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  1. #241
    Community Member bighertz's Avatar
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    Jul 2006

    Default build question

    i have been trying out this build (currently lvl 12 human yay blast) and i wanted more single target dps for red names/champs
    without losing survivability was thinking of grabing consume + greater hunger + inhuman nature at the cost of either one rankof
    resilience of soul or one rank of light II. would like to know if im missing something or if there is a better way to kill reds faster?

    below is my planed enhancements

    thanks for posting a great build
    Last edited by bighertz; 03-31-2018 at 12:08 AM.

  2. #242


    Quote Originally Posted by bighertz View Post
    i have been trying out this build (currently lvl 12 human yay blast) and i wanted more single target dps for red names/champs
    without losing survivability was thinking of grabing consume + greater hunger + inhuman nature at the cost of either one rankof
    resilience of soul or one rank of light II. would like to know if im missing something or if there is a better way to kill reds faster?

    below is my planed enhancements

    thanks for posting a great build
    Hey Big, yvw and ty for saying.

    My investment in the Tainted Scholar tree beyond getting Utterdark Blast is largely about getting Deathward as a spell, which I personally love, but it's just a personal preference and I understand that others are happy to use potions and clickies to get Deathward. Not going all the way to t4 innate for Deathward will allow additional investment elsewhere. It's been a while but I had found that stricken and consume weren't powerful enough to make worthwhile without additional investment in the Soul Eater tree, which looks like you've made some. I'd like to hear what you think of it, and I probably need to revisit this myself and lose the Drow enhancements

    As far as single target dps being low, this is generally a criticism of Enlightened Spirit. I think a more traditional (non-tanky) ES caster will go with epic feats like Ruin and Greater Ruin and Arcane Pulse with a greater sp pool to support those and possibly multiclass with Favored Soul to get Scourge/Just Reward. The slow boss dps doesn't bother me personally though. If I'm soloing I just switch to focus blast and turn on auto attack and kick back lol. If I'm not soloing then it's my job to hold aggro while e1 else kills the boss and my dps is just supplemental at that point.

  3. #243
    Community Member Dulcimerist's Avatar
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    At level 17, I found myself unintentionally testing the pure tanking ability of this build in Spinner of Shadows, and absolutely loved it!

    Running the whole chain, I would be about #3 on the kills list of the 6-person party. Ranged characters were often dropping enemies before I could get close enough to damage with my aura and bursts, but I still made a good contribution to the party during the chain while not requiring as much attention or resources from the healer.

    During phase 3 of the Spinner quest, I found myself taking aggro from Spinner of Shadows. Shining Through feels like a "manual" version of I Like Pain, the barbarian Ravager enhancement which gives "automatic" temporary HP. I kept that and Displacement renewed whenever she didn't have me stuck in a web. Even when I was immobilized in a web, my aura would keep poking her to keep aggro. The healer was great at keeping my HP topped off while I was stuck. Spinner stayed pinned in the center really well! Right at the end of phase 3 and phase 5 I died and had to be rezzed, but this build was able to do the job it was designed for really well! Thanks for posting this build!

    My warlock is just a first lifer, so I'm interested to see how it is after a few TRs. If anyone's interested, I'm currently wearing Pansophic Circlet with Heavy Fortification, +90 Radiance +3 DC Evocation necklace, Tier 3 Greater Stalwart Trinket with +1 alchemical saves, Nightsinger's Mantle (ML15) with Deathblock and +4 STR, +65 Resonance +5% Spell Lore gloves, +8 CON belt, Tier 2 Ring of the Buccaneer (ML16), +6 CHA +14 Sheltering ring, Spiked Boots (ML14) with Feather Falling, Speed VI bracers, +6 Deadly goggles, Tier 2 Cavalry Plate (ML16), Fanion with +4 Natural Armor, and a Banhammer. It's not perfect or optimal, but it's probably good for a first lifer. I just hit level 18 and have Celestial Spirit, so now I need new boots.
    Last edited by Dulcimerist; 04-05-2018 at 07:59 PM.
    "Swords will cut you wide open!" - Trip Fisk

  4. #244
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    Default My gear

    Feels good. Reminds me of some old wf caster playstyles.

    Can solo some R5 ravenloft with ravenloft gear and a radiance lore 27 slavers ring.

    Maybe some of this will be useful for people on the same path. What I saw before was useful for me.
    Last edited by Dalryo; 05-15-2018 at 08:02 AM. Reason: R5.2

  5. #245
    Community Member joaopaulop2's Avatar
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    Default shield at heroic

    Hey Voodu, noticed that you get shield proficiency only on level 12...

    1 - 12 you use no shield at all or you use with masters touch?

    Looking foward to TRin my warlock onto your build!

    Appreciate your atention! Thanks.

  6. #246


    Quote Originally Posted by joaopaulop2 View Post
    Hey Voodu, noticed that you get shield proficiency only on level 12...

    1 - 12 you use no shield at all or you use with masters touch?

    Looking foward to TRin my warlock onto your build!

    Appreciate your atention! Thanks.
    In heroic levels, shield proficiency only affects armor check penalty, so not a priority for me. In epics, the 3 shield feats are requisites for Legendary Shield Mastery in Sentinel, so I want to have those by 20.

  7. #247
    Community Member troublegurl's Avatar
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    Question What Stats for 32 point build

    Quote Originally Posted by Nachomammashouse View Post
    Hey e1! This is the companion thread to my video series: Voodu Warlock: A Pure Warlock Enlightened Spirit Tank Project

    In this series, I took what I learned from the Gingerlocks series and applied it to my permanent warlock. In Episode 1, I introduce Voodu, a long time drow sorc, now reincarnated as a warlock. I discuss my plans for the toon and my goals. In each solo video I go over the progress I've made, my gear, enhancement and feat choices and I also discuss what is learned along the way and offer tips and advice. This series was not intended to be a guide, however I made it as informative as possible so it will be helpful for those who are learning warlock.

    I called this a "project" because I was still learning warlock and I was trying things along the way that were new for me. In Gingerlocks, I took each of the 3 warlock lives only to level 20, so the Voodu Warlock series includes my first experiences of warlock in epic levels!

    My goals with this toon are:
    1. To provide good casting dps
    2. To self-sufficiently tank all raid bosses, with the specific goal of being able to stay toe-to-toe with the dragons in EE Fire on Thunder Peak, even through artifact rage and overdraw.

    The constraints of the project are: Pure warlock and Drow race (both of these choices are more or less for flavor, but Enlightened Spirit capstone is very valuable and should be considered before making a choice to multiclass)

    The video series is complete but I am continuing to work on Voodu's past lives and evolving the build. All episodes are below and I will monitor and update this thread as I make changes. Note that stats, feats and enhancements change throughout the series, as I experiment with a variety of things along the way, but my current setup is below:

    CLASS: pure warlock (the capstone is very nice!)
    PACT: Fey (any pact choice is fine, more notes below)
    RACE: Drow (this was a flavor choice only and just about any race is fine)


    Starting: Str 8 ~ Dex 11 ~ Con 16 ~ Int 15 ~ Wis 8 ~ Cha 18. Increase constitution when leveling.

    This is a constitution build, not a charisma build. As an Enlightened Spirit, constitution is extra valuable, not only because the added hit points increase surviveability, which compliments the close-quarters playstyle of a bursting warlock, but because high constitution improves the effectiveness of Shining Through and Brilliance, both of which are highly prized Enlightened Spirit enhancements. It also benefits from Stanch in the Tainted Scholar tree, which this build also makes use of. Charisma shouldn't be forgotten, but is not as important on an Enlightened Spirit burster, especially this build, compared to other types of warlocks which are more DC-based. This build, as many ES builds, is not a spell DC-dependent build. Most of an an Enlightened Spirit's burst damage is not save-based. The only portion of the burst damage that is DC-based is the pact damage, which is not the primary damage and is save for half.


    Max Intimidate, Spellcraft, Balance, Concentration. 1 rank in Tumble and UMD. Remaining points in Perform (if Fey Pact) and Heal.
    For reaper 1-20: Max UMD for heroics in order to use healing wands and scrolls as soon and as effective as possible, which are very important in reaper questing. UMD will be plenty high enough once you reach epic levels, so when epic reincarnating you can change out the UMD skill points to perform or other more relevant skills for epic levels.


    Level 1: Maximize Spell
    Level 3: Empower Spell
    Level 6: Force of Personality
    Level 9: Quicken Spell
    Level 12: Shield proficiency (general)
    Level 15: Shield Mastery
    Level 18: Improved Shield Mastery
    Level 21: Epic Eldritch Blast
    Level 24: Intensify Spell
    Level 26: (Epic Destiny Feat): Epic Arcane Eldritch Blast*
    Level 27: Epic Damage Reduction
    Level 28: (Epic Destiny Feat): Elusive Target
    Level 29: (Epic Destiny Feat): Deific Warding*
    Level 30: Great Constitution
    Level 30: Scion of Celestia

    I recently changed my level 28 and 30 feats from Toughness and Epic Toughness to Elusive Target and Great Constitution.
    *Epic destiny feat Epic Arcane Eldritch Blast requires 1 capped destiny in the arcane sphere. Deific Warding requires 3 capped destinies in the divine sphere. Capped means a fully maxed xp bar, not just level 5.

    Unless otherwise noted, the following numbers are unbuffed, no metas, boosts, pots, etc. at level 30 (outside of reaper).

    HP: 3520 (unbuffed permanent HP in Vigor of Battle stance. This is outside of reaper, but includes innate tier 2-4 Grim Barricade, which are always on)
    Max Temp HP: 6513 (fully buffed with Shining Through, Stanch, Tenser's, Primal Scream, Yugo pot, remnant pot)
    SP: 1710
    AC: 201
    PRR: 245
    MRR: 159
    Intimidate: 116 (with Greater Heroism and Spider Cult Mask)
    Light spell power: 534
    Heal amp.: 215
    Fortification: 200%


    I have recently started using the perma-shield enhancement for tanking the brides in the Strahd raid, otherwise I would have tier 3 Power of Enlightenment maxed.

    For Reaper 1-20
    I highly recommend Wand and Scroll Mastery enhancement in Tainted Scholar, which is very nice to boost healing from wands and scrolls on self and others, which helps to mitigate some of the self-healing penalties in reaper mode.


    Sorc past lives are nice for bonuses to evocation DC (blast and burst saves are affected by evocation bonuses for the pact damage only). Cleric Past lives are nice for bonuses to conjuration DC (Evard's Black Tentacles and Web are Conjuration). Wizard and Favored Soul past lives are nice for up to a +9 bonus to spell penetration (Evard's has a spell pen. check). My current heroic past lives are 3 sorc, 3 wiz, 3 fvs, 3 wlk, 3 pal, 3 cleric, 3 barbarian and 2 bard.


    4 stances: Colors of the Queen, Energy Criticals, Brace and Skill Mastery. Focus on getting 3 each of these EPL's first, which will grant Epic Completionist and open your 4th twist of fate! After you get these, focus on additional Divine, Primal and Martial EPL's for bonuses to PRR, HPs and AC. My current epic past lives are 8 divine, 9 martial, 6 primal and 6 arcane.


    Stance: Morninglord. Morninglord past life stance gives +10 light and alignment spell power per stack up to +30. PDK past lives give PRR, so great for adding to defensiveness for any toon. Shardar-Kai past lives give added dodge, however I do not plan on getting these past lives because I am dodge capped. My current iconic past lives are 3 Deep Gnome, 3 Morninglord and 3 PDK.

    At this time I do not have racial past lives. I am currently working on Gingerspyce's racial lives. Once that project is complete, my plan is to start working on Voodu's past lives again, probably starting in June. I will at least do 3 each of Warforged, Dwarf, Dragonborn and Half-elf for +2 to constitution and charisma and for +4 racial action points, which I will likely use to get t2 perma-shield and t5 Displacement SLA from Enlightened Spirit to open up a 3rd level spell slot and pick up Dark Discorporation instead.


    Unyielding Sentinel. The high defenses of this epic destiny work well with the close-quarters bursting playstyle of an Enlightened Spirit. There are higher dps destinies for an Enlightened Spirit warlock, such as Exalted Angel, Divine Crusader and Shiradi Champion. I prefer the added surviveability of Sentinel over the added dps of the others.

    After amassing a large number of the defensive epic past lives, I found the added defenses of Sentinel were not necessary for regular questing, even legendary elites. While I was preferring Divine Crusader for regular questing, reaper mode has taken me back to Sentinel full time. I highly recommend Sentinel for regular questing for newer players using my build and for those without a bunch of past lives, especially if doing epic and legendary elites and epic reaper questing.


    1. Divine Crusader Empyrian Magic
    2. Divine Crusader Sacred Ground
    3. Divine Crusader Consecration
    4. Primal Avatar Rejuvenation Cocoon
    5. Fury of the Wild Primal Scream

    I recently made some changes due to reaper mode, to include Consecration and Sacred Ground, which not only add AOE dps, but more importantly add to self healing and party healing, which is critical in reaper questing. Empyrian Magic is a must twist for any Enlightened Spirit. The aura and bursts make it run at an always on +20 spell power and +10% crit chance. Rejuvenation Cocoon is great to add to the self healing ability. Others to consider, especially while working through epic destinies for the first time include Fey Form, Serenity, Interrogation, Rough Hide, Ephemeral Evolution, Radiant Power and Unearthly Reactions. Primal Scream is nice not only for the con boost, but the sonic damage is boosted by spell power so it does about 5k sonic damage to surrounding mobs.


    This build is workable with any pact. I Chose Fey pact originally because I really like abundant step-like abilities, so Misty Escape was perfect for me. With my tanky playstyle, Misty Escape allows me to move through and directly into the middle of a group of mobs and start bursting from within. Misty Escape is also a nice way to escape when you're trapped, as it allows you to move through mobs. I also really like that Fey pact has Otto's Irresistible Dance, which is great to use on champions and reapers. Fey pact also includes Dark Delirium, which is a nice no-save stun to use on a mob that you don't want to deal with for a bit.

    GEAR (end game)

    Goggles: Legendary Green Steel** 3x material-opposition (triple negative: t1 blindness immunity, t2 fear immunity, t3 deathblock and 25 negative resistance)
    Head: Legendary Green Steel** 3x material-opposition (triple fire resistance)
    Neck: Legendary Chains* (reaper +3 MRR, mythic +1, Fortification +185, Radiance +185, Spellsight +22, Quality Intimidate +5, slotted with strength +8)
    Trinket: Legendary Planar Compass (mythic +1 slotted with protection +8). I switch to Bell of Warding in content where high defenses aren't needed.
    Cloak: Legendary Green Steel** 3x material-opposition* (triple positive: +224 unconscious range)
    Belt: Legendary Green Steel** 3x material-opposition* (triple electric resistance)
    Quiver: Quiver of Alacrity
    Ring1: Legendary Five Rings* (mythic +1, Charisma +17, Resistance +14, Intimidate +22, Quality PRR +11, slotted with Deathblock)
    Ring2: Legendary Five Rings* (mythic +1, Sheltering +45, Radiance Lore +27, Spell Focus Mastery +6, Quality Constitution +4, slotted with Crushing Wave Guard)
    Hands: Legendary Green Steel** 3x material-opposition (triple acid resistance)
    Bracers: Arm of the Aggressor (mythic +1 slotted with Good Luck +2 and False Life +40)
    Boots: Boots of Blessed Travels (slotted with Golem's Heart and Dexterity +8)
    Armor: Legendary Scales of Malice (slotted with Globe of True Imperial Blood)
    Shield: Epic Shield of Tireless Aid (mythic +4 slotted with Spell Agility +15)
    Weapon: Legendary Green Steel Radiance (t1 +30 heal amp, t2 +7 insightful dex, t3 +70 heal amp) I discuss and demonstrate this weapon in a video here.
    Weapon 2: I switch to Dusk in content where high defenses aren't needed. I show and discuss how Dusk compares to LGS Radiance a video here.
    *Legendary Slave Lords Endurance 3-piece set
    **This 5 piece LGS set give the following bonuses: +36% stacking hp, +35% spell critical damage and Ender set bonus

    GEAR (end game non-raid suggestions for those who don't like to raid)

    Goggles: Legendary Symphonic Lenses, Legendary Summoner's Spectacles, Legendary Lenses of the Orator
    Head: Legendary Pansophic Circlet, Legendary Boundless, Legendary Hardened Hide, Epic Eloquence, Epic Minos Legens, Epic Sage's Skullcap**, Epic Mushroom Cap, Plundered Pirate Hat
    Legendary Chains, Legendary Ward-Inscribed Pendant, Epic Lion's Mane*, Epic Vim and Vigor, Necklace of Mystic Eidolons, Epic Sage's Locket**
    Legendary Five Rings, Legendary Empowered Dragonscale, Legendary Symbol of the Slave Lords, Legendary Planar Compass, EE Shamanic Fetish, Broken Music Box, Magestar, Epic Token of the Proven
    Cloak: Legendary Mantle of Fury, Legendary Phasecloak, Legendary Scarlet Scale Cloak, Epic Guardian's Cloak**, Mysterious Cloak, EE Ghost-Waking Cloak, Legendary Slave Master's Cloak, Elite Nightsinger's Mantle*
    Belt: Legendary Chains, Epic Belt of Thoughtful Remembrance*, Epic Chord of Reprisals*
    Rings: Legendary Band of Insightful Commands,
    Legendary Five Rings, Lantern Ring, Legendary Brazenband*, Epic Ivy Helix*, Epic Laurel Helix*, Epic Guardian's Ring**, Epic Eye of the Beholder*, EE Ring of the Djinn
    Hands: Legendary Dashing Gloves, Legendary Gauntlets of Innate Arcanum, Iron Mitts*
    Bracers: Legendary Mystic Wrappings,
    Legendary Shackles, Epic Ethereal Bracers*, Epic Inferno Bracers* (Fiend Pact), Epic Barbette's Bracers*, Guardian's Bracers**, Mysterious Bracers, Legendary Bracers of the Fallen Hero
    Boots: Orcish Privateer's Boots*, Legendary Flightfoot Greaves, Legendary Softsole Slippers
    Armor: Legendary Scales of Malice, Legendary Coat of the Traveler, Epic Scales of Surety*, Legendary Hardened Hide Armor
    Shield: Epic Shield of Tireless Aid*, EE Skyvault Shield, Legendary Breaker of Bodies, EE Bulwark of the Storm's Fist
    Weapon: Legendary Morninglord's Sceptre, Legendary Nightmother's Sceptre, Thunderforged, EE Hammer of the Leaden Clouds

    Note for newer players: *items are a relatively easy farm. **items are guaranteed in end rewards. Random loot and Cannith crafted items also provide a lot of great gearing options.


    I'm adding a special section for shields because one of the most frequent questions I get is about which shields to use and how to overcome arcane spell failure while using a shield on a warlock. At low levels, I personally like to use a small mithral shield blank to craft on. Mithral shields are no longer on the main loot tables, but can still drop as end rewards from some older quests and chains like waterworks, Red Fens, Sharn Syndicate and I believe some others. A small mithral shield will have no ASF. You can also use a large mithral shield, which will have 5% ASF that can be overcome crafting a Lesser Arcane Spell Dexterity item using Cannith Crafting. Lesser Arcane Spell Dexterity affects ASF from any source, regardless of the item that its crafted onto.

    By the time you reach mid to upper heroic levels, you can use shields like Fanion and Skyvault Shield, which have zero ASF. You can also use a Sapphire of Spell Agility augment at levels 12/16/20 to overcome 5%/10%/15% ASF. A typical large shield has 15% ASF so by the time you reach level 20 you can use a Sapphire of Spell Agility +15 to overcome the ASF of any large shield, as I do with an Epic Shield of Tireless Aid at level 28. You can purchase a Sapphire of Spell Agility +15 from Lahar, the epic vendor in The Twelve for 20 Tokens of the Twelve. Epic Skyvault Shield is also a nice choice for mid epic levels. Some people like to use Skyvault at endgame, however be aware that it has a max dex/dodge bonus of 4. For more about arcane spell failure, see the DDO wiki article here.



    I have worked through a few reaper lives so far. Typically 3-4 skulls if soloing or, 5 skulls if with 1 or more other people and 6-7 skulls in full groups. Charm Person is really helpful in early levels, so can swap out the Shield spell and take the Shield Enhancement instead and swap back once you get out of single digit levels or whenever Charm Person becomes ineffective. I also found the Fey Pact spell Blindness to be very useful in low levels. Wand and Scroll Mastery from Tainted Scholar is nice to boost healing from wands and scrolls for self and others during heroic reaper questing and can swap out in epics.

    Temporary hit points from effects like Shining Through, Brilliance and Stanch are not affected by the self healing debuff and are therefor huge in reaper questing. Things turn a corner once you get Brilliance, which should be top priority once you get to level 6. Things turn another major corner again at level 12 once you get Spirit Blast and Shining Through.

    I have been investing my reaper points in the Grim Barricade tree for added survivability in reaper quests, with emphasis on PRR and con, with a couple points in dodge to max out my cap. I also spent points in UMD for heroics in order to use healing wands and scrolls, which are very important in reaper questing. UMD will be plenty high enough once you reach epic levels, so when epic reincarnating you can change out the UMD skill points to perform or other more relevant skills for epic levels.

    I really like the Legendary Green Steel Radiance weapon in reaper mode for the blinding effect and healing amplification, both are very valuable in reaper. I can feel a serious difference in self healing when I'm accidentally using a different weapon in reapers. Rejuvenation Cocoon, Renewal and Sacred Ground keep me self healed quite well with 205 heal amp.

    At present I am at 30 reaper points all spent in the Grim Barricade tree and my self-sufficient tanking ability holds up well up to about 5-6 skulls, depending on the content. Beyond that I need healing support for sustained tanking. This is with a wealth of past lives and so without the past lives, tanking ability would be reduced. In reaper mode my standing hp is 4153 and max temp hp is 7321. I recently did a solo R8 Amber Temple video where I discuss my new 5-piece Legendary Green Steel Ender set and show how I've spent my reaper points.


    People who are newer to warlock often ask what to do between bursts while they are on cooldown. Here's what I am typically doing on Voodu between bursts...

    1. Heal myself and others with Rejuvenation Cocoon and Renewal.
    2. Consecration (with Sacred Ground)
    3. Evard's Black Tentacles
    4. Otto's Irresistible Dance a reaper, champion, caster or orange named
    5. Darkfire
    6. Swing my weapon
    7. Intimidate
    8. Primal Scream
    9. Refresh Displacement or Tensor's Transformation
    10. Sleet Storm
    11. Shining Through
    12. Tainted Spellcasting
    13. Dark Delirium
    14. Wail of the Banshee
    15. Drink a Potion of Greater Brilliance
    16. Symbol of Death
    17. Stanch as an emergency heal
    18. Waves of Exhaustion
    19. sip my coffee


    Note that in the first life of the series I do a heavy armor charisma build, after the 10/21/15 balance pass I changed to a medium armor constitution build.

    Episode 1: Level 2 Stopping the Sahuagin
    Episode 2: Level 5 Cloven-jaw Scourge: Blockade (STK 1)
    Episode 3: Level 7 The Stones Run Red
    Episode 4: Level 9 Storm the Beaches
    Episode 5: Level 11 Claw of Vulkoor
    Episode 6: Level 13 Spawn of Whisperdoom
    Episode 7: Level 14 Solo Elite DQ Raid (Zawabi's Revenge)
    Episode 8: Level 15 Solo Elite Reaver's Fate
    Episode 9: Level 18 How to Solo Elite In the Demon's Den
    Episode 10: Level 21 Solo Elite Bastion of Power
    Episode 11: Level 23 Solo EE VON 2 (The Prisoner)
    Episode 12: Level 24 Solo EE Lords of Dust part 1 of 2 (in Shiradi)
    Episode 13: Level 24 Solo EE Lords of Dust part 2 of 2 (in Sentinel)
    Episode 14: Level 25 Solo EE Rusted Blades with Optional
    Episode 15: Level 28 Tanking EE Lord of Blades with Marking
    Episode 16: Level 28 Solo EE Demon Assault

    After Episode 16, the 10/21/15 balance pass happened and the build changes from a Charisma heavy armor build to a Constitution medium armor build.
    Starting with episode 17, I epic reincarnate and begin my race to epic completionist.

    Episode 17: Level 20 Solo Elite Breaking the Ranks

    Episode 18: Level 25 Solo EE DQ Raid (Zawabi's Revenge)
    Episode 19: Level 28 Solo EE Gianthold Tor (with dragons)
    Episode 20: Level 28 Solo EE Devil's Details
    Episode 21: Level 22 Solo EE Deal and the Demon
    Episode 22: Level 25 Solo EE Trial by Fire
    Episode 23: Level 28 Tanking Truthful One in EE Fall of Truth
    Episode 24: Level 28 Tanking EE Temple of the Deathwyrm
    Episode 25: Level 26 How to solo EE Crucible
    Episode 26: Level 22 Solo EE into the Deep
    Episode 27: Level 29 Solo LE To Curse the Sky
    Episode 28: Level 28 Solo EE Subversion
    Episode 29: Level 20 Solo Elite Shroud
    Episode 30: Level 29 duo EE Fall of Truth
    Episode 31: Level 30 Tanking EE Fire on Thunder Peak

    Some of my other videos and series:
    Gingerspyce Deep Gnome Druid Project
    Northwynd: The Druid True First Life Series
    How to Choose your Warlock for Beginners
    How to Craft a Heroic Green Steel Item and Use the Crafting Planner
    How to Craft a Legendary Green Steel Item and Use the LGS Crafting Planner
    Beginner's Guide to Cannith Crafting
    The Basics of Reincarnating in DDO
    Beginner's Guide to Epic Destinies and Twists of Fate

    over 650 quest videos, raid guides, crafting tutorials and much more for newbies and experienced players alike at my DDO Youtube channel
    What stats woud I use for a 32 point build?

  8. #248
    Community Member HungarianRhapsody's Avatar
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    Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by troublegurl View Post
    What stats woud I use for a 32 point build?
    For this build, max CON, as much as you can into CHA without completely running out of skill points, remainder into INT and whatever else you want to make your life easier.
    CON or abilities, CHA for DC and INT for skill points.
    No one in the world ever gets what they want
    And that is beautiful
    Everybody dies frustrated and sad
    And that is beautiful

  9. #249
    Community Member
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    May 2013


    My build choice makes people crazy... but I am a HUGE fan of the fact that the Tomes are giving more @ start. Just finished doing all my Racial Past Lives, and the boost to Stats takes most of the pain from my build. I go Drow, and blow my wad on maxing CHA and INT. All Level ups into CON, and currently have +7 to stats for Tome. If I can get a hold of a +8 will do that too.

    I utterly HATE not having enough skill points to train in the skills I want. Thankfully the game has evolved a bit so it's no longer detrimental to my choices.

    I guess I should focus on farming Slaver stuff now.. tried to join a Baba yesterday, but @ 23 person in charge was worried I would just get turned into a greasy stain. Will keep working it and hopefully be able to grab Raids and quests as they drop. Doing Racials killed a significant amount of time, only further aggravating the fact that I did the same thing and it took twice as long when I went triple Completionist for Professions.

    Love this build... and even permutations should work nicely.

    I just wish Cruxader had told me his build layout before he quit .. would have loved to made a hybrid of the 2.


  10. #250
    The Tank kamthalion's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    I'm on the last of my racial life almost all done with this build....

    Here below how i'm planning out next life.... still have to decide if drow or dwarf.... so i show you both of my build:


    Character name: Kamdragon
    Classes: 20 Warlock, 10 Epic
    Race: Drow                 Alignment: Lawful Good
         Start Tome Final
    Str:     8    7    44      HP:       4112      AC:   231
    Dex:    11    7    60      PRR:       293
    Con:    16    7    88      MRR:       164      +Healing Amp:   175
    Int:    15    7    56      Dodge:   14/16      -Healing Amp:    20
    Wis:     8    7    48      Fort:     297%      Repair Amp:      20
    Cha:    18    7    76      SR:         10      BAB:             30
    DR: 10\Epic   1\-
    Immunities: Sleep, Fear, Knockdown, Fear, Freedom of Movement, Fear, Death Effects
    Fortitude:         90
      vs Poison:       96
      vs Disease:      95
    Will:              93
      vs Enchantment: 106
      vs Illusion:     97
      vs Fear:         97
      vs Curse:        93
    Reflex:            99
      vs Traps:       101
      vs Spell:       101
      vs Magic:        99
    Marked with a * is no fail on a 1 if required DC met
    Energy       Resistance and Absorbance
    Acid:                47            24%
    Cold:                47            24%
    Electric:            47            24%
    Fire:                47            24%
    Force:                0             0%
    Light:                0             0%
    Negative:             0             0%
    Poison:               2             0%
    Positive:             0             0%
    Repair:               0             0%
    Rust:                 0             0%
    Sonic:               47            15%
    Level Class            Feats
      1   Warlock(1)       Standard: Maximize Spell
                           Pact: Warlock: Pact: Fey
      2   Warlock(2)       
      3   Warlock(3)       Standard: Empower Spell
      4   Warlock(4)       Warlock Save Bonus: Beguiling Defenses
                           Constitution: +1 Level up
      5   Warlock(5)       Warlock Pact Spell: Pact Spell Fey: Blindness
      6   Warlock(6)       Standard: Completionist
                           Warlock Pact Ability: Warlock: Dark Delirium
      7   Warlock(7)       
      8   Warlock(8)       Warlock Save Bonus: Beguiling Defenses
                           Constitution: +1 Level up
      9   Warlock(9)       Standard: Quicken Spell
                           Warlock Pact Spell: Pact Spell Fey: Slow
     10   Warlock(10)      
     11   Warlock(11)      
     12   Warlock(12)      Standard: Shield Proficiency (General)
                           Warlock Save Bonus: Beguiling Defenses
                           Constitution: +1 Level up
     13   Warlock(13)      
     14   Warlock(14)      Warlock Pact Spell: Pact Spell Fey: Greater Dispel Magic
     15   Warlock(15)      Standard: Shield Mastery
                           Warlock Pact Ability: Warlock: Misty escape
     16   Warlock(16)      Warlock Save Bonus: Beguiling Defenses
                           Constitution: +1 Level up
     17   Warlock(17)      Warlock Pact Spell: Pact Spell Fey: Otto's Sphere of Dancing
     18   Warlock(18)      Standard: Improved Shield Mastery
     19   Warlock(19)      Warlock Pact Spell: Pact Spell Fey: Otto's Irresistible Dance
     20   Warlock(20)      Warlock Save Bonus: Beguiling Defenses
                           Constitution: +1 Level up
     21   Epic(1)          Epic Feat: Epic Eldritch Blast
     22   Epic(2)          
     23   Epic(3)          
     24   Epic(4)          Epic Feat: Intensify Spell
                           Constitution: +1 Level up
     25   Epic(5)          
     26   Epic(6)          Epic Destiny Feat: Epic Arcane Eldritch Blast
     27   Epic(7)          Epic Feat: Epic Damage Reduction
     28   Epic(8)          Epic Destiny Feat: Elusive Target
                           Constitution: +1 Level up
     29   Epic(9)          Epic Destiny Feat: Deific Warding
     30   Epic(10)         Epic Feat: Force of Personality
                           Legendary: Scion of Celestia
    Active User Controlled Stances                                    
    Colors of the Queen
    Energy Criticals
    Skill Mastery
    Eldritch Aura
    Celestial Spirit
    Intensify Spell
    Vigor of Battle
    Active Auto Controlled Stances                                    
    Sword and Board
    Medium Armor
    Large Shield
    Enhancements: 80 APs and 12 Racial APs
    Drow - Points spent: 12
     1 Core  (1) Spell Resistance I
     2 Core  (2) Ability I: +1 Dexterity
     3 Core  (1) Spell Resistance II
     4 Core  (2) Ability II: +1 Charisma
     5 Tier2 (1) Enchantment Lore
     6 Tier2 (1) Enchantment Lore
     7 Tier2 (1) Enchantment Lore
     8 Tier2 (1) Venom Lore
     9 Tier3 (2) Darkfire
    Enlightened Spirit - Points spent: 42
     1 Core  (1) Eldritch Aura
     2 Tier1 (1) Spiritual Defense
     3 Tier1 (1) Spiritual Defense
     4 Tier1 (1) Spiritual Defense
     5 Tier1 (1) Resilience of Soul
     6 Core  (1) Aura of Courage
     7 Tier2 (1) Spiritual Bastion
     8 Tier2 (1) Spiritual Bastion
     9 Tier2 (1) Spiritual Bastion
    10 Tier2 (1) Power of Enlightenment: Light I
    11 Tier2 (1) Power of Enlightenment: Light I
    12 Tier2 (1) Power of Enlightenment: Light I
    13 Core  (1) Shape Vestments
    14 Tier3 (1) Spiritual Ward
    15 Tier3 (1) Spiritual Ward
    16 Tier3 (1) Spiritual Ward
    17 Tier3 (1) Eldritch Burst
    18 Tier3 (1) Eldritch Burst
    19 Tier3 (1) Eldritch Burst
    20 Tier3 (1) Power of Enlightenment: Light II
    21 Tier3 (1) Power of Enlightenment: Light II
    22 Tier3 (1) Power of Enlightenment: Light II
    23 Tier4 (1) Spiritual Retribution
    24 Tier4 (1) Spiritual Retribution
    25 Tier4 (1) Spiritual Retribution
    26 Core  (1) Aura of Menace
    27 Tier4 (2) Medium Armor Proficiency
    28 Tier4 (1) Brilliance
    29 Tier3 (2) Ability I: +1 Constitution
    30 Core  (1) Celestial Spirit
    31 Tier4 (2) Ability II: +1 Constitution
    32 Tier5 (1) Spirit Blast
    33 Tier5 (1) Spirit Blast
    34 Tier5 (1) Spirit Blast
    35 Tier5 (2) Beacon
    36 Tier5 (2) Shining Through
    37 Core  (1) Ultimate Enlightenment
    Soul Eater - Points spent: 11
     1 Core  (1) Inhuman Understanding
     2 Tier1 (2) Consume
     3 Tier1 (1) Taint the Blood
     4 Tier1 (1) Hungry for Destruction I
     5 Core  (1) Inhuman Nature
     6 Tier2 (1) Hungry for Destruction II
     7 Tier2 (2) Taint the Aura
     8 Tier1 (1) Hungry for Destruction I
     9 Core  (1) No Worse Fate
    Tainted Scholar - Points spent: 27
     1 Core  (1) Tainted Spellcasting
     2 Tier1 (1) Feigned Health
     3 Tier1 (1) Feigned Health
     4 Tier1 (1) Feigned Health
     5 Tier1 (2) Strong Pact I
     6 Tier2 (2) Strong Pact II
     7 Core  (1) Tainted Lore
     8 Tier2 (2) Utterdark Blast
     9 Tier2 (2) Eldritch Blast Shape: Chain
    10 Core  (1) Stanch
    11 Tier3 (2) Strong Pact III
    12 Tier3 (2) Ability I: +1 Charisma
    13 Tier3 (1) Confusion
    14 Tier3 (1) Confusion
    15 Core  (1) Tainted Lore
    16 Tier4 (1) Bewitching Blast
    17 Tier4 (1) Bewitching Blast
    18 Tier3 (1) Confusion
    19 Tier4 (1) Bewitching Blast
    20 Tier4 (2) Strong Pact IV
    Active Destiny Tree
    Unyielding Sentinel - Points spent: 24
     1 Core  (0) Vigor of Battle
     2 Core  (0) Unbreakable
     3 Core  (0) Stand Against the Tide
     4 Core  (0) Stalwart Guardian
     5 Core  (0) Heed No Pain
     6 Core  (0) Steadfast
     7 Tier1 (2) Ability I: +1 Constitution
     8 Tier1 (1) Shield Prowess
     9 Tier1 (1) Shield Prowess
    10 Tier1 (1) Shield Prowess
    11 Tier2 (1) Legendary Shield Mastery
    12 Tier2 (1) Legendary Shield Mastery
    13 Tier2 (1) Legendary Shield Mastery
    14 Tier2 (2) Ability II: +1 Constitution
    15 Tier3 (2) Ability III: +1 Constitution
    16 Tier1 (2) Brace for Impact
    17 Tier1 (2) Brace for Impact
    18 Tier5 (1) Hardened
    19 Tier5 (1) Hardened
    20 Tier5 (1) Hardened
    21 Tier5 (1) Strength of Vitality
    22 Tier5 (1) Strength of Vitality
    23 Tier5 (1) Strength of Vitality
    24 Tier2 (1) Block Energy
    25 Tier2 (1) Block Energy
    Twists of fate - 36 of 37 Fate points spent.
    Twist 1 - Tier 3: Divine Crusader: Empyrean Magic
    Twist 2 - Tier 3: Divine Crusader: Sacred Ground
    Twist 3 - Tier 2: Divine Crusader: Consecration
    Twist 4 - Tier 2: Shadowdancer: Lithe
    Twist 5 - Tier 1: Primal Avatar: Rejuvenation Cocoon
    Dire Thaumaturge - Points spent: 27
     1 Core  (1) Reaper's Arcanum I
     2 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Focus I
     3 Tier1 (1) Reapers's Ability I: +1 Charisma
     4 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Deep Magic I
     5 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Arcana I
     6 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Focus II
     7 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Deep Magic II
     8 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Ability II: +1 Charisma
     9 Core  (1) Reaper's Arcanum II
    10 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Arcana I
    11 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Deep Magic III
    12 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Focus III
    13 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Ability III: +1 Charisma
    14 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Arcana I
    15 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Arcana II
    16 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Arcana III
    17 Core  (1) Reaper's Arcanum III: +1 Charisma
    18 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Arcana II
    19 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Arcana III
    20 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Arcana II
    21 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Arcana III
    22 Core  (1) Reaper's Arcanum IV
    23 Tier4 (1) Reaper's Arcana IV
    24 Tier4 (1) Reaper's Arcana IV
    25 Tier4 (1) Reaper's Arcana IV
    26 Tier4 (1) Reaper's Deep Magic IV
    27 Tier4 (1) Reaper's Potency
    Grim Barricade - Points spent: 48
     1 Core  (1) Reaper's Defense I
     2 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Bulwark/Shroud I: PRR
     3 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Bulwark/Shroud I: PRR
     4 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Bulwark/Shroud I: PRR
     5 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Reflex/Fortitude/Will I: Reflex Save
     6 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Reflex/Fortitude/Will I: Reflex Save
     7 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Reflex/Fortitude/Will I: Reflex Save
     8 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Constitution I
     9 Core  (1) Reaper's Defense II
    10 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Constitution II
    11 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Constitution III
    12 Core  (1) Reaper's Defense III
    13 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Bullwark/Shroud II: PRR
    14 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Bullwark/Shroud II: PRR
    15 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Bullwark/Shroud II: PRR
    16 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Reflex/Fortitude/Will II: Reflex Save
    17 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Reflex/Fortitude/Will II: Reflex Save
    18 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Reflex/Fortitude/Will II: Reflex Save
    19 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Reflex/Fortitude/Will III: Reflex Save
    20 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Reflex/Fortitude/Will III: Reflex Save
    21 Core  (1) Reaper's Defense IV
    22 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Evasion I
    23 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Evasion II
    24 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Evasion III
    25 Tier4 (1) Reaper's Heightened Evasion I
    26 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Evasion I
    27 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Evasion II
    28 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Evasion III
    29 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Evasion I
    30 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Evasion II
    31 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Evasion III
    32 Core  (1) Reaper's Defense V
    33 Tier5 (1) Reaper's Heightened Evasion II
    34 Tier5 (1) Reaper's Constitution V
    35 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Reflex/Fortitude/Will III: Reflex Save
    36 Tier5 (1) Reaper's Reflex/Fortitude/Will V: Reflex Save
    37 Tier5 (1) Reaper's Reflex/Fortitude/Will V: Reflex Save
    38 Tier5 (1) Reaper's Reflex/Fortitude/Will V: Reflex Save
    39 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Bulwark/Shroud III: PRR
    40 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Bulwark/Shroud III: PRR
    41 Core  (1) Reaper's Defense VI
    42 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Bulwark/Shroud III: PRR
    43 Tier4 (1) Reaper's Bulwark/Shroud IV: PRR
    44 Tier5 (1) Reaper's Bulwark/Shroud V: PRR
    45 Tier4 (1) Reaper's Bulwark/Shroud IV: PRR
    46 Tier5 (1) Reaper's Bulwark/Shroud V: PRR
    47 Tier4 (1) Reaper's Bulwark/Shroud IV: PRR
    48 Tier5 (1) Reaper's Bulwark/Shroud V: PRR
    Spell Power        Base    Critical Chance    Critical Multiplier.
    Acid                572      14%                30
    Alignment           815      35%                60
    Cold                572      14%                30
    Earth               557       5%                30
    Electric            572      14%                30
    Fire                572      14%                30
    Force               557       5%                30
    Light               880      35%                60
    Negative            568       5%                30
    Physical            557       5%                30
    Positive            782      32%                60
    Repair              535       5%                30
    Rust                535       5%                30
    Sonic               781      44%                30
    Untyped             557       5%                30
    Water               557       5%                30
    Equipped Gear                                                     
    Armor         Legendary Coat of the Traveler
                  +14 Enhancement Bonus
                  Fortification +202%
                  Parrying +9
                  Physical Sheltering +50
                  Profane Well Rounded
                  Crypt Raider Set (Legendary)
                  Blue: Globe of True Imperial Blood
                  Mythic: Empty augment slot
                  Reaper: Empty augment slot
    Belt          Legendary Plateshard Belt
                  Fortitude Save +16
                  Incite +59%
                  Constitution +19
                  Insightful Incite +27%
                  Knight of the Shadows Set (Legendary)
                  Yellow: +2 Festive Wisdom
                  Mythic: Empty augment slot
                  Reaper: Empty augment slot
    Boots         Legendary Flightfoot Greaves
                  Freedom of Movement
                  Speed XV
                  Natural Armor Bonus +19
                  Reflex Save +16
                  Adherent of the Mists Set (Legendary)
                  Yellow: +2 Topaz of Spell Focus: Evocation
                  Mythic: Empty augment slot
                  Reaper: Empty augment slot
    Bracers       Legendary Bracers of the Fallen Hero
                  Strength +19
                  Insightful Constitution +9
                  Stunning +22
                  Quality Physical Sheltering +12
                  Adherent of the Mists Set (Legendary)
                  Green: Empty augment slot
                  Mythic: Empty augment slot
                  Reaper: Empty augment slot
    Cloak         Legendary Scarlet Scale Cloak
                  Breath Weapon Focus +8
                  Insightful Evocation Focus +4
                  Spell Sight +22
                  Quality Constitution +4
                  Adherent of the Mists Set (Legendary)
                  Blue: +2 Festive Intelligence
                  Mythic: Empty augment slot
                  Reaper: Empty augment slot
    Gloves        Legendary Crumbling Gloves
                  Insightful Dexterity +9
                  Quality Intelligence +4
                  Shatter +22
                  Insightful Physical Sheltering +24
                  Adherent of the Mists Set (Legendary)
                  Blue: +15 Sapphire of Spell Agility
                  Mythic: Empty augment slot
                  Reaper: Empty augment slot
    Goggles       Legendary Feargaze
                  Linguistics 10%
                  Intimidate +22
                  Insightful Intimidate +11
                  Quality Incite +13%
                  Knight of the Shadows Set (Legendary)
                  Green: +2 Sapphire of Armored Agility
                  Mythic: Empty augment slot
                  Reaper: Empty augment slot
    Helmet        Drow Sage's Cowl
                  Wisdom +19
                  True Seeing
                  Healing Amplification +80
                  Will Save +16
                  Trace of Madness: Empty augment slot
                  Purple: +2 Sapphire of Good Luck
                  Mythic: Empty augment slot
                  Reaper: Empty augment slot
    Necklace      Cannith Crafted Necklace
                  Cannith Necklace Prefix: +6 Conjuration Focus
                  Cannith Necklace Suffix: +57 False Life
                  Cannith Necklace Extra: +7 Insightful Charisma
                  Green: Topaz of Fear Immunity
    Quiver        Quiver of Alacrity
                  Ranged Alacrity 10%
                  Striding +30%
                  Green: +15 The Master's Gift
                  Blue: Empty augment slot
    Ring1         Legendary Five Rings
                  Legendary Slavelords Prefix: Intelligence +17
                  Legendary Slavelords Suffix: Spell Lore Positive +27
                  Legendary Slavelords Extra: Spell Craft +22
                  Legendary Slavelords Bonus: Quality Charisma +4
                  Legendary Slavelords Set Bonus: Legendary Slavelords Endurance
                  Green: +2 Topaz of Spell Focus: Conjuration
                  Mythic: Empty augment slot
                  Reaper: Empty augment slot
    Ring2         Legendary Five Rings
                  Legendary Slavelords Prefix: Dexterity +17
                  Legendary Slavelords Suffix: Spell Power Positive +185
                  Legendary Slavelords Extra: Heal +22
                  Legendary Slavelords Bonus: Quality Dexterity +4
                  Legendary Slavelords Set Bonus: Legendary Slavelords Endurance
                  Green: Golem's Heart
                  Mythic: Empty augment slot
                  Reaper: Empty augment slot
    Trinket       Bell of Warding
                  Resonance +208
                  Sonic Lore +30%
                  Magical Sheltering +52
                  Charisma +20
                  Adherent of the Mists Set (Legendary)
                  Yellow: Draconic Soul Gem
                  Green: +250 Topaz of Wizardry
                  Mythic: Empty augment slot
                  Reaper: Empty augment slot
    Weapon1       Dusk, the Light Descends
                  Damage and Type 5[1d8+3] + 15 Slash, Magic
                  Critical Threat Range 20 x3
                  +15 Enhancement Bonus
                  Radiance +208
                  Radiance Lore +30%
                  Evocation Focus +8
                  Brazen Brilliance
                  Orange: +2 Topaz of Deathblock
                  Red: +15 Diamond of Perform
                  Mythic: Empty augment slot
                  Reaper: Empty augment slot
                  Sentient Weapon Personality: 
                  Filigree 1: Grandfather's Shield: Armor Class(Rare Version)
                  Filigree 2: Grandfather's Shield: Constitution
                  Filigree 3: Grandfather's Shield: PRR(Rare Version)
                  Filigree 4: The Beast's Mantle: Constitution(Rare Version)
                  Filigree 5: The Beast's Mantle: Rage
                  Filigree 6: To Hell and Back: Charisma(Rare Version)
                  Filigree 7: To Hell and Back: Constitution(Rare Version)
                  Filigree 8: To Hell and Back: MRR
    Weapon2       Giant's Platter
                  Damage and Type [2d10+10] + 15 Bludgeon, Magic
                  Critical Threat Range 19-20 x3
                  +15 Enhancement Bonus
                  Quality Magical Sheltering +12
                  Natural Armor Bonus +19
                  Vitality +67
                  Protection +16
                  Wayward Warrior Set
                  Trace of Madness: Empty augment slot
                  Purple: +40 Sapphire of Hitpoints
                  Mythic: Empty augment slot
                  Reaper: Empty augment slot

    Character name: Kamdragon
    Classes: 20 Warlock, 10 Epic
    Race: Dwarf                Alignment: Lawful Good
         Start Tome Final
    Str:     8    7    44      HP:       4440      AC:   237
    Dex:    10    7    58      PRR:       293
    Con:    20    7    94      MRR:       168      +Healing Amp:   175
    Int:    13    7    54      Dodge:   14/16      -Healing Amp:    20
    Wis:     8    7    48      Fort:     272%      Repair Amp:      20
    Cha:    15    7    72      SR:          0      BAB:             30
    DR: 10\Epic   1\-
    Immunities: Fear, Knockdown, Freedom of Movement, Fear, Death Effects
    Fortitude:         96
      vs Poison:       99
      vs Disease:      97
    Will:              91
      vs Enchantment:  96
      vs Illusion:     95
      vs Fear:         95
      vs Curse:        91
    Reflex:            95
      vs Traps:        97
      vs Spell:        97
      vs Magic:        95
    Marked with a * is no fail on a 1 if required DC met
    Energy       Resistance and Absorbance
    Acid:                47            24%
    Cold:                47            24%
    Electric:            47            24%
    Fire:                47            24%
    Force:                0             0%
    Light:                0             0%
    Negative:             0             0%
    Poison:               0             0%
    Positive:             0             0%
    Repair:               0             0%
    Rust:                 0             0%
    Sonic:               47            15%
    Level Class            Feats
      1   Warlock(1)       Standard: Maximize Spell
                           Pact: Warlock: Pact: Fey
      2   Warlock(2)       
      3   Warlock(3)       Standard: Empower Spell
      4   Warlock(4)       Warlock Save Bonus: Beguiling Defenses
                           Constitution: +1 Level up
      5   Warlock(5)       Warlock Pact Spell: Pact Spell Fey: Blindness
      6   Warlock(6)       Standard: Completionist
                           Warlock Pact Ability: Warlock: Dark Delirium
      7   Warlock(7)       
      8   Warlock(8)       Warlock Save Bonus: Beguiling Defenses
                           Constitution: +1 Level up
      9   Warlock(9)       Standard: Quicken Spell
                           Warlock Pact Spell: Pact Spell Fey: Slow
     10   Warlock(10)      
     11   Warlock(11)      
     12   Warlock(12)      Standard: Shield Proficiency (General)
                           Warlock Save Bonus: Beguiling Defenses
                           Constitution: +1 Level up
     13   Warlock(13)      
     14   Warlock(14)      Warlock Pact Spell: Pact Spell Fey: Greater Dispel Magic
     15   Warlock(15)      Standard: Shield Mastery
                           Warlock Pact Ability: Warlock: Misty escape
     16   Warlock(16)      Warlock Save Bonus: Beguiling Defenses
                           Constitution: +1 Level up
     17   Warlock(17)      Warlock Pact Spell: Pact Spell Fey: Otto's Sphere of Dancing
     18   Warlock(18)      Standard: Improved Shield Mastery
     19   Warlock(19)      Warlock Pact Spell: Pact Spell Fey: Otto's Irresistible Dance
     20   Warlock(20)      Warlock Save Bonus: Beguiling Defenses
                           Constitution: +1 Level up
     21   Epic(1)          Epic Feat: Epic Eldritch Blast
     22   Epic(2)          
     23   Epic(3)          
     24   Epic(4)          Epic Feat: Intensify Spell
                           Constitution: +1 Level up
     25   Epic(5)          
     26   Epic(6)          Epic Destiny Feat: Epic Arcane Eldritch Blast
     27   Epic(7)          Epic Feat: Epic Damage Reduction
     28   Epic(8)          Epic Destiny Feat: Elusive Target
                           Constitution: +1 Level up
     29   Epic(9)          Epic Destiny Feat: Deific Warding
     30   Epic(10)         Epic Feat: Force of Personality
                           Legendary: Scion of Celestia
    Active User Controlled Stances                                    
    Colors of the Queen
    Energy Criticals
    Skill Mastery
    Eldritch Aura
    Celestial Spirit
    Intensify Spell
    Vigor of Battle
    Active Auto Controlled Stances                                    
    Sword and Board
    Medium Armor
    Large Shield
    Enhancements: 80 APs and 12 Racial APs
    Dwarf - Points spent: 21
     1 Core  (1) Toughness I
     2 Core  (2) Constitution I
     3 Core  (1) Toughness II
     4 Core  (2) Constitution II
     5 Tier2 (2) Child of the Mountain
     6 Tier2 (2) Child of the Mountain
     7 Tier2 (2) Child of the Mountain
     8 Tier1 (1) Armor Mastery
     9 Tier1 (1) Armor Mastery
    10 Tier1 (1) Armor Mastery
    11 Tier2 (2) Shield Mastery
    12 Tier2 (2) Shield Mastery
    13 Tier2 (2) Shield Mastery
    Enlightened Spirit - Points spent: 44
     1 Core  (1) Eldritch Aura
     2 Tier1 (1) Spiritual Defense
     3 Tier1 (1) Spiritual Defense
     4 Tier1 (1) Spiritual Defense
     5 Tier1 (1) Resilience of Soul
     6 Core  (1) Aura of Courage
     7 Tier2 (1) Spiritual Bastion
     8 Tier2 (1) Spiritual Bastion
     9 Tier2 (1) Spiritual Bastion
    10 Tier2 (1) Power of Enlightenment: Light I
    11 Tier2 (1) Power of Enlightenment: Light I
    12 Tier2 (1) Power of Enlightenment: Light I
    13 Core  (1) Shape Vestments
    14 Tier3 (1) Spiritual Ward
    15 Tier3 (1) Spiritual Ward
    16 Tier3 (1) Spiritual Ward
    17 Tier3 (1) Eldritch Burst
    18 Tier3 (1) Eldritch Burst
    19 Tier3 (1) Eldritch Burst
    20 Tier3 (1) Power of Enlightenment: Light II
    21 Tier3 (1) Power of Enlightenment: Light II
    22 Tier3 (1) Power of Enlightenment: Light II
    23 Tier4 (1) Spiritual Retribution
    24 Tier4 (1) Spiritual Retribution
    25 Tier4 (1) Spiritual Retribution
    26 Core  (1) Aura of Menace
    27 Tier4 (2) Medium Armor Proficiency
    28 Tier4 (1) Brilliance
    29 Tier3 (2) Ability I: +1 Constitution
    30 Core  (1) Celestial Spirit
    31 Tier4 (2) Ability II: +1 Constitution
    32 Tier5 (1) Spirit Blast
    33 Tier5 (1) Spirit Blast
    34 Tier5 (1) Spirit Blast
    35 Tier5 (2) Beacon
    36 Tier5 (2) Shining Through
    37 Core  (1) Ultimate Enlightenment
    38 Tier1 (1) Resilience of Soul
    39 Tier1 (1) Resilience of Soul
    Tainted Scholar - Points spent: 27
     1 Core  (1) Tainted Spellcasting
     2 Tier1 (1) Feigned Health
     3 Tier1 (1) Feigned Health
     4 Tier1 (1) Feigned Health
     5 Tier1 (2) Strong Pact I
     6 Tier2 (2) Strong Pact II
     7 Core  (1) Tainted Lore
     8 Tier2 (2) Utterdark Blast
     9 Tier2 (2) Eldritch Blast Shape: Chain
    10 Core  (1) Stanch
    11 Tier3 (2) Strong Pact III
    12 Tier3 (2) Ability I: +1 Charisma
    13 Tier3 (1) Confusion
    14 Tier3 (1) Confusion
    15 Core  (1) Tainted Lore
    16 Tier4 (1) Bewitching Blast
    17 Tier4 (1) Bewitching Blast
    18 Tier3 (1) Confusion
    19 Tier4 (1) Bewitching Blast
    20 Tier4 (2) Strong Pact IV
    Active Destiny Tree
    Unyielding Sentinel - Points spent: 24
     1 Core  (0) Vigor of Battle
     2 Core  (0) Unbreakable
     3 Core  (0) Stand Against the Tide
     4 Core  (0) Stalwart Guardian
     5 Core  (0) Heed No Pain
     6 Core  (0) Steadfast
     7 Tier1 (2) Ability I: +1 Constitution
     8 Tier1 (1) Shield Prowess
     9 Tier1 (1) Shield Prowess
    10 Tier1 (1) Shield Prowess
    11 Tier2 (1) Legendary Shield Mastery
    12 Tier2 (1) Legendary Shield Mastery
    13 Tier2 (1) Legendary Shield Mastery
    14 Tier2 (2) Ability II: +1 Constitution
    15 Tier3 (2) Ability III: +1 Constitution
    16 Tier1 (2) Brace for Impact
    17 Tier1 (2) Brace for Impact
    18 Tier5 (1) Hardened
    19 Tier5 (1) Hardened
    20 Tier5 (1) Hardened
    21 Tier5 (1) Strength of Vitality
    22 Tier5 (1) Strength of Vitality
    23 Tier5 (1) Strength of Vitality
    24 Tier2 (1) Block Energy
    25 Tier2 (1) Block Energy
    Twists of fate - 36 of 37 Fate points spent.
    Twist 1 - Tier 3: Divine Crusader: Empyrean Magic
    Twist 2 - Tier 3: Divine Crusader: Sacred Ground
    Twist 3 - Tier 2: Divine Crusader: Consecration
    Twist 4 - Tier 2: Shadowdancer: Lithe
    Twist 5 - Tier 1: Primal Avatar: Rejuvenation Cocoon
    Dire Thaumaturge - Points spent: 27
     1 Core  (1) Reaper's Arcanum I
     2 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Focus I
     3 Tier1 (1) Reapers's Ability I: +1 Charisma
     4 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Deep Magic I
     5 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Arcana I
     6 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Focus II
     7 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Deep Magic II
     8 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Ability II: +1 Charisma
     9 Core  (1) Reaper's Arcanum II
    10 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Arcana I
    11 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Deep Magic III
    12 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Focus III
    13 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Ability III: +1 Charisma
    14 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Arcana I
    15 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Arcana II
    16 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Arcana III
    17 Core  (1) Reaper's Arcanum III: +1 Charisma
    18 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Arcana II
    19 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Arcana III
    20 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Arcana II
    21 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Arcana III
    22 Core  (1) Reaper's Arcanum IV
    23 Tier4 (1) Reaper's Arcana IV
    24 Tier4 (1) Reaper's Arcana IV
    25 Tier4 (1) Reaper's Arcana IV
    26 Tier4 (1) Reaper's Deep Magic IV
    27 Tier4 (1) Reaper's Potency
    Grim Barricade - Points spent: 48
     1 Core  (1) Reaper's Defense I
     2 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Bulwark/Shroud I: PRR
     3 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Bulwark/Shroud I: PRR
     4 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Bulwark/Shroud I: PRR
     5 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Reflex/Fortitude/Will I: Reflex Save
     6 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Reflex/Fortitude/Will I: Reflex Save
     7 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Reflex/Fortitude/Will I: Reflex Save
     8 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Constitution I
     9 Core  (1) Reaper's Defense II
    10 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Constitution II
    11 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Constitution III
    12 Core  (1) Reaper's Defense III
    13 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Bullwark/Shroud II: PRR
    14 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Bullwark/Shroud II: PRR
    15 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Bullwark/Shroud II: PRR
    16 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Reflex/Fortitude/Will II: Reflex Save
    17 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Reflex/Fortitude/Will II: Reflex Save
    18 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Reflex/Fortitude/Will II: Reflex Save
    19 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Reflex/Fortitude/Will III: Reflex Save
    20 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Reflex/Fortitude/Will III: Reflex Save
    21 Core  (1) Reaper's Defense IV
    22 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Evasion I
    23 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Evasion II
    24 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Evasion III
    25 Tier4 (1) Reaper's Heightened Evasion I
    26 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Evasion I
    27 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Evasion II
    28 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Evasion III
    29 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Evasion I
    30 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Evasion II
    31 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Evasion III
    32 Core  (1) Reaper's Defense V
    33 Tier5 (1) Reaper's Heightened Evasion II
    34 Tier5 (1) Reaper's Constitution V
    35 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Reflex/Fortitude/Will III: Reflex Save
    36 Tier5 (1) Reaper's Reflex/Fortitude/Will V: Reflex Save
    37 Tier5 (1) Reaper's Reflex/Fortitude/Will V: Reflex Save
    38 Tier5 (1) Reaper's Reflex/Fortitude/Will V: Reflex Save
    39 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Bulwark/Shroud III: PRR
    40 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Bulwark/Shroud III: PRR
    41 Core  (1) Reaper's Defense VI
    42 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Bulwark/Shroud III: PRR
    43 Tier4 (1) Reaper's Bulwark/Shroud IV: PRR
    44 Tier5 (1) Reaper's Bulwark/Shroud V: PRR
    45 Tier4 (1) Reaper's Bulwark/Shroud IV: PRR
    46 Tier5 (1) Reaper's Bulwark/Shroud V: PRR
    47 Tier4 (1) Reaper's Bulwark/Shroud IV: PRR
    48 Tier5 (1) Reaper's Bulwark/Shroud V: PRR
    Spell Power        Base    Critical Chance    Critical Multiplier.
    Acid                550      14%                30
    Alignment           793      35%                60
    Cold                550      14%                30
    Earth               535       5%                30
    Electric            550      14%                30
    Fire                550      14%                30
    Force               535       5%                30
    Light               858      35%                60
    Negative            546       5%                30
    Physical            535       5%                30
    Positive            760      32%                60
    Repair              513       5%                30
    Rust                513       5%                30
    Sonic               758      44%                30
    Untyped             535       5%                30
    Water               535       5%                30
    Equipped Gear                                                     
    Armor         Legendary Coat of the Traveler
                  +14 Enhancement Bonus
                  Fortification +202%
                  Parrying +9
                  Physical Sheltering +50
                  Profane Well Rounded
                  Crypt Raider Set (Legendary)
                  Blue: Globe of True Imperial Blood
                  Mythic: Empty augment slot
                  Reaper: Empty augment slot
    Belt          Legendary Plateshard Belt
                  Fortitude Save +16
                  Incite +59%
                  Constitution +19
                  Insightful Incite +27%
                  Knight of the Shadows Set (Legendary)
                  Yellow: +2 Festive Wisdom
                  Mythic: Empty augment slot
                  Reaper: Empty augment slot
    Boots         Legendary Flightfoot Greaves
                  Freedom of Movement
                  Speed XV
                  Natural Armor Bonus +19
                  Reflex Save +16
                  Adherent of the Mists Set (Legendary)
                  Yellow: +2 Topaz of Spell Focus: Evocation
                  Mythic: Empty augment slot
                  Reaper: Empty augment slot
    Bracers       Legendary Bracers of the Fallen Hero
                  Strength +19
                  Insightful Constitution +9
                  Stunning +22
                  Quality Physical Sheltering +12
                  Adherent of the Mists Set (Legendary)
                  Green: Empty augment slot
                  Mythic: Empty augment slot
                  Reaper: Empty augment slot
    Cloak         Legendary Scarlet Scale Cloak
                  Breath Weapon Focus +8
                  Insightful Evocation Focus +4
                  Spell Sight +22
                  Quality Constitution +4
                  Adherent of the Mists Set (Legendary)
                  Blue: +2 Festive Intelligence
                  Mythic: Empty augment slot
                  Reaper: Empty augment slot
    Gloves        Legendary Crumbling Gloves
                  Insightful Dexterity +9
                  Quality Intelligence +4
                  Shatter +22
                  Insightful Physical Sheltering +24
                  Adherent of the Mists Set (Legendary)
                  Blue: +15 Sapphire of Spell Agility
                  Mythic: Empty augment slot
                  Reaper: Empty augment slot
    Goggles       Legendary Feargaze
                  Linguistics 10%
                  Intimidate +22
                  Insightful Intimidate +11
                  Quality Incite +13%
                  Knight of the Shadows Set (Legendary)
                  Green: +2 Sapphire of Armored Agility
                  Mythic: Empty augment slot
                  Reaper: Empty augment slot
    Helmet        Drow Sage's Cowl
                  Wisdom +19
                  True Seeing
                  Healing Amplification +80
                  Will Save +16
                  Trace of Madness: Empty augment slot
                  Purple: +2 Sapphire of Good Luck
                  Mythic: Empty augment slot
                  Reaper: Empty augment slot
    Necklace      Cannith Crafted Necklace
                  Cannith Necklace Prefix: +6 Conjuration Focus
                  Cannith Necklace Suffix: +57 False Life
                  Cannith Necklace Extra: +7 Insightful Charisma
                  Green: Topaz of Fear Immunity
    Quiver        Quiver of Alacrity
                  Ranged Alacrity 10%
                  Striding +30%
                  Green: +15 The Master's Gift
                  Blue: Empty augment slot
    Ring1         Legendary Five Rings
                  Legendary Slavelords Prefix: Intelligence +17
                  Legendary Slavelords Suffix: Spell Lore Positive +27
                  Legendary Slavelords Extra: Spell Craft +22
                  Legendary Slavelords Bonus: Quality Charisma +4
                  Legendary Slavelords Set Bonus: Legendary Slavelords Endurance
                  Green: +2 Topaz of Spell Focus: Conjuration
                  Mythic: Empty augment slot
                  Reaper: Empty augment slot
    Ring2         Legendary Five Rings
                  Legendary Slavelords Prefix: Dexterity +17
                  Legendary Slavelords Suffix: Spell Power Positive +185
                  Legendary Slavelords Extra: Heal +22
                  Legendary Slavelords Bonus: Quality Dexterity +4
                  Legendary Slavelords Set Bonus: Legendary Slavelords Endurance
                  Green: Golem's Heart
                  Mythic: Empty augment slot
                  Reaper: Empty augment slot
    Trinket       Bell of Warding
                  Resonance +208
                  Sonic Lore +30%
                  Magical Sheltering +52
                  Charisma +20
                  Adherent of the Mists Set (Legendary)
                  Yellow: Draconic Soul Gem
                  Green: +250 Topaz of Wizardry
                  Mythic: Empty augment slot
                  Reaper: Empty augment slot
    Weapon1       Dusk, the Light Descends
                  Damage and Type 5[1d8+3] + 15 Slash, Magic
                  Critical Threat Range 20 x3
                  +15 Enhancement Bonus
                  Radiance +208
                  Radiance Lore +30%
                  Evocation Focus +8
                  Brazen Brilliance
                  Orange: +2 Topaz of Deathblock
                  Red: +15 Diamond of Perform
                  Mythic: Empty augment slot
                  Reaper: Empty augment slot
                  Sentient Weapon Personality: 
                  Filigree 1: Grandfather's Shield: Armor Class(Rare Version)
                  Filigree 2: Grandfather's Shield: Constitution
                  Filigree 3: Grandfather's Shield: PRR(Rare Version)
                  Filigree 4: The Beast's Mantle: Constitution(Rare Version)
                  Filigree 5: The Beast's Mantle: Rage
                  Filigree 6: To Hell and Back: Charisma(Rare Version)
                  Filigree 7: To Hell and Back: Constitution(Rare Version)
                  Filigree 8: To Hell and Back: MRR
    Weapon2       Giant's Platter
                  Damage and Type [2d10+10] + 15 Bludgeon, Magic
                  Critical Threat Range 19-20 x3
                  +15 Enhancement Bonus
                  Quality Magical Sheltering +12
                  Natural Armor Bonus +19
                  Vitality +67
                  Protection +16
                  Wayward Warrior Set
                  Trace of Madness: Empty augment slot
                  Purple: +40 Sapphire of Hitpoints
                  Mythic: Empty augment slot
                  Reaper: Empty augment slot
    Main: Kamdragon The Tank

  11. #251
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Default 2nd lifr

    Hello , im about to do my first TR this build can perform on a 2nd life(past life cleric)?
    Last edited by AreagonTF; 07-26-2018 at 09:08 AM.

  12. #252


    Quote Originally Posted by AreagonTF View Post
    Hello , im about to do my first TR this build can perform on a 2nd life(past life cleric)?
    Should be fine on a second lifer, though I wouldn't try to take it into high skull content. You should be ok in low skull questing

  13. #253
    Community Member Dulcimerist's Avatar
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    Jul 2010

    Default Crafted Gear for Epic Leveling?

    I've gotten my ES tank warlock to level 30, and am close to doing the first Epic Reincarnation. My gear is pretty lame, but I now have a level 380 crafter. What would be some good ML20 or ML21 general gear to craft for this character while I go on the EPL train to Epic Completionist? I don't have access to much of the good named gear yet.
    "Swords will cut you wide open!" - Trip Fisk

  14. #254


    Quote Originally Posted by Dulcimerist View Post
    I've gotten my ES tank warlock to level 30, and am close to doing the first Epic Reincarnation. My gear is pretty lame, but I now have a level 380 crafter. What would be some good ML20 or ML21 general gear to craft for this character while I go on the EPL train to Epic Completionist? I don't have access to much of the good named gear yet.
    As far as craftable gear goes, nothing special just max light and sonic spell power and lore, along with as much defense as you can fit in like prr, mrr, parrying, dodge, natural armor, protection, etc. You can also craft a conjuration item to help tentacles hit better. Of course you also want to craft max con and charisma items.

  15. #255
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2016


    Hi, voodu! Your videos are awesome to watch!

    I am playing a lot this tanky build and im enjoying. using it to farm my divine past lives to get more prr.

    ATM im using skyvault shield for more prr while i dont get the enough from EPL feats. And im mostly using adherent of mists set, but i was looking at wlk and wanted to think at multi on next lives to 4 pally /1 wiz for sacred defender + EK mage armor. what do you think?

  16. #256


    Quote Originally Posted by Mpareto View Post
    Hi, voodu! Your videos are awesome to watch!

    I am playing a lot this tanky build and im enjoying. using it to farm my divine past lives to get more prr.

    ATM im using skyvault shield for more prr while i dont get the enough from EPL feats. And im mostly using adherent of mists set, but i was looking at wlk and wanted to think at multi on next lives to 4 pally /1 wiz for sacred defender + EK mage armor. what do you think?
    Hi Mpareto, I'm glad you like the videos, ty for saying!
    I've never tried multiclassing like that but I know it can be highly defensive. Take a look at the Kamdragon build that was just posted.

  17. #257
    Founder Rydlic's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Just wanted to say that I have enjoyed you videos, I took a rather long break from the game (Wheloon to about Ravenloft I was just in once every 2-5 months to check in). Many of your videos on game basics and Reaper have been great. This build has been great for revamping my TR character. Working on Racial and Epic TRS and this has made running up levels a breeze (Warforged lifes have been.. annoying but doable).

    Thank you again.
    Brotherhood of the Blood Xoriat
    We are the blood,
    We are the madness,

  18. #258


    Quote Originally Posted by Rydlic View Post
    Just wanted to say that I have enjoyed you videos, I took a rather long break from the game (Wheloon to about Ravenloft I was just in once every 2-5 months to check in). Many of your videos on game basics and Reaper have been great. This build has been great for revamping my TR character. Working on Racial and Epic TRS and this has made running up levels a breeze (Warforged lifes have been.. annoying but doable).

    Thank you again.
    Hey Rydlic, I'm glad you've enjoyed the videos and the build, thank you for saying. I'm working on my wf lives so will be trying the build on a wf next life. I'm not a fan of wf so good to know it's doable

  19. #259
    Community Member Dulcimerist's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    I just wanted to thank you again for posting this build. This build is what got me really active in DDO for the first time since 2011, and I'm thoroughly enjoying it! Voodu Warlock brought me back!
    "Swords will cut you wide open!" - Trip Fisk

  20. #260
    Founder Rydlic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Nachomammashouse View Post
    Hey Rydlic, I'm glad you've enjoyed the videos and the build, thank you for saying. I'm working on my wf lives so will be trying the build on a wf next life. I'm not a fan of wf so good to know it's doable
    Be aware, you do not have a Medium armor option and no body feat just does not cut it as you just do not get enough PRR. I have taken Mithril Body at lvl 1 and moved Force of Personality to replace Greater Constitution. You are basically capped though at 7 Dodge without some major investment in the Racial tree or some other way to get more dex.
    Brotherhood of the Blood Xoriat
    We are the blood,
    We are the madness,

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