8, Insightful Dodge +10%, Empty Blue Augment Slot

    Legendary Skin-tight Gloves = The Offshore Account, End Chest
    Protection +17, Vitality +72, Spell Resistance +47, Quality Physical Sheltering +13, Empty Blue Augment Slot

    Helm = Legendary Standard Issue Faceplate = Just Business, End Chest
    Incite +62, Intimidate +22, Insightful Physical Sheltering +26, Natural Armor +21, Empty Blue Augment Slot?

    Necklace = Legendary Standard Issue Sigil = No Refunds, End chest
    Magical Sheltering +54, Protection +17, Spell Save +17, Parrying +10, Empty Green Augment Slot

    Belt = Slavers Crafting
    Wisdom +17, Resistance +14, Spell Focus Mastery +6, Quality Intimidate +5, Empty Blue Augment Slot

    Trinket = Slavers Crafting
    Strength +17, Sonic Spell Lore +27%, Balance +20, Quality Constitution +4?, Empty Yellow Autment Slot

    Boots = Legendary Sunken Slippers = Members Only, End chest
    Nearly Finished (Quality Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma +5), Lesser Displacement, Insightful Potency +77, Quality Potency +38, Yellow Augment Slot

    Goggles = Legendary Collective Sight = Blown Deadline, End Chest
    Nearly Finished: any stat (Constitution +21), Almost There: any insightful stat (Constitution +10), Quality Resistance +4, Temperance of Belief, Empty Blue Augment Slot

    Shield = Cannith Crafted
    Resonance +159, False Life +57 (I'm unsure if this stacks with the armor "Hit Points +81"...and it does not), Insightful Intimidate +11

    Weapon = Morninglords Scepter
    +15 Enhancement Bonus, Insightful Potency +72, Spellcraft +22, Insightful Spellcraft +11, Empty Red Augment Slot

    Weapon Option 2 = Legendary Green Steel (half-created but not using nor pursuing due to no sentient gem for filigree slotting)
    Tier1, +30 Healing Amplification (Enhancement)
    Tier2, +50 Healing Amplification (Equipment)
    Tier3, +37 Positive Spell Power (Exceptional)
    Legendary Affirmation = Attacks and offensive spells have a small % chance to grant 1,000 temporary HP on attack. This has a one minute cooldown.
    Animal Growth = (Animal, Magic Beast, Vermin only) +4 Strength (Size), +4 Constitution (Size), -2 Dexterity
    Hi Kamode,

    Looks like you put together a very thoughtful gear set, thank you for posting!

    You are doing a charisma based, dc and max spell power build, which will be a bit different than what I'm doing with Voodu. Take a look at Legendary Crystalline Ward shield. It's an easy farm from Wraithcallers. The potency 154 will cover your basic sonic and other spell power needs. It will also give you 39 MRR over what you currently have. Don't worry about the loss of insightful intimidate on the crafted shield, it looks like you'll be high enough without it. The morninglord scepter option is fairly redundant with what you already have, so would recommend another weapon option and slot spellcraft +15 in an augment slot. If you don't go with the LGS, you might consider Nightmother's Sceptre or Legendary Lilting Song, which could open some other gearing options. Why Animal Growth on the LGS?

    Also don't bother with heavy armor. You get bonuses with medium and a little more max dodge. Wearing heavy armor would require 2 feats because Medium Armor Proficiency from the ES tree does not count toward the pre-requisite for the Heavy Armor Proficiency feat.
    Last edited by Nachomammashouse; 01-13-2020 at 06:29 AM.

  12. #312


    Quote Originally Posted by xBunny View Post
    Hey. Thanks for response. Missed this part somehow, sorry.

    Also I am at lvl 17 atm, and start getting Reflex Saves from mobs frequently when bursting. Is it okay for current level or I should struggle to max mine DCs? See that most damage goes from pact atm.
    Not sure why you're seeing most of your damage from pact atm. Your light and evil damage should be the bulk of your burst damage. Are you using and radiance spell power item and Utterdark Blast? In any event, if you want to boost the pact damage save, use evocation focus or spell focus mastery items.

  13. #313
    Community Member xBunny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nachomammashouse View Post
    Are you using and radiance spell power item and Utterdark Blast?
    I am. Maybe the summed light+evil is bigger, but with sound dmg I just see higher crit numbers. Most saves are coming from rednamed as I noticed. I have + 5 Evocations DC from Raveloft gear(got gear recently, not very familiar with).

    Got to epics, 24 atm. 12-20 bursting was OP, was in top kill count of the quest. Fall back on epics though. Switched to cone blasting, to get to 30, and going to switch back on 30 to farm some gear. Wont be at cap for long, just will do couple of Epic Past Lives. Enjoyed build and leveling much.

    Btw, while reading through other warlock topics, found out that many people really hate ES tree, but not me

  14. #314
    Community Member Dulcimerist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xBunny View Post
    I am. Maybe the summed light+evil is bigger, but with sound dmg I just see higher crit numbers. Most saves are coming from rednamed as I noticed. I have + 5 Evocations DC from Raveloft gear(got gear recently, not very familiar with).

    Got to epics, 24 atm. 12-20 bursting was OP, was in top kill count of the quest. Fall back on epics though. Switched to cone blasting, to get to 30, and going to switch back on 30 to farm some gear. Wont be at cap for long, just will do couple of Epic Past Lives. Enjoyed build and leveling much.

    Btw, while reading through other warlock topics, found out that many people really hate ES tree, but not me
    Now that you mention it, I seem to recall getting the most purple numbers from my sonic damage, so perhaps more enemies have sonic vulnerability? Light damage would tend to be purple in the Underdark, though. For crits, I've found it easier to find crit boosting gear for my sonic damage, probably because I don't own Ravenloft (pretty sure RL has good light lore gear).

    Red names have higher saves in general, so that's no surprise. You're at level 24, so definitely find the +2 Evocation augment, and see if you're able to craft some Insightful Evocation and fit that somewhere in your gear set. Fitting the highest Charisma and Insightful Charisma item you're able to find can help. If you don't have anything better for gloves, farm up the free-to-play quest Good Intentions for the Dashing gloves for Quality Charisma and extra boosts to sonic damage. You might be able to squeeze out enough extra DC that you'll barely see any saves.

    ES tree is fun! My favorite thing to play with on this build is the Darkfire from Drow.
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  15. #315
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nachomammashouse View Post
    Hi Kamode,

    Looks like you put together a very thoughtful gear set, thank you for posting!

    You are doing a charisma based, dc and max spell power build, which will be a bit different than what I'm doing with Voodu. Take a look at Legendary Crystalline Ward shield. It's an easy farm from Wraithcallers. The potency 154 will cover your basic sonic and other spell power needs. It will also give you 39 MRR over what you currently have. Don't worry about the loss of insightful intimidate on the crafted shield, it looks like you'll be high enough without it. The morninglord scepter option is fairly redundant with what you already have, so would recommend another weapon option and slot spellcraft +15 in an augment slot. If you don't go with the LGS, you might consider Nightmother's Sceptre or Legendary Lilting Song, which could open some other gearing options. Why Animal Growth on the LGS?

    Also don't bother with heavy armor. You get bonuses with medium and a little more max dodge. Wearing heavy armor would require 2 feats because Medium Armor Proficiency from the ES tree does not count toward the pre-requisite for the Heavy Armor Proficiency feat.

    My guy may look like a "You are doing a charisma based, dc and max spell power build", but I'm playing him as a tank...go figure :-)

    And my AC and PRR and MRR could be better, but he is able to take a ton of dmg (grab all the mobs like a tank normally does), and his self healing keeps up through reaper 2-3 (have yet to stress test him in mid-reaper...maybe I'll do that this coming week).

    And Thank you for pointing me to the Legendary Lilting Song !! I'm grabbing that and re-crafting my shield to be Fire Absorb, Deathblock, Insightful Balance.

    Regarding Animal Growth clicky on LGS, I was thinking the +4 Size Bonus to Constitution would be of benefit. I should roll up a ranger or druid to make sure it works the way I think it does.
    Last edited by Kamode_Corebasher; 01-18-2020 at 01:39 PM.

  16. #316


    Quote Originally Posted by Kamode_Corebasher View Post
    My guy may look like a "You are doing a charisma based, dc and max spell power build", but I'm playing him as a tank...go figure :-)

    And my AC and PRR and MRR could be better, but he is able to take a ton of dmg (grab all the mobs like a tank normally does), and his self healing keeps up through reaper 2-3 (have yet to stress test him in mid-reaper...maybe I'll do that this coming week).

    And Thank you for pointing me to the Legendary Lilting Song !! I'm grabbing that and re-crafting my shield to be Fire Absorb, Deathblock, Insightful Balance.

    Regarding Animal Growth clicky on LGS, I was thinking the +4 Size Bonus to Constitution would be of benefit. I should roll up a ranger or druid to make sure it works the way I think it does.
    I'm glad the Lilting Song suggestion was helpful!

    After amassing about 60 reaper points I started to feel I had enough extra defenses from reaper trees so when I was just doing my 1-20 racials I started experimenting with going charisma and focusing more on DC's and spell power. It worked well in mid skull heroics, so much so that I continue to go the charisma route when doing 1-20 lives. I didn't do much beyond about R7 and didn't go into epics though, so no feedback there. I've been off the TR train for a couple months (focusing on legendary Rxp and doing some epic past lives) but will be jumping aboard again soon after Alchemist is released.
    Last edited by Nachomammashouse; 01-20-2020 at 12:21 PM.

  17. #317
    Community Member Amastris's Avatar
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    Default Question About MRR vs HP

    I have a first lifer, Grevok the Maniacal (No relation to Patrick the Maniacal), that is a ES tree Con build. He is my raider, Stays in US destiny and has 2773 hp currently with Shining Through it is 3429. I am currently using Legendary Crystalline ward with 15% asf slotted. Standing in the city he has 170 MRR with that shield. However i picked up a Devil's Defense If I switch to the devil's defense I lose 13 MRR and gain 84 HP. I am currently on the fence about switching to the devil's defense. It's just my personal feeling that it is better to mitigate incoming damage thru avoidance/absorption vs. more HP. Yeah its cool to be a meat castle and all but it doesnt do much good to have all that HP and it get eaten up quickly by nasty hits from mobs.

    As a first lifer i think that almost 2800 hp is good especially when i have over 300 Heal Amp. As a side note i will probably be doing an ETR with him before long and switching from Sonic to fire to take full advantage of flamecleansed set from Sharn and switching from Scion of Celestia to Scion of the Plane of Fire.

    So would you take the MRR over the HP or Vice Versa?

    Endnote, i do know that there is 18 MRR to be gained by 3 warlock past lives and 3 stacks of ancient knowledge epic past lives
    Last edited by Amastris; 02-26-2020 at 07:14 AM.
    G'land Characters | Amastris of Thay - Leader of Crimson Lotus | Grevok The Maniacal - DC Caster Reaper/Raider
    "If I walk away from a conversation it is not because I have admitted defeat. It is because I can not properly handle your degree in stupidology." - Anonymous

  18. #318


    Quote Originally Posted by Amastris View Post
    I have a first lifer, Grevok the Maniacal (No relation to Patrick the Maniacal), that is a ES tree Con build. He is my raider, Stays in US destiny and has 2773 hp currently with Shining Through it is 3429. I am currently using Legendary Crystalline ward with 15% asf slotted. Standing in the city he has 170 MRR with that shield. However i picked up a Devil's Defense If I switch to the devil's defense I lose 13 MRR and gain 84 HP. I am currently on the fence about switching to the devil's defense. It's just my personal feeling that it is better to mitigate incoming damage thru avoidance/absorption vs. more HP. Yeah its cool to be a meat castle and all but it doesnt do much good to have all that HP and it get eaten up quickly by nasty hits from mobs.

    As a first lifer i think that almost 2800 hp is good especially when i have over 300 Heal Amp. As a side note i will probably be doing an ETR with him before long and switching from Sonic to fire to take full advantage of flamecleansed set from Sharn and switching from Scion of Celestia to Scion of the Plane of Fire.

    So would you take the MRR over the HP or Vice Versa?

    Endnote, i do know that there is 18 MRR to be gained by 3 warlock past lives and 3 stacks of ancient knowledge epic past lives
    If the choice is only 13 MRR vs. 84 hp then go with the MRR. If you're taking big hits then the MRR will provide more than 84 hp worth of damage mitigation. If you're taking small hits then the hp doesn't matter as much anyway. Devil's Defense has Healers Bounty, which while it doesn't proc very often, still helps a bit. If it makes your choice easier, you might see which option makes gearing easier. For example, the quality con on Devil's Defense may give you more wiggle room with other gear slots and if it eases your gear Tetris migraine, then go with the Devil's Defense and know that either choice is fine

    Also if you're or anyone else reading this is a numbers person and you like a more in depth look at the damage mitigation of PRR/MRR, check out this very interesting and insightful article that is one of my favs The Myth that PRR has diminishing returns.

  19. #319
    Community Member FURYous's Avatar
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    Great build and great information on it.
    Mr Blacks - Ranged DPS - 120PL - 50RP
    Mr Blues - Main - 177PL - 98RP
    Mr Greens - Caster CC/DC - 126PL - 37RP
    Mr Purples - Healer - 43PL - 21RP
    Mr Redd - Melee DPS - 129PL - 37RP
    Mr Whites - Tank - 138PL - 58RP

  20. #320


    Quote Originally Posted by FURYous View Post
    Great build and great information on it.
    Thanks Furyous

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