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Hi Nachomammashouse,
I've been using your Voodu build on one of my alts for quite some time and want to contribute to this great thread. Here's the u43 gearing that I've put together for my Voodu build. I'm spelling this gearing out a bit more than usual:
When leveling, I choose Charisma for all levelups (this in order to up my intimidate skill). I could have instead focused on Constitution for more Hit Points. My intimidate is at 135.6 without any GH nor pots, sitting in the marketplace.
Focus on this gear was to max out: Armor Class, PRR, MRR, Resistance, Spell Power (this character specifically needs Radiance, resonance, positive), Charisma (to boost intimidate), Constitution, Intimidate, balance, spell resistance, spell saves.
I choose my minor artifact to boost my intimidate by another 11.
What I wanted but did not fit in:
Legendary Green Steel gear. I'd like one piece that would give a stacking boost for my intimidate. I'd also like another 2 or 3 or 4 pieces that would give me a huge % increase to hit points. The drawback to those items is the lack of needed effects or stats or spellpower that I also need/want. So I've decided against them. My standing HP's sitting in the marketplace with a lasting elixir of supreme ability and tenser's = 2650, and 3343 with Shining Through
Heavy Armor. This would require a feat, and I felt other feats more important. I may change my mind.
Armor = Legendary Blessed Vestments = Roll Call, End Chest
+15 Enhancement Bonus, Fortification +214%, Physical Sheltering +54, Competence Healing Amplification +85, Hit Points +81, Empty Green Augment Slot, Legendary Flamecleansed Fury set
Cloak = Legendary Hallowed Trail = House of Pain, End Chest
Radiance +214, Radiance Lore +31%, Evocation Focus +9, Quality Spell Penetration +3, Empty Blue Augment Slot, Legendary Flamecleansed Fury set
Bracers = Legendary Hallowed Castigators = Blown Deadline, End Chest
Devotion +214, Healing Lore +31%, Insightful Sheltering +27, Efficient Metamagic - Empower Healing II, Empty Green Augment Slot, Legendary Flamecleansed Fury set
Ring = Stolen Signet of ir'Wynarn = Minor Artifact
Charisma +22, Exceptional Alluring Skills Bonus +11, Quality Potency +41, Electric Absorption 53%, Empty Blue & Green & Yellow Augment Slots
Ring = The Legendary Shattered Onyx = Reach for the Sky, End chest
Nearly Finished (unlock additional powers) - add Insightful Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma +10, Profane Spell Focus II, Insightful Resistance +8, Insightful Dodge +10%, Empty Blue Augment Slot
Legendary Skin-tight Gloves = The Offshore Account, End Chest
Protection +17, Vitality +72, Spell Resistance +47, Quality Physical Sheltering +13, Empty Blue Augment Slot
Helm = Legendary Standard Issue Faceplate = Just Business, End Chest
Incite +62, Intimidate +22, Insightful Physical Sheltering +26, Natural Armor +21, Empty Blue Augment Slot?
Necklace = Legendary Standard Issue Sigil = No Refunds, End chest
Magical Sheltering +54, Protection +17, Spell Save +17, Parrying +10, Empty Green Augment Slot
Belt = Slavers Crafting
Wisdom +17, Resistance +14, Spell Focus Mastery +6, Quality Intimidate +5, Empty Blue Augment Slot
Trinket = Slavers Crafting
Strength +17, Sonic Spell Lore +27%, Balance +20, Quality Constitution +4?, Empty Yellow Autment Slot
Boots = Legendary Sunken Slippers = Members Only, End chest
Nearly Finished (Quality Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma +5), Lesser Displacement, Insightful Potency +77, Quality Potency +38, Yellow Augment Slot
Goggles = Legendary Collective Sight = Blown Deadline, End Chest
Nearly Finished: any stat (Constitution +21), Almost There: any insightful stat (Constitution +10), Quality Resistance +4, Temperance of Belief, Empty Blue Augment Slot
Shield = Cannith Crafted
Resonance +159, False Life +57 (I'm unsure if this stacks with the armor "Hit Points +81"...and it does not), Insightful Intimidate +11
Weapon = Morninglords Scepter
+15 Enhancement Bonus, Insightful Potency +72, Spellcraft +22, Insightful Spellcraft +11, Empty Red Augment Slot
Weapon Option 2 = Legendary Green Steel (half-created but not using nor pursuing due to no sentient gem for filigree slotting)
Tier1, +30 Healing Amplification (Enhancement)
Tier2, +50 Healing Amplification (Equipment)
Tier3, +37 Positive Spell Power (Exceptional)
Legendary Affirmation = Attacks and offensive spells have a small % chance to grant 1,000 temporary HP on attack. This has a one minute cooldown.
Animal Growth = (Animal, Magic Beast, Vermin only) +4 Strength (Size), +4 Constitution (Size), -2 Dexterity