Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
You didnt forget anything - but losing out of Blinding Speed does not look like an option to me. How do you get +22% ranged haste without that once you drop the Pinion?
I will admit though that I wasnt aware that you could take Completionist at lvl 27 which may come in handy for some other build, thanks![]()
Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda
Thank you unbongwah and mikarddo for the helpful feedback.
Yeah so I am dicing up between;
* pure monk; (1st level with no BAB, kinda junk bonus feat, dodge, or deflect arrows I guess).
* 2 fighter for some extra feats
* rogue 1, fighter 1 for some skills and a feat
* still not sold on 16/4 split; like you said AP's are real tight; can get aimed shot but not sniper shot
Have to spend 14 racial AP for AA, so 2 more gets me Aerenal Grace, so can go dex route and all level ups into dex. I would go for elemental damage, so not bothered with the other DC based stances.
I am finding it kinda hilarious and sad that the AA builds I am playing with have no ranger levels, this one and the plonkcher. Tilomere's suggestion is interesting for a melee archer :-) Swapping 10K stars for a 2 second ticking aura with no cooldown.
Community Member
What about strength-based Half-Elf 18 Monk/1 Ranger/1 FvS?
Gets all the basic feats:
Bow Strength and all Form feats
Point Blank Shot
Zen Archery
Precise Shot
Empower Healing Spell (swap for Completionist if you have it)
Ten Thousand Stars
Rapid Shot
Improved Critical: Ranged Weapons
Improved Precise Shot
Overwhelming Critical
Combat Archery
Blinding Speed
APs something like:
Racial: 14 for AA (as well as damage action boost)
AA: 41
Warpriest: 4 (Divine Might)
DWS: 1
Shintao: 1
and remainder to Ninja Spy
Probably Pally Dilly for free +2 saves, possibly rogue for more SA.
It seems like 60% doubleshot with a 50% uptime is worth much more than a +1 threat range, and for a Furyshotter the threat range is moot anyway (though I forgot if and how Adrenaline is going to change).
Community Member
With 12 points in AA the optimal is:
Arcane Archer I
[Element] Arrows
Conjure Arrows
Morphic Arrows
Elemental Damage x2
Force Arrows I
That gives 5d8 element damage scaling with spell power, and 5d4 force for stuff that is immune or needing ghost touch.
Going for Force Arrows on its own is horrible Rank 3 sets you back 6 points so it would be
Arcane Archer I
[Element] Arrows
Conjure Arrows
Morphic Arrows
Force Arrows III
Giving you the possibility of 1d6 Force damage with 1-3d10 on crit depending on crit multiplier along or 1d8 Elemental.
First issue which immediately leaps to mind: Doubleshot bonuses are now very important to AAs; this build / AP spread has none. A pure rgr or rgr 6 / monkcher can get up to 65% Doubleshot from enhancements: 25% AA cores, 20% Strike like Lightning (T5 DWS), 20% max Killer. Investing in warlock light dmg instead of elemental arrows seems like a wash at best. And everything else looks, well, like just a typical ES warlock.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
Community Member
I've been away since U26, but you being a living encyclopedia of DDO knowledge, I thought I'd ask:
How high can you stack Doubleshot from other sources?
I figure 8% from epic quiver, 2% guild bonus, 10% Doubleshot feat, 9% from 3 PL feats, and rest is enhancements - and up to 50% from Divine Crusader.
Pure Rangers can get both AA capstone and DWS T5 for a 45% standing DS and more from Killer (and +1 crit range as well as some nifty active abilities), but at the expense of 90-100% DS and a chunk of ranged power from 10k Stars, so that's probably a wash.
Either way that seems really low compared to repeaters.