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Thread: Over Scaling

  1. #1
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    Default Over Scaling

    I'm attempting to prep a large amount of explorer areas for an epic reincarnation I'm about to do. Unfortunately some of these instances, like Kings Forest, are so boring that I just wanna log off and take a nap after a few minutes of running around and finding nothing but birds and squirrels.

    I'm not sure about Kings Forest but I know some explorer areas like Thunderholme scale themselves so there are more mobs when you have a larger party, but a lot of players like to do explorers solo when they don't have friends on to help with actual quests - they're easier. Or at least I do.

    Anyways, I find it would be really nice if I could over scale the dungeon myself to get a lot more mobs in there. It's a difficult feat to do this pulling hires that only count as half a person.

    So I'd like to suggest a level 1 gold seal hireling who's sole purpose is that, when pulled, counts as 11 paladins or druids or whatever is worth more in terms of dungeon scaling so I can max the dungeon scaling out and not fall asleep trying to find something to kill in Kings Forest. Would also be awesome in ToEE when hunting rares as more seemed to spawn when I had others in party with me.

  2. #2
    Community Member lifestaker's Avatar
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    Great idea but I think the concept of scaling was for the people that say the game is to hard. Quest scaling works off this dynamic the same as explorers, where hp increases per party member and in some cases the number of spawns increase as well. ToEE is a prime example of that.

    Yes, I think the ability to turn this scaling off and count as a full party would add more to the game then just saying that you have to buy a hireling from the store to do so. Can be a pain to get parties for slayers, and would be relatively easy to add a different difficulty to a slayer area. Say normal stays the same, but hard acts as though you are in a full party regardless of party size.

    The draw back of this, and the point of resistance you will receive from the development team would be that this change would be aiming to allow people to solo more, decreasing people running with others. They have taken steps to make people desire to run with other players. Though not directly stated I believe that is their goal with the game, to have people play the game with people, but not punish those that can not find the party to run it. I am unsure if they would invest the time into allowing the people the option of playing with others, mainly due to the fact that the more people who solo are 'hurting the game experience' for those that do not feel like, or are not capable of soloing something.
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  3. #3
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Throw up a LFM, "slayers come kill or just afk at the entrance and contribute to scaling.. come and go as you please"
    or for the keener.. roll up multiple accounts and multi-box afk at the entrance.
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  4. #4
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    For King's forest, there's a rare encounter there called 'A grim disturbance'. That's the only slayer worth the time in King's forest if I recall. Just don't kill the red named and stuff just keeps popping. Some people keep resetting the zone until they see it spawn.

  5. #5
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    /sigh. I really wish we could just have a tickbox regardless of difficulty or quest type (challenge, explorer, quest) so we can say 'scaling off'.

    This could even grant a 1% XP bonus per party member you are 'down' from a full group (hirelings should count as full group members)... but I don't think we really want to encourage more solo play. heh. maybe do grant an XP bonus like that, but only if there are more than 2 real people in the party, there's a lot of duoing and trioing goes on in DDO.
    Last edited by dunklezhan; 10-13-2015 at 12:15 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  6. #6


    just to note that you can kill the birds and squirrels.

    Doesn't add to the total but it is good for the frustration. Sometimes spawns an angry dryad.
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  7. #7
    Community Member bloodnose13's Avatar
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    slayers have unused entry screen same as all of the quests, just activate difficoulty setting so its possible to enter slayer on higher difficoulty than normal, hard slayer could then have +50% more spawns, elite +100% for example?
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  8. #8
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dunklezhan View Post
    /sigh. I really wish we could just have a tickbox regardless of difficulty or quest type (challenge, explorer, quest) so we can say 'scaling off'.
    That would be nice.

    Quote Originally Posted by dunklezhan View Post
    This could even grant a 1% XP bonus per party member you are 'down' from a full group (hirelings should count as full group members)... but I don't think we really want to encourage more solo play. heh. maybe do grant an XP bonus like that, but only if there are more than 2 real people in the party, there's a lot of duoing and trioing goes on in DDO.
    XP bonuses for less players = No! Just No!

    However - These recent changes to New Slayers with number of mobs being much higher with multiple Players has hurt the very people who actually LIKE RUNNING SLAYERS!

    The people who like running Slayers tend to be soloists through necessity rather than choice - They're NOT soloing for achievements or speed!

    I remember the days when I FIRST joined Vale or Orchard or GH Slayer Groups and everyone was off in different areas soloing for speed - I'd die the instant I pulled more than one mob because Red Alert was never far away!
    Also - It's not fun losing out on 50% + of the Chests and Explorers!

    With the likes of Wheloon and King's Forest and E-Orchard this is far far worse - In a Group in Slayers you're STILL expected to be able to solo {With Full Group Scaling!}.

    So the Devs have catered to the Elite yet again by hurting the Lesser Players!

    P.S. Grim Disturbance - It won't surprise me if one day this gets fixed to only spawn a certain number of times max but for now yes it's pretty much the only way other than boring yourself to death to max out KF Slayer!
    However: I found it yesterday at the end of a Solo Explorer/Slayer run {1st that Life} when I had just over 200 kills and was missing ONE Explorer {#23} - I put up an LFM for it and got one person - At about 3.8k kills a second person joined but then the 1st DCd and never came back. So we were still at 2 player scaling up to 4.9k kills.
    Now at the point the second person joined my Slayer Pot had run out and I wanted to go back to town and grab another one from the Bank {which I couldn't do as you need a minimum of two people there - One to hold Necro, the other to kill spawns}. So I was stuck with no Slayer Pot for over 1k Kills - Lord that was boring at 4 mobs spawning per time!
    We filled up at 5k Kills {And I went for my second Pot and got my last Explorer} and when I got back to the group we were no longer getting 4 spawns per time....We were getting 10!
    I still had 40 minutes left on that second pot when I hit 7.5k!
    The first Pot was gone at 3.2k - So with just 2 Players you're looking at an Hour for 3k Kills {remember I was already on 200+ when I found the Rare}, With 6 Players you're looking at 20 minutes for 2.5k! {Or an Hour for the whole thing!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ValariusK View Post
    For King's forest, there's a rare encounter there called 'A grim disturbance'. That's the only slayer worth the time in King's forest if I recall. Just don't kill the red named and stuff just keeps popping. Some people keep resetting the zone until they see it spawn.
    Thank you so much for this tip. I was trying to find or think if there was a rare that spawned infinite mobs but couldn't find one. Don't suppose you have a similar one for Storm horns?

    I really don't care how it's done - whether by difficulty setting or a checkbox or some guy on guild airship I pay 10 plat to - the reason I suggested a hire was because it would also work in ToEE and I am willing to pay money for it. Not a fortune, but I'd put down 50 TP a piece for this.

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