Please. It just doesn't make any sense that you have to run like 40 times one raid on the same character to craft a weapon. And I want to TR this character and play some other build but I can't "cauz I have to get those phlogistons".

All other crafting systems jump from an unbound ingredient to BTA ingredient. The ones that actually have any BTC ingredient it is a single token, not like 30. Why thunder-forged jumps from unbound to BTC??

I have run a lot of deathwyrms on another character, but I just can't use his phlogistons. That's extremly frustrating.

There is also the problem of going to the same raid always on the same character. It sucks so much. I can only fill one role in deathwyrm, because I can only do this on this character. If the party needs a healer or a tank or something else my character can't bring an alt and do the raid, because I can't give the phlogistons to the char I need.

Please, consider this.