1st: ok first off your compairing a class that is new and shiney to a class that the devs
admit needs fixing, not really fair but hey ho.
2nd: what is a stalwart ? is that a fighter whose main tree is the defender tree? or
one of the fighter paths thats picked for you.
3rd: even with the above why are you doing so badly with the fighter class? youve picked
1 paladin level, so that gives you either 4 or 5 lay on hands depending on ship buffs, easly
enough to keep you alive during the first fight expecialy with a hire in tow too.
4th: with a basic understanding of tactics you should not be getting killed there.
tactics: this is how i taught my kid to play on hes 1st life fighter, 1st park hire within distance to get
a heal then move forward to pack of mobs and cleave and cleave, roll backwards and repeat
steps until the pack is dead, if the mobs get to close to hire jump pack and repeat cleaves. when
pack is dead move to kill casters,archers etc. if your swf or twf gather pack and stay on the
outside of pack using a circular motion round mobs untill there dead. this is a very simple way of playing
that gets him through 90% of quests solo(with hire) at level. hes learnt through frustration(kept dying)
that on a first lifer he cant stand and trade like i can on my multi lifer as he dosent have the defences
to do so.
5th: im not trying to belittle you in anyway way with above im just trying to say there are easy methods
to control the fights your in. if your dying often in a situation then surely you must realise that the method
your using is wrong and adapting is the best way forward.
6th: for that build may i ask why you didnt take a 2nd level of pali ? if that was my build i would of took
a 2nd level at level 14 just to boost my saves a touch before harder content kicked in or prehaps you
had 18 lvls of fighter and then took 1 pali for lay on hands getting 2nd level at 20.
ok ive rambled enough take care and have fun
your friend sil