Ranger Pass is almost over, but what that class still need is a little adjustment to Spell List.
I know that Create new spell is very time consuming for Devs, that's why I create List of Spell, that concentrate mostly on already existing spells in games.
I take spells that I think are useful, and suit Ranger flavor well.
On the other hand some of the adjustment are not great or even necessary, as almost no one using these spells today.
So if time to improve them, is too long, leave them are they are. No one will cry.
Taking into consideration I group my Spells suggestion by Color:
Green are OK (or noone care) and no needed any changes.
Orange are average or poor, and it need improvement, but If time to improve them is too much, leave them, and concentrate on:
Red - the most important changes/replace/add on that every Ranger player will be glad to have. Please concentrate on them Devs.
Also Blue to indicate New Spells to the list
LEVEL 1: (4 Ranger level)
Resist Energy, Charm Animal, Camouflage, Jump, Merfolk’s Blessing, Pass Without Trace, Ram’s Might – OK
Entangle – No reflex save when first caught, but still STR check every 2 second
Longstrider – Change bonuses type (for stack reason) with reduce bonus to 5% or improve bonuses to +25% instead 15%
Magic Fang – Improve bonuses per caster levels from 5 to 4.
Tumble – add +1 every 3 caster levels
Summon Nature’s Ally I – CR rises to 2 or replace this spell with Summon Nature’s Ally II
ADD already existing SPELL: Lesser Vigor
LEVEL 2 (8 Ranger level)
Protection from Energy, Cure Light Wounds, Hold Animal, Bear's Endurance, Cat's Grace, Owl's Wisdom, Camouflage, Mass – OK
Snare – Faster casting, no save, first STR check after 5 second, Longer Cooldown: 10 second.
Spike Growth – Faster casting, no reflex save against slowing movement, Improve damage cap to 15d4, Longer duration; 25 second.
Summon Nature's Ally II – CR rises to 4 or replace this spell with Summon Nature’s Ally IV
Barkskin – Remove the cap
ADD already existing SPELL: Vigor
LEVEL 3 (11 Ranger level)
Cure Moderate Wounds, Neutralize Poison, Remove Disease – OK
Wild Instincts – add +1 every 3 caster level
Summon Nature's Ally III – CR rises to 8 or replace this spell with Summon Nature’s Ally VI
ADD already existing SPELL: Shield
ADD already existing SPELL: Water Breathing
ADD already existing SPELL: Lesser Restoration
ADD already existing SPELL: Elemental Weapons
ADD NEW SPELL: Elemental Arrow (like Flame Arrow spell, but only arrows with elemental of our choice), 500 stacks
LEVEL 4 (14 Ranger level)
Freedom of Movement, Cure Serious Wounds – OK
Animal Growth – Add +4 size bonus to Damage, and remove -2 DEX penalty.
Longstrider, Mass - Change bonuses type (for stack reason) with reduce bonus to 5% or improve bonuses to +25% instead 15%
Summon Nature's Ally IV- CR rises to 12 or replace this spell with Summon Nature’s Ally VIII
ADD already existing SPELL: Greater Vigor
ADD already existing SPELL: Death Ward
ADD already existing SPELL: Restoration
ADD already existing SPELL: Dominate Animal
ADD NEW SPELL: Foebane (Weapon grant Bane ability of your choice) – 1 min / caster level, Cooldown: 60 second
I hope that at least some of the spell, that are in game already, will be add to the list of Ranger Spell list. That is a little time consuming, compare to create new spells (what will be great, but we all know that Devs don't have time for everything). Then, with AA improvement, Ranger pass will be complete.