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Thread: DDO Bonus Days!

  1. #1
    Community Manager
    Cordovan's Avatar
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    Default DDO Bonus Days!

    DDO Bonus Days bring you +1 Loot and +20% Crafting XP, now through October 11th!
    Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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  2. #2
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    ...and doubled Daily Dice XPs, right? Right??

    *dons anti-bonk foam helmet*
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    DDO Bonus Days bring you +1 Loot and +20% Crafting XP, now through October 11th!
    YES! Crafting XP!

  4. #4
    Community Member Cleanincubus's Avatar
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    Has the bug with crafting XP being displayed improperly, been fixed?

    When crafting a shard, the crafting box tells you you'll get a certain amount of XP for successfully crafting it. If you are successful, and attempt to craft more of the same shard, it tells you that you'll get the same XP for each shard, as you did with the first. In reality, you get less and less XP for (roughly) each shard crafted, until you no longer get any XP.

  5. #5
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    Time to use the 50% exp crafting pot for 5 minutes! LOL

  6. #6
    Community Member Gedov's Avatar
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    Darn. I was hoping this one would be the +80% XP for poorly-built, but really fun characters! That would teach the min/max'ers.
    Sarlona: Gedov Stillcloak
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    Goldfish left Lincoln Logs in your sock drawer.

  7. #7
    Community Member jakeelala's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    DDO Bonus Days bring you +1 Loot and +20% Crafting XP, now through October 11th!

    Not to be rude or troll-y, but these are easily the two most useless bonuses for the vast majority of your p-layers. People who care about crafting probably leveled it up a LONG time ago due to how long it's been out and how long it's been since Turbine increased the level or made it attractive versus it's incarnation circa 2011.

    Moreover, with the Great Ghostbaning of loot, there is virtually NOTHING that can drop due to a +1 loot level that is even remotely useful versus any of the named (Heroic or Elite) items that are currently available without subjecting oneself to the mercy of the RNG.

    I humbly submit that you and the Devs agree upon some other Bonus Days modifiers that people might actually exciting for (or at least more than 1% of the players still left in DDO).

    Here are some short term suggestions:
    -Chest Ransack increased to 10 from 7
    -Bonus to slayer area kills and/or Xp
    -Use Eberron or FR calendar and give us themed bonus buffs vs. certain enemy types (I'm not familiar with the calendars but something along the lines of Druid seasons or Ranger favored enemy). This might cause people to change up the quests they run.
    -Allow raids to be run twice before the timer starts (everyone will go raid for a few days!)
    -Make a selected pack which is both Epic and Heroic totally free to play for a couple days
    -Whatever, I don't know what you technical limitations are, but I'm you all can be creative over there with this.
    good at business

  8. #8
    Community Member Qeistalan's Avatar
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    Angry Crafting bug not fixed

    Quote Originally Posted by Cleanincubus View Post
    Has the bug with crafting XP being displayed improperly, been fixed?

    When crafting a shard, the crafting box tells you you'll get a certain amount of XP for successfully crafting it. If you are successful, and attempt to craft more of the same shard, it tells you that you'll get the same XP for each shard, as you did with the first. In reality, you get less and less XP for (roughly) each shard crafted, until you no longer get any XP.
    I crafted many types of Cannith Shards today (arcane, divine and elemental). THE BUG IS NOT FIXED, and I am legitimately P!SSED OFF for how many materials and collectibles I've WASTED, not to mention the crafting hammers & XP pots I spend TPs to obtain/use for this.

    Everyone who gets ripped off for wasted materials/collectibles needs to be compensated for this.

  9. #9
    Community Member
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    crafting pots doesn't stack with bonus days
    Last edited by Pata; 10-09-2015 at 05:08 PM.

  10. #10
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jakeelala View Post

    Not to be rude or troll-y, but these are easily the two most useless bonuses for the vast majority of your p-layers. People who care about crafting probably leveled it up a LONG time ago due to how long it's been out and how long it's been since Turbine increased the level or made it attractive versus it's incarnation circa 2011.

    Moreover, with the Great Ghostbaning of loot, there is virtually NOTHING that can drop due to a +1 loot level that is even remotely useful versus any of the named (Heroic or Elite) items that are currently available without subjecting oneself to the mercy of the RNG.
    Ya gotta love broad, sweeping pronouncements that purport to speak for the entire community but really only speak to the posters' own particular situation. It's a sweet way of pretending to be helpful to everyone while really only looking for something for yourself.

    I don't have my crafting maxed, or anywhere near maxed even, and I've been melting everything since about 10th level. So +20% crafting XP is good for me, and probably many other players.

    A +1 loot level increases the level of the loot I will be melting. So a bonus to loot level is good for me and probably many other players.

    I love seeing the ennui of the veteran players express itself on the forums every single time something isn't good for them personally, be it the loot available from CC ("Why no L28 gear?!? RAGE!!!"), the loot available in any new content, or even the small freebie bonuses that Turbine hands out all the time.

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