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Go into the Hall of Heros in ES and turn around and go back out and you get a menu that will have an option to take you to Thunderholm. Hint, it's on the other side of the Auctioneer. You can also get to the ES Cave and Wheloon fast that way as well.
To get back from Thunderholm faster than running I use the ES Key and it drops me in the Square. The ES Key can be used anywhere to get back to the Square faster than running from Wheloon or back from CiTW to turn in the raid (use Key inside CiTW after you loot the chests).
The cool down on the ES Key is easy to manage. You will more than likely be away for more than 10 min. in Thunderholm, Wheloon, or Schinn/Cave.
Last edited by Livmo; 10-10-2015 at 01:16 PM.