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  1. #1
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Default Shining Through has to go!

    Come on guys and girls you all know this ability is just stupidly ludicrously Overpowered!

    NOTHING can touch a Warlock in Heroic Levels!

    An ability that more than doubles your standard HPs is just ridiculous in every way!

    Warlocks already have close to if not the top DPS in the game. They don't need to have such a massive defensive boost at the same time!

    And yes - The best Players can blast through Heroic Elite BBs right up to Heroic Cap with no trouble whatsoever and only the occasional death - Heck they can solo them with 5 other people trying to keep up - on pretty much any character and build.
    I am demonstrably NOT one of the best Players! I'm not even close!

    I took a Lvl 19 Stalwart Vanguard Fighter into Subversion on Heroic Elite {that's two levels over BB btw!} and got my butt handed to me by the first bunch of Abishai!
    My Warlock has just taken Lvl 15 but I have no doubt that I could clear that quest with ease right now - I'm not going to because of hurting my xp elsewhere but just saying!

    I have 280 or thereabouts HPs on said Warlock {well I did at Lvl 14} and 615+ with Shining Through going} - Throughout every Lvl 11 and 12 quest on Elite I went below 200 hps exactly once! {I got hit by a mine in Made to Order that dropped me to -4 but that was a one off! And I've never made it through that quest without dying before on ANY Character!}.

    IF Warlocks do lose potency in Epics then my suggestion would be to move Shining Through to Enlightened Capstone - As a Tier 5 it's just blatantly OP!

    EDIT: Whoops...Sorry - Just remembered Whsiperdoom hit me with an Enlarged Soundburst {Round a corner as well} while I was trying to recast Shining Through so I did die once but then again that was my own fault for trying to solo Whisperdoom when my Acid Res had run out rather than waiting for the group to catch up.}.
    Last edited by FranOhmsford; 10-03-2015 at 10:37 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Drakestor's Avatar
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    Would you PLEASE stop demanding how others play their characters? It gets really, really old.

    If you don't like it, YOU can stop using it.

  3. #3
    Community Member Grailhawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Come on guys and girls you all know this ability is just stupidly ludicrously Overpowered!

    NOTHING can touch a Warlock in Heroic Levels!

    An ability that more than doubles your standard HPs is just ridiculous in every way!

    Warlocks already have close to if not the top DPS in the game. They don't need to have such a massive defensive boost at the same time!

    And yes - The best Players can blast through Heroic Elite BBs right up to Heroic Cap with no trouble whatsoever and only the occasional death - Heck they can solo them with 5 other people trying to keep up - on pretty much any character and build.
    I am demonstrably NOT one of the best Players! I'm not even close!

    I took a Lvl 19 Stalwart Vanguard Fighter into Subversion on Heroic Elite {that's two levels over BB btw!} and got my butt handed to me by the first bunch of Abishai!
    My Warlock has just taken Lvl 15 but I have no doubt that I could clear that quest with ease right now - I'm not going to because of hurting my xp elsewhere but just saying!

    I have 280 or thereabouts HPs on said Warlock {well I did at Lvl 14} and 615+ with Shining Through going} - Throughout every Lvl 11 and 12 quest on Elite I went below 200 hps exactly once! {I got hit by a mine in Made to Order that dropped me to -4 but that was a one off! And I've never made it through that quest without dying before on ANY Character!}.

    IF Warlocks do lose potency in Epics then my suggestion would be to move Shining Through to Enlightened Capstone - As a Tier 5 it's just blatantly OP!

    EDIT: Whoops...Sorry - Just remembered Whsiperdoom hit me with an Enlarged Soundburst {Round a corner as well} while I was trying to recast Shining Through so I did die once but then again that was my own fault for trying to solo Whisperdoom when my Acid Res had run out rather than waiting for the group to catch up.}.
    If shining through "has to go" then the Heal, Cure Critical, and Cure Serious have to go as well. Shining Through doesn't do anything those spells don't do and actually is some what more limiting.

    You maybe able to make a case that shining through at level 12-20 is OP but once you start getting into Epic Elite quests and newer Epic Elite quests its about right. Its balanced for the high end difficulty game not the low end. That is a problem so making it scale with character level might be a good idea. Say (Con Score x 5 + 1 for every 4 character levels).

  4. #4
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    I have a con-based enlightened spirit sitting at 28. Shining Through is a fairly strong ability. I find it unnecessary in easy content. In the hardest content (when Consecration and Brilliance fail to keep me up), Shining Through followed by Cocoon is my oh-sh.t button (or two buttons really). This usually wins me some time to fire the two cleaves again (and hopefully killing some mobs for more healing from No Remorse).

    If it was gone, I'd definitely had to be more careful. Silver flame healing pots would gain a more prominent position on my hotbar.

  5. #5
    Community Member Qhualor's Avatar
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    you are complaining about abilities like Shining Through in heroics? you are talking about heroics, right? is there an ability that is not strong in heroics? is there a class in heroics that isn't considered a top dps?

    Fran, you are a casual player. stop trying to suggest nerfing abilities when you have trouble with heroic elite. you already have trouble understanding basic building and combat. you can choose the other 3 difficulties. I know, I know. the rewards for elite are too good, but you are trying to suggest changes to the game because your play style cant keep up.

    You are the one choosing not to play alts.

    Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Come on guys and girls you all know this ability is just stupidly ludicrously Overpowered!

    NOTHING can touch a Warlock in Heroic Levels!

    An ability that more than doubles your standard HPs is just ridiculous in every way!

    Warlocks already have close to if not the top DPS in the game. They don't need to have such a massive defensive boost at the same time!

    And yes - The best Players can blast through Heroic Elite BBs right up to Heroic Cap with no trouble whatsoever and only the occasional death - Heck they can solo them with 5 other people trying to keep up - on pretty much any character and build.
    I am demonstrably NOT one of the best Players! I'm not even close!

    I took a Lvl 19 Stalwart Vanguard Fighter into Subversion on Heroic Elite {that's two levels over BB btw!} and got my butt handed to me by the first bunch of Abishai!
    My Warlock has just taken Lvl 15 but I have no doubt that I could clear that quest with ease right now - I'm not going to because of hurting my xp elsewhere but just saying!

    I have 280 or thereabouts HPs on said Warlock {well I did at Lvl 14} and 615+ with Shining Through going} - Throughout every Lvl 11 and 12 quest on Elite I went below 200 hps exactly once! {I got hit by a mine in Made to Order that dropped me to -4 but that was a one off! And I've never made it through that quest without dying before on ANY Character!}.

    IF Warlocks do lose potency in Epics then my suggestion would be to move Shining Through to Enlightened Capstone - As a Tier 5 it's just blatantly OP!

    EDIT: Whoops...Sorry - Just remembered Whsiperdoom hit me with an Enlarged Soundburst {Round a corner as well} while I was trying to recast Shining Through so I did die once but then again that was my own fault for trying to solo Whisperdoom when my Acid Res had run out rather than waiting for the group to catch up.}.
    on every tr i do nowdays i have between 500-600 hp at lvl 14/15 when geared
    so should i be nerfed because i have to many hp's?

    just a thought..........

    your friend sil

  7. #7
    Community Member Lemdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Come on guys and girls you all know this ability is just stupidly ludicrously Overpowered!

    NOTHING can touch a Warlock in Heroic Levels!

    An ability that more than doubles your standard HPs is just ridiculous in every way!

    Warlocks already have close to if not the top DPS in the game. They don't need to have such a massive defensive boost at the same time!

    And yes - The best Players can blast through Heroic Elite BBs right up to Heroic Cap with no trouble whatsoever and only the occasional death - Heck they can solo them with 5 other people trying to keep up - on pretty much any character and build.
    I am demonstrably NOT one of the best Players! I'm not even close!

    I took a Lvl 19 Stalwart Vanguard Fighter into Subversion on Heroic Elite {that's two levels over BB btw!} and got my butt handed to me by the first bunch of Abishai!
    My Warlock has just taken Lvl 15 but I have no doubt that I could clear that quest with ease right now - I'm not going to because of hurting my xp elsewhere but just saying!

    I have 280 or thereabouts HPs on said Warlock {well I did at Lvl 14} and 615+ with Shining Through going} - Throughout every Lvl 11 and 12 quest on Elite I went below 200 hps exactly once! {I got hit by a mine in Made to Order that dropped me to -4 but that was a one off! And I've never made it through that quest without dying before on ANY Character!}.

    IF Warlocks do lose potency in Epics then my suggestion would be to move Shining Through to Enlightened Capstone - As a Tier 5 it's just blatantly OP!

    EDIT: Whoops...Sorry - Just remembered Whsiperdoom hit me with an Enlarged Soundburst {Round a corner as well} while I was trying to recast Shining Through so I did die once but then again that was my own fault for trying to solo Whisperdoom when my Acid Res had run out rather than waiting for the group to catch up.}.

    Yeah, it is OP. I say replace it with the positive energy burst warlock had on lamm.
    Quote Originally Posted by Elsbet View Post
    Moved his sense of humor to a new data center, eh?

  8. #8
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Come on guys and girls you all know this ability is just stupidly ludicrously Overpowered!

    NOTHING can touch a Warlock in Heroic Levels!

    An ability that more than doubles your standard HPs is just ridiculous in every way!

    Warlocks already have close to if not the top DPS in the game. They don't need to have such a massive defensive boost at the same time!

    And yes - The best Players can blast through Heroic Elite BBs right up to Heroic Cap with no trouble whatsoever and only the occasional death - Heck they can solo them with 5 other people trying to keep up - on pretty much any character and build.
    I am demonstrably NOT one of the best Players! I'm not even close!

    I took a Lvl 19 Stalwart Vanguard Fighter into Subversion on Heroic Elite {that's two levels over BB btw!} and got my butt handed to me by the first bunch of Abishai!
    My Warlock has just taken Lvl 15 but I have no doubt that I could clear that quest with ease right now - I'm not going to because of hurting my xp elsewhere but just saying!

    I have 280 or thereabouts HPs on said Warlock {well I did at Lvl 14} and 615+ with Shining Through going} - Throughout every Lvl 11 and 12 quest on Elite I went below 200 hps exactly once! {I got hit by a mine in Made to Order that dropped me to -4 but that was a one off! And I've never made it through that quest without dying before on ANY Character!}.

    IF Warlocks do lose potency in Epics then my suggestion would be to move Shining Through to Enlightened Capstone - As a Tier 5 it's just blatantly OP!

    EDIT: Whoops...Sorry - Just remembered Whsiperdoom hit me with an Enlarged Soundburst {Round a corner as well} while I was trying to recast Shining Through so I did die once but then again that was my own fault for trying to solo Whisperdoom when my Acid Res had run out rather than waiting for the group to catch up.}.
    I agree that Shining Through is a powerful defensive ability, but what part of it makes it Overpowered?

    1. The Shear amount of Temporary HP? Which makes it equal to many melee builds at its level.
    2. The cooldown? Is it too short?
    3. The fact that it is coupled with the other warlock abilities?

    As for your level 19 stalwart vanguard fighter against a swarm of Abishai,
    Were you using a weapon that broke DR?
    What were you using for Crowd control? Stun, Trip, SAP?
    What were you using for your defense? High AC, Concealment*, PRR/MRR, Energy resistance?
    What source of healing were you using? Potions, Silverflame Potions, Hireling, another player?

    *Concealment comes in different forms from Blur, Displacement and even Cloud spells which come on items as clickies or even scroll use for builds with UMD

    There are places where you can also narrow your exposure so that you can face them one-on-one or even one-on-two. This helps to minimize your incoming damage especially if you couple it with stuns/trips as the others can't reach you.

    Your warlocks advantage will be in its ability to attack multiples from a distance and if they have any DC abilities could also leverage this to avoid lots of incoming damage. Also, you could go in with your Warlock to see if this is true, simply don't complete the quest. You could prove or disprove your theory right away.

  9. #9
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    No it doesn't.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  10. #10
    Community Member bloodnose13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drakestor View Post
    Would you PLEASE stop demanding how others play their characters? It gets really, really old.

    If you don't like it, YOU can stop using it.
    if game was based on your logic ,then my pally would still have original holy sword with +1w and +2 bonuses accross the board................

    thats just one of things wrong about warlock, and as soon as an ability is overpowered everyone will want to use it, everyone likes t0 survive. good expample is palemaster in wizzy, haveing best dc, blanket resistances, free fortyfication, and .... OH right...... small detail.......... self healing.......

    i would throw in a change to all of the shapes, to make them into clickie attacks along with all other attacks, with similar requirements.

    the fact that warlock can dps without useing any sp is OP like crazy, and chain shape makes it even worse, a first life, naked warlock being nearly unkillable, wiping out whole dungeons room by room before party manages to get a kill!!!! dont tell me thats not op.
    "If you're not having fun, you're doing something wrong."
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  11. #11
    Community Member Torkzed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bloodnose13 View Post
    the fact that warlock can dps without useing any sp is OP like crazy
    I know, right? No other class can dps without using SP.

    Oh...wait...except paladins and barbarians and bards and rogues and rangers and fighters and monks and...

    The SP usage is not the issue with warlocks.

    Warlocks may need some tinkering with their power in heroics, but there is absolutely no reason to worry about SP usage.

  12. #12
    Community Member bloodnose13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Torkzed View Post
    I know, right? No other class can dps without using SP.

    Oh...wait...except paladins and barbarians and bards and rogues and rangers and fighters and monks and...

    The SP usage is not the issue with warlocks.

    Warlocks may need some tinkering with their power in heroics, but there is absolutely no reason to worry about SP usage.
    what i meant no other caster class can dish out constant dps over long range without venting sp in a first room of a quest, and you are comparing to classes that have to actualy take the risk of getting close and personal, warlock is what you would get if ranger could shoot everything in a room at once. most of warlocks abilities are ok they just need to be toned down to reasonable values.
    "If you're not having fun, you're doing something wrong."
    — Groucho Marx

  13. #13
    Community Member Torkzed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bloodnose13 View Post
    what i meant no other caster class can dish out constant dps over long range without venting sp in a first room of a quest, and you are comparing to classes that have to actualy take the risk of getting close and personal, warlock is what you would get if ranger could shoot everything in a room at once. most of warlocks abilities are ok they just need to be toned down to reasonable values.
    Fair enough, but I would note that there are very powerful warlock builds that stand in the middle of a crowd and blast away at close range.

    I'm just taking exception to the idea that eldritch blast should be limited by SP. If it cost SP, warlocks would need a proper arcane spell pool, not the small-ish spell pool they have compared to other arcanes. (By rights, they should not have spell points at all.) The devs compromised on the warlock creation by giving them SP to handle the variety of buffs/defensive abilities they should have. Their spell pool was never intended to be the primary source of their offensive power.

    In heroics, the warlock is OP, and probably needs some kind of adjustment. In epics, they are fine.

  14. #14
    Community Member bloodnose13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Torkzed View Post
    Fair enough, but I would note that there are very powerful warlock builds that stand in the middle of a crowd and blast away at close range.

    I'm just taking exception to the idea that eldritch blast should be limited by SP. If it cost SP, warlocks would need a proper arcane spell pool, not the small-ish spell pool they have compared to other arcanes. (By rights, they should not have spell points at all.) The devs compromised on the warlock creation by giving them SP to handle the variety of buffs/defensive abilities they should have. Their spell pool was never intended to be the primary source of their offensive power.

    In heroics, the warlock is OP, and probably needs some kind of adjustment. In epics, they are fine.
    oh i dont mean for a change for blast to use sp, that would be pointless indeed, what i would like to see, for the shapes to be changed to either be a very short lived buff, like multishot for ranger, OR a one shot attack. becouse chain shape itself even with penalties it gets is way too powerful in clearing rooms. as for the builds that can stand in middle and blast away, they probably need tweaking too, becouse most of the ones i seen, use those attacks as a hit and run tactics and not stand still. as i understand the prestige that has auras and "free" hands was meant to be used with melee, so such ability should not be their main dps source.

    frankly i would like to see sp removed from warlock class completely and instead of it give it some other regenerating over time or through hitting stuff resource instead, like ki for monk, like .... um lets call it "pact power"? and make it have low value, and every spell cost 1 point, with bar color based on pact. it would limit how many spells can be cast and at same time warlock would be completely detached from need for sp. but its probably bit too late for this kind of thing. plus warlocks spells would need to be updated to actualy make use of it so, i wont hold my breath to see something like this happen, i value my life too much for that.
    "If you're not having fun, you're doing something wrong."
    — Groucho Marx

  15. #15
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    OK this is only because it seems some people really think I'm that bad that I can't even complete E-BBs on the most ludicrously easy button class in the game!

    And as you can see I didn't even bother with a Hireling!

    There's not one single one of my other characters who could do this with this much ease {or anywhere close} at Lvl 16 never mind doing it at 15!

    Oh and before you say things like:
    But you picked an easy quest
    I could do it in half that time

    Remember that my Lvl 19 Stalwart {Fighter 18 / Paladin 1} got his butt handed to him in the very first Abishai fight! And that was with a Hireling Healer!
    Last edited by FranOhmsford; 10-04-2015 at 02:23 AM.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    OK this is only because it seems some people really think I'm that bad that I can't even complete E-BBs on the most ludicrously easy button class in the game!

    And as you can see I didn't even bother with a Hireling!

    There's not one single one of my other characters who could do this with this much ease {or anywhere close} at Lvl 16 never mind doing it at 15!

    Remember that my Lvl 19 Stalwart {Fighter 18 / Paladin 1} got his butt handed to him in the very first Abishai fight! And that was with a Hireling Healer!
    1st: ok first off your compairing a class that is new and shiney to a class that the devs
    admit needs fixing, not really fair but hey ho.

    2nd: what is a stalwart ? is that a fighter whose main tree is the defender tree? or
    one of the fighter paths thats picked for you.

    3rd: even with the above why are you doing so badly with the fighter class? youve picked
    1 paladin level, so that gives you either 4 or 5 lay on hands depending on ship buffs, easly
    enough to keep you alive during the first fight expecialy with a hire in tow too.

    4th: with a basic understanding of tactics you should not be getting killed there.

    tactics: this is how i taught my kid to play on hes 1st life fighter, 1st park hire within distance to get
    a heal then move forward to pack of mobs and cleave and cleave, roll backwards and repeat
    steps until the pack is dead, if the mobs get to close to hire jump pack and repeat cleaves. when
    pack is dead move to kill casters,archers etc. if your swf or twf gather pack and stay on the
    outside of pack using a circular motion round mobs untill there dead. this is a very simple way of playing
    that gets him through 90% of quests solo(with hire) at level. hes learnt through frustration(kept dying)
    that on a first lifer he cant stand and trade like i can on my multi lifer as he dosent have the defences
    to do so.

    5th: im not trying to belittle you in anyway way with above im just trying to say there are easy methods
    to control the fights your in. if your dying often in a situation then surely you must realise that the method
    your using is wrong and adapting is the best way forward.

    6th: for that build may i ask why you didnt take a 2nd level of pali ? if that was my build i would of took
    a 2nd level at level 14 just to boost my saves a touch before harder content kicked in or prehaps you
    had 18 lvls of fighter and then took 1 pali for lay on hands getting 2nd level at 20.

    ok ive rambled enough take care and have fun

    your friend sil
    Last edited by silinteresting; 10-04-2015 at 07:29 AM.

  17. #17
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by silinteresting View Post
    1st: ok first off your compairing a class that is new and shiney to a class that the devs
    admit needs fixing, not really fair but hey ho.

    2nd: what is a stalwart ? is that a fighter whose main tree is the defender tree? or
    one of the fighter paths thats picked for you.

    3rd: even with the above why are you doing so badly with the fighter class? youve picked
    1 paladin level, so that gives you either 4 or 5 lay on hands depending on ship buffs, easly
    enough to keep you alive during the first fight expecialy with a hire in tow too.

    4th: with a basic understanding of tactics you should not be getting killed there.

    tactics: this is how i taught my kid to play on hes 1st life fighter, 1st park hire within distance to get
    a heal then move forward to pack of mobs and cleave and cleave, roll backwards and repeat
    steps until the pack is dead, if the mobs get to close to hire jump pack and repeat cleaves. when
    pack is dead move to kill casters,archers etc. if your swf or twf gather pack and stay on the
    outside of pack using a circular motion round mobs untill there dead. this is a very simple way of playing
    that gets him through 90% of quests solo(with hire) at level. hes learnt through frustration(kept dying)
    that on a first lifer he cant stand and trade like i can on my multi lifer as he dosent have the defences
    to do so.

    5th: im not trying to belittle you in anyway way with above im just trying to say there are easy methods
    to control the fights your in. if your dying often in a situation then surely you must realise that the method
    your using is wrong and adapting is the best way forward.

    6th: for that build may i ask why you didnt take a 2nd level of pali ? if that was my build i would of took
    a 2nd level at level 14 just to boost my saves a touch before harder content kicked in or prehaps you
    had 18 lvls of fighter and then took 1 pali for lay on hands getting 2nd level at 20.

    ok ive rambled enough take care and have fun

    your friend sil

    Sil, that is probably the most helpful post on straight out melee solo tactics I've ever seen someone post.

    +1 good sir or madam, +1.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  18. #18
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by silinteresting View Post
    1st: ok first off your compairing a class that is new and shiney to a class that the devs
    admit needs fixing, not really fair but hey ho.
    I realise Fighter needs a Boost but that's more Kensai and Non-Shield using Fighters than Stalwarts.

    Quote Originally Posted by silinteresting View Post
    2nd: what is a stalwart ? is that a fighter whose main tree is the defender tree? or
    one of the fighter paths thats picked for you.
    In this case it's Tier 5 Stalwart Defender, Tier 4 Vanguard.

    Quote Originally Posted by silinteresting View Post
    3rd: even with the above why are you doing so badly with the fighter class? youve picked
    1 paladin level, so that gives you either 4 or 5 lay on hands depending on ship buffs, easly
    enough to keep you alive during the first fight expecialy with a hire in tow too.
    Lol - After admitting that Fighter is weak anyway you have to bring it back round to it being me personally at fault?

    The first Abishai fight happens when you come to a crossroads with about 8 mobs each side of you - It's very similar to ToEE where you get every single one of them at once!

    I was mobbed, my hire was killed almost instantly and I couldn't do anything other than Cleave {Crowd-Surfing} - Even with well over 700 hp and good defenses I simply didn;t have the DPS to take them down before they took me down.

    Meanwhile my Warlock simply throws down an Evards then backpedals while firing off Chain Blasts - All mobs dead in seconds!

    Quote Originally Posted by silinteresting View Post
    4th: with a basic understanding of tactics you should not be getting killed there.
    I know what to do to get through that one fight but it is just one fight of many in the quest and frankly it's not worth my time to go back in on a Lvl 19 fighter who is now Lvl 20 anyway and will get 10x the xp from any EN Quest!

    I'll get it done on that character for Favour at some point but the point I was making is that Warlock makes the Quest a breeze UNDER-LEVEL!

    No other character I've got would get through that quest with such ease SOLO at Level! Never mind a level under it!

    The closest would be a DPS Specced Paladin or Barb Cleaving but they'd take a 100x more damage than my Warlock did and would BOTH NEED a Hireling Healer for certain!

    Quote Originally Posted by silinteresting View Post
    tactics: this is how i taught my kid to play on hes 1st life fighter, 1st park hire within distance to get
    a heal then move forward to pack of mobs and cleave and cleave, roll backwards and repeat
    steps until the pack is dead, if the mobs get to close to hire jump pack and repeat cleaves. when
    pack is dead move to kill casters,archers etc. if your swf or twf gather pack and stay on the
    outside of pack using a circular motion round mobs untill there dead. this is a very simple way of playing
    that gets him through 90% of quests solo(with hire) at level. hes learnt through frustration(kept dying)
    that on a first lifer he cant stand and trade like i can on my multi lifer as he dosent have the defences
    to do so.
    I'll admit that I should have parked my hire but parked hires have a disturbing habit of becoming unresponsive and I thought I could pull maybe a couple of Abishai at a time - I got the lot!

    I'm NOT However complaining here about not being able to complete Elite Subversion on my Fighter!

    It seems that every time I try to give an example of the differences between characters I get people telling me what to do to make the lesser build better - Well guess what You could probably also make a far stronger Warlock than mine!

    I'm comparing two builds, two characters BOTH played and built by the same person - ME!
    I'm comparing a Sword & Board Fighter - Which I know perfectly well how to build and gear - One with good but not great gear - A Class/Build that I've played into Epics on other characters!
    With a Warlock - A Class that I've no previous experience with!

    And the Warlock wins EASILY!

    Quote Originally Posted by silinteresting View Post
    6th: for that build may i ask why you didnt take a 2nd level of pali ? if that was my build i would of took
    a 2nd level at level 14 just to boost my saves a touch before harder content kicked in or prehaps you
    had 18 lvls of fighter and then took 1 pali for lay on hands getting 2nd level at 20.
    Simple answer - Character was already Lvl 16 when the Paladin Update happened - He's an alt that I rarely play - and got to 18 before I figured out that he REALLY NEEDS those Paladin Levels. {Luckily he happened to be Lawful Good anyway}.
    He's now 18/2 and ready to start running ENs.

  19. #19
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Even back when Artificer came out and there were a tonne of people complaining about the Dogs being OP etc. etc. {which they weren't!}. BEFORE the Devs went and nerfed the Dogs into oblivion! Arti steadied out around Lvl 12-14.

    By Level 17+ Arti was behind many other Builds! {Juggernaut being one of those other builds - I've never considered that an Arti per se!}.

    Warlock is easily the single most powerful Pure Class and Warlock Multis up there with the most powerful Multiclasses right into Epics! {Maybe for Lvl 28+ EEs they fall away for the true Uber Players who can get the best out of Paladins or Barbs or Swashbucklers BUT for the vast majority of Players even then Warlock will win!

    Shining Through is ludicrously blatantly OP! Even if you got it as Enlightened Capstone it would be one of the single most powerful Enhancements in the game!
    As it is at Tier 5 it's just broken!

    And to those people saying it's exactly the same as Bladeforged Recon or Cocoon or Heal etc. NO! It's not, not in any way!
    1) It doesn't simply heal you!
    It gives you a set amount of HPs that add on top of your current amount - An amount 20x times or more higher than what say False Life or the Paladin Temp HP spell gives!

    2) It has literally NO opportunity cost!
    Communion of Scribing costs 25 SPs even if all 3 Tiers are taken, Shining Through costs 8!
    Warlocks have ZERO SP issues anyway! {Running out simply doesn't happen!}.

    If Shining Through cost say 100 SPs per cast it would still be extremely strong for a Tier 5 - It would at least make my Warlock carry a DV Hire around with her!{At 8 SP per Cast it's unbelievable!}.

    I love my Warlock - I will be upset when the inevitable nerf happens BUT so long as the Devs don't overnerf Warlocks into the Ground and stick to nerfing only what actually needs nerfing I'll accept it.
    BECAUSE it's painfully obvious that Warlock as things stand is just too powerful!

  20. #20
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dunklezhan View Post

    Sil, that is probably the most helpful post on straight out melee solo tactics I've ever seen someone post.

    +1 good sir or madam, +1.
    This thread isn't about my Fighter needing help!

    It's about showing that Warlock is broken OP!

    I'm the same guy playing both characters!
    That Fighter has just as good and probably better gear for the level we're talking about than said Warlock!
    I've levelled MULTIPLE Stalwart Fighters to 20+!
    This is my highest level Warlock!

    Yes I could do things differently on said Fighter and complete Subversion on Elite - It would be much much much harder to accomplish than it was for said Warlock!

    Most of all I'm simply using my experience playing ALL Classes to say that I've never played another Build anywhere near as powerful as Warlock! Another Build which required so little player skill! So little gearing! So little anything!

    The only thing that annoys me about my Warlock apart from the fact that she's going to get nerfed at some point is that she Can't get Trap XP! But it's not like she needs to worry about Trap Dmg either!

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