Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
I'm NEVER going to have either of those items!

I absolutely LOATHE the Cannith Challenges!

Cannith Challenges again?I'm NEVER going to have either of those items!

I absolutely LOATHE the Cannith Challenges!

Also...I'm sorry but how on Eberron can you compare the ease of building a Warlock with having to search out ultra specific gear AND craft it to make an equal Sorc?

I know perfectly well that the Uber Players out there can get every last piece of gear they need for every build with ease - I CAN'T!

And Builds that rely on specific gear like that are in no way equal to builds that don't!
I know perfectly well that the Uber Players out there can get every last piece of gear they need for every build with ease - I CAN'T!

Wrong - Totally and utterly Wrong!

It's the player that counts NOT the Gear!

And I'm the same player whether I'm on my Warlock, my Sorc, my paladin, my Cleric, my whatever!

I don't become an Uber Player when playing my Warlock!
I don't become a terrible Player when playing my Sorc!

I have the exact same skill set, the exact same ability to get the gear needed for each, the exact same knowledge of the Quests I'm running!

It doesn't matter one jot if some Uber Player out there can build a Sorc that wipes the floor with my Warlock because that Player CANNOT build a Sorc that would wipe the floor with a Warlock also built by him/her!
And it's far more likely to be the other way round!

And we all know that sooner or later Warlock is going to be hit hard with the nerf bat - It's blatantly obvious how Overpowered they are!

My point is that the Devs need to know where the real problem lies so they can get it right!

Warlock has no.... I repeat NO downside!

They have the best of Everything!

Nerfing their DPS would just turn them into a bad Class - Especially as we know Wizards/Sorcs are going to get boosted at some point anyway.

And it's the massive Self-Defense of the Warlock that is the REAL ISSUE anyway! {Without Shining Through my Warlock would still be more powerful than my Sorc but would die very often! - JUST LIKE MY SORC!}.

And I've even given a meet me half way option where Shining Through could be moved to Enlightened Spirit Capstone to help Enlightened Warlocks in Epics only!
ok where to start...

(I'm sorry but how on Eberron can you compare the ease of building a Warlock with having to search out ultra specific gear AND craft it to make an equal Sorc?)

ok im not searching out ultra specific gear as you call it, this is the same gear i would use on a warlock. boots for acid, cloak for fire and blasting chime for sonic
that covers the 3 basic pact damages and i would use a scepter of radiance/radiance lore of force/lore. so same gear on both.

(I know perfectly well that the Uber Players out there can get every last piece of gear they need for every build with ease - I CAN'T!)

im sry but this game is the same for me and you. if i can go after a piece of gear in heriocs then so can you. the difference is your chosing not to
so you are delibertly gimping yourself and then complaining about how a said character cant do something.

(It's the player that counts NOT the Gear!)

sry but no, its about combining the players knowledge of a said quest with the characters build and there gear. putting one ahead of any of the
others is wrong.

(It doesn't matter one jot if some Uber Player out there can build a Sorc that wipes the floor with my Warlock because that Player CANNOT build a Sorc that would wipe the floor with a Warlock also built by him/her! And it's far more likely to be the other way round!)

again im afraid your wrong. ive stated in a post earlyier i can clear a room with either one spell or one burst, if this true then they are equal both requiring one
spell and 1 second, one is not better than the other dps wise at all.

(I'm NEVER going to have either of those items! I absolutely LOATHE the Cannith Challenges!)

this is the one that got me the most, when i first started playing i too hated the challenges but i also new that to be the best
caster i could be i would need to run them as there is nothing that is compairable to the power they give. so i bit the bullet ran
them and now have the items i want. this you could do too but you are deliberatly not doing the best you can and then coming
on the forums having a whine and a moan. thats just wrong.

(And we all know that sooner or later Warlock is going to be hit hard with the nerf bat - It's blatantly obvious how Overpowered they are!
My point is that the Devs need to know where the real problem lies so they can get it right!)

im afraid your right here, i imagine that they will be hit with the nerf bat but its not gonna be because there overpowered its gonna be
because people like you come on these forums and compair them to other builds that are not built/geared properly. i just hope the devs
are not that stupid.

i would like to add that when built/geared to the best of both sorcs and warlocks are equal in heroics in epics well thats a different story.

your friend sil