The 30 second cooldown has always been there, though never stated anywhere, hehe. And it was only recently stated by a dev (in the thread I linked) to be WAI. What was broken about them was the fact that they always triggered after 30 seconds. Now they only have a 2% chance to trigger once the 30 second cooldown is over. A 2% chance every 30 seconds is pretty weak imo, and not worth the jeweler's kit it will cost to unslot it when a later update inevitably invalidates one's current gear set. Sure, you could slot 12 of them and then have a 24% chance to proc a weak healing and AoE damage effect every 30 seconds, but that seems like an awfully big waste of slots imo.
Unarmed monk guide with builds|The Arcane Warrior: wiz/fighter hybrids|White Feather Sniper: CC/dps focused deepwood stalker|The Divine Cuisinart: divine crusader tempest|The Count of Monte Cristo: swashbuckler|Hassan's Assassin: dex assassin|Dubbell O'Seven: WF artificer|Santa's Little Slayer: dragonmarked elf centered kensai
Unarmed monk guide with builds|The Arcane Warrior: wiz/fighter hybrids|White Feather Sniper: CC/dps focused deepwood stalker|The Divine Cuisinart: divine crusader tempest|The Count of Monte Cristo: swashbuckler|Hassan's Assassin: dex assassin|Dubbell O'Seven: WF artificer|Santa's Little Slayer: dragonmarked elf centered kensai
From today's release notes:
"Holy Sword's effect has been changed to: "While you are enchanted with Holy Sword, any weapons in your hands gain +1 to their Enhancement bonus and +1 Competence Bonus to Critical Threat Range and Critical Damage Multiplier. This does not apply to shields, orbs, or Rune Arms." "
*Raises Hand*
I thought the point of changing Holy Sword was to reduce the power of Two-weapon fighters? So now sword-n-board DPS is reduced and the TWF's are the same as before.
What happened here?
Last edited by alancarp; 10-22-2015 at 05:02 PM.
So after testing manyshot at lvl 15 in Gianthold I have come to a conclusion that it is:
1. NOT manyshot anymore. cant even call it manyshot anymore like its predecessor in pnp *as the devs always try to stay true to pnp, or so they always claim* since you dont even shoot more arrows. ummmm..... wha??????
2. COMPLETELY useless in heroics now. my build is a split this current life and im feeling a double whammy. He is a two weapon fighting toon with manyshot as well for back up. twf was nerfed with this too, which in all honesty wasnt that bad while testing but am double nerfed regardless. I then decided to go ahead and use 'strongershot'. I will be calling it this now as i AM faithful to pnp and refuse to dishonor 3.5 by calling it manyshot anymore, since it is NOT manyshot by any means what so ever, unless your counting the doubleshot you get when you gear your brains out just for that. When i used 'stongershot' it literally did about 5-10 more points of damage per arrow. Now mind you, I know what you are 'trying' and failing to do and that is nerf it to where manyadrenaslayershot is not so ridiculous in epics. What you have 'done' though, is nerf it so hard that its no longer an ability that can even hold true to its name nor be even semi useful in heroic. by the time i swap to my bow and hit my strongershot and boosts etc, i could have just killed them with my blades. so why use strongershot????
3. Only ever use it in epic when i CAN adrenaline/slayer/strongershot. In nerfing it for the reason of this, you only made it useful for JUST that.
4. I will most likey never take this feat ever again with it being so useless, unless its on a pure ranger build that i will never play as i have been there done that, sort of thing. After playing for over 5 years, this is one thing that disturbs me most about all the changes that have ever happened. there has never, until this day, been a change that has ever made me want to 'not' use what should be 'a helpful feat'. Its bad enough that it has such high requirements. your going to need to account for dexterity and multiple feat requirements before you can even take the feat that gives you about 5 more points of dmg per shot. The most disturbing part is that it is assumed to be balanced now.
All of this boils down to 1 thing. Your trying to 'balance' a system that cannot be balanced. This has been an issue with 3.5 since it was started. I know all too well as i have been playing dnd for 20+ years now. Its not about total balance with 3.5, its about class roles and versatility. At this rate I can see this game steering towards all those joke dnd games where u get a pre built toon *you can be a female horc rogue, or a male dwarf sorcerer etc*. The one thing that makes dnd a shining contender in games is one simple thing, versatility and customization. By trying to balance things, you are only making it something it is not, 3.5 dnd. Manyshot is no longer manyshot, and im wondering what else is going to 'not' be what it is supposed to be.
A tip of advice, if you want to add more challenge then be a Dungeon Master. I used to dm 3.5 and it drove me insane how easy it was to make god toons for my players. And then the day came when I came to the realization; anything the players can do, the monsters can do too. You want to add challenge? Add some class levels to that simple kobold sittin in the corner. Little did the players know that the kobold over there is also a lvl 20 ranger who too, can manyshot. The players managed to kill him eventually, but were killed by his lvl 20 rogue friend sneaking around backstabbing them that they never seemed to notice. Must have had a REALLY good sneak skill. Or if you think that you cannot balance 3.5 like so many before you have tried then the balance is called something else in some languages: A new game. But leave 3.5 just that, 3.5.
This is my opinion. Many can feel free to disagree or agree with it but it will still be mine all the same and i will not waver from it. Thank you for reading![]()
Proud leader of The Forgotten Creed of Argo. long live PNP & Gary Gygax immortalized.
Main: Alumut of Argonnessen
Bear in mind Holy Sword's +1 crit range bonus is no longer doubled by Improved Crit; so all TWF/SWF/THF pallies lost 5% crit chance. So if you're a TWF pally w/khopeshes, you went from 15-20/x4 to 16-20/x4. Somewhere in this thread, Sev said after testing they felt this was enough of a nerf to TWF pallies, so they re-enabled HS to offhand weapons (yay!).
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
well, my appologees for jumping you like that, welcome to the forum.
If the high-dps types can handle the aggro themselves (strong defences, good self-healing, whatever)
My pure barb worked hard for his gear, he took 2 twists for self healing (where anyone else needed 1 twist to gain healing) and a feat for platemail prof, those 2 twists could have been used for dps as could the feat (barbs don't get that many), it's a trade off
A melee paladin could be in those 2 destinies and have dps/tank stuff/more healing they already had without loosing twists, but they had less dpps then the barb (until they got boosted and then nerfed)
again, a trade off.
I shouldn't feel bad for the rogue because the wizard or bard took 2 levels of rogue and have all the twink gear and can do all the traps,
I won't feel guilty because my twinked (gear/build/playstyle) barb is better at tanking then a "tank"
I won't hold back because someone rolled up a "tank"
In my humble opinion, it's the mrr/prr curve that hurts the tank the most, the difference between a 240 and 220 prr is pathetic to begin with, wich took him feats and enh to get there,
if he builds for tanking he gains diminishing returns and might waste a party spot for someone who can actually take down a mob in a reasonable time.
DDo players aren't always pnp players, when the devs made the mobs have more hp and damage output, they switched to mostly ranged builds (yes the top notch cetus fighter build had manyshot etc build in to mitigate the but hurt), it was a black page in ddo history.
If they want people to "team up, they should hand craft better groups of mobs, they don't work well together, no shield wall with casters and ranged attacks behind them (and a surprise barb to kill the first one to jump over the shield wall), no counter spelling???, etc, mobs could make our lives so much harder by working together and yes, i agree, animals or plants don't always do that (though the druid behind the could, i advise you to read the "start of darkness" comic, it has an awesome example of that), butt a devil legion (witch implies an lawful army unit) should use tactics, they have the discipline, hierarchy and mental stats to pull it of.
DDo is build on 3,5 rules, adapted for video games mechanics and then adapted for 4th edition.
Cleave could already hit multiple targets, 2handers already could, having only a caster being able to do that wouldn't work in this game, we fight way more mobs then pnp.
When the game started people just played sorc and sleepwalked (or sleep-ran) all over the lower heroic quests spamming fireballs and drinking pots, tanks were obsolete even then.
This ability is being redesigned.
For the next 20 seconds you add your (base attack bonus * 4) to your Doubleshot and Ranged Power. This ability puts Ten Thousand Stars on a 30 second cooldown. Cooldown 2 minutes.
(This ability no longer gives a doubleshot penalty when activated.)
Very disappointed in this change. This redesigned ability states that it no longer requires a bow, but in game, it still does.
Lunality, Sorcality, Tunality, Axation, Causation, Shurality, Desparality, Stingality and a few more...
The feat is WAI, giving an extra 3 to crit range, but the description is listing it with the +2 weapons. I'm just worried that if someone "fixes" this, they'll do it the wrong way and reduce the threat range bonus to 2. Gxb's are of course 3 crit-range weapons like the rapier and kukri.
Unarmed monk guide with builds|The Arcane Warrior: wiz/fighter hybrids|White Feather Sniper: CC/dps focused deepwood stalker|The Divine Cuisinart: divine crusader tempest|The Count of Monte Cristo: swashbuckler|Hassan's Assassin: dex assassin|Dubbell O'Seven: WF artificer|Santa's Little Slayer: dragonmarked elf centered kensai
I can't believe this patch went live already, you guys seriously didn't spend enough considering MRR impact interacted with Champion Wizards among low and medium durability characters. Enemies one-shotting the player isn't difficulty, it's just frustration. For something to be difficult there has to be a chance of winning :P
But that's not even my main complain at the moment. In the Improved Critical revision, you treated the following three combat types the same:
Unarmed -- default 20 x2, Improved Crit: +1 threat range
Wild Shape (Dire Bear) -- default 20 x3, Improved Crit: +1 threat range
Wild Shape (Winter Wolf) -- default 19-20 x3, Improved Crit: +1 threat range
Winter Wolf is getting 18-20 x3 with Improved Crit, but this should be 17-20 x3. Please consider revising this like you did with the Swashbuckler crit-leveling.
As I'm running through things tonight, I'm noticing the reduction in melee power, and that's requiring a bit longer to kill red names, but the big deal is the MRR reduction. I didn't realize that it would be so noticeable on my lvl 28 S&B Pally (I think it's about a 25% reduction). Kinda feels like I'm using armor that's 4-6 levels lower in quality now, which is certainly making me use up Lay on Hands at a much faster rate (and that's on Epic Norm quests). Not going to be volunteering to tank any raid dragons any time soon, that's for sure.
Last edited by alancarp; 10-22-2015 at 09:05 PM.
Can I please have the developer/ game designers name that screwed up my aa ranger? To you man: Eat my arrows and a HUGE middle finger to you for screwing up manyshots.
I remember when MotU came out with its Ac changes and introducing PRR etc to "reduce granularity", ie have smoother damage incoming from enemy rather than sudden bursts of huge damage.
Obviously the current devs threw that concept out of the window,.
Can we just get some consistency please? Can each new crew of devs stop throwing out the old stuff? Make up your mind - smooth inputs of damage or granular ones, stop abandoning crafting systems and bringing in new ones, etc, etc, etc.
He left the name, at which the world grew pale.
Shields were "overperforming" and required a much needed nerf in order to keep the player base from running only S&B builds. Obviously no one in their right mind runs as THF or TWF, so something needed to be done!
And if you were running S&B with a Kopesh you also went from 15-20/x4 to 16-20/x4. So why not allow Holy Sword to work with shields?
Last edited by Kompera_Oberon; 10-22-2015 at 10:02 PM.