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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Question Games not launching.

    I've had major issues since yesterday and can't figure out what I'm missing. Any of my game launchers work just fine but once I press ''play''
    none works. This includes DDO(of course) fallowed by any other online games up to even those I play offline such as Skyrim.

    here's how it started: I attempted in logging onto ddo yesterday but it seemed to have hard time linking the game informations on my pc,
    I was constantly yellow boxed or red boxed. I first believed it was a malware or something that was slowing down my pc so I went through
    my files and installed programs and got rid of those I didn't recognized.

    I afterward ran a malware removal wich found few other unfamiliar programs. I then did a disc cleanup to free more ram because why not. Once I attempted on reoppening ddo, the launcher would work
    much faster now and the loading process have been eased but the game doesnt actually launch anymore.

    And I have the same issue with every game I tested so far with the exception of Minecraft, but the game cannot connect to my skin.
    I can still launch ddo as administrator, wich instead of only closing the launcher and nothing fallowing actually enable me to enter the game with the penalty of not being able to do anything.

    I talked about it with my fiancee, he believes(and so do I) that it's my ô so smart idea of going through my c files and getting rid of the overflowing folders that I got rid of something important.(Don't judge we all have dumb moments )

    So long story short: How can I find out what is the actual cause or missing and how can I repair or recover it?

    I did some research but I found nothing that would help me. trying to reinstall the game atm to see if it'll install along the missing piece(we never know)

    Thx in advance for the feedback/ replies



    Edit: I successfully managed to get onto two of the games. Apparently it's a compatibility folder that I screwed up or who knows. Clicking right on the launcher gave me to solve compatibility issue and... well... it worked.

    so I guess subject closed :3 that costum installer looks great tho might look into it at some point, Ston
    Last edited by parj2020; 10-06-2015 at 04:54 PM. Reason: update on the situation

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