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Good changes, if not flashy.
Question: Some places indicate the Whirlwind Doublestrike bonus is Enhancement typed. Meaning it does not stack with items. I am not sure if that information is out of date or not, but can you please verify this stacks with items? No one wants a core (level 18 core at that) which is obsolete by gear almost as soon as it shows up.
Fair changes.
Not too impressed with this tier.
The PRR buy is just too expensive (10 prr for 6 points isnt even 2prr/point), and now that the tree adds more PRR its worth less proportionally. I understand that lowering this to 1ap ea is probably not the right direction to go since it would require lowering the prr values. Instead, Id like to see the PRR come up a bit to be worth that 2 ap per level. Going to +4/8/12 (literally 2prr/ap) seems a simply and minor adjustment.
Likewise, the dodge buy is a bit suspect. It not only requires a feat, but a pre-req, effectively making the cost 6ap for 3 dodge (and the feat slot cost but you get the usual return, just lose the choice). I feel like thats a bit of a heavy cost to pay given that at this point in the purchasing there is nothing to increase the dodge cap yet.
Fair changes.
Storm dancer is a decent return, though enemy resistances may persuade people not to take it, but its fine to have a choice in that regard. I think given that tempests are about "effects" it might be nice to see a burst effect here as well. Maybe instead of just shocking, it could be shocking burst? That might help make it a little bit more consistently worth having.
Improved Mobility is another area which is a bit suspect. At this point youre into the line for 2 feats, and 9 ap. And you still only get 3 dodge and 3 dodge cap (plus the usual feats). Thats an extremely deep buy in cost for a minor return. By comparison Ninja Spy gets the same thing (3 dodge and 3 dodge cap) using T1/T2 enhancements with zero feat requirements. I just feel given the heavy demands on feats, tying up essentially two feats and over 10% of your characters AP to get what amounts to 3 dodge (if youre at cap before buying this, this line nets you 3 dodge and raises the cap by 3). The effects are fine, and even the placement is fine. But the net costs just get too steep, relative to what other choices Tempests could make, and what other classes pay for similar.
Good changes.
The new Elaborate Parry is a success. The timing and size of the bonus are very appropriate for the design space, and relative to other options. This is an ability I am happy to see.
Like before, I think Storm Tempest is a bit smallish (even at 200 melee power its 6d6 or 20 dmg per hit... mobs with 5-10 resistance degrade it massively relative to most realistic character values). Maybe this could change the scaling to 200% melee power as well as upping the dice or something. I just think this line is something that will be great in heroic, and then sort of drop off in epic. I'd just like to see it maintain relevance. Maybe the first one could be 1d6 plus burst, and this one could be 2d6 plus Lit2. Lots of ideas I'm sure just give it a look.
Great changes.
Like Elaborate Parry, the new Thousand Cuts is very modern and appealing, and plays well with several of the other abilities. This is another ability I am happy to see.
Dual Perfection is likewise something that was mechanically needed for this class to really shrug off a portion of math issues regarding the build, and I am glad to see it addressed readily.
Question though, for Dance of Death, was any consideration given to the "reach" involved? There was a thread some time back examining how hard it is to get twf to reach far enough to ever really catch more than 2 mobs with this, without "perfect alignment" kinds of things happening. I am hoping that as part of the pass, this can be looked at. Maybe if it cant be made "easier" to catch more mobs (ie, the ability adjusts the reach in terms of distance and arc of attack while active) then perhaps it could be made to last 20s with a 30s cd, similar to a regular boost. Then it would at least be less micromanagement to utilize it at reduced effectiveness, while having the exact same uptime/downtime ratio it has now.
Likewise, Dance of Death should really drop to 1/1/1 costing as well. As it stands, even with adjustments as suggested, its really best for a T1 dip given the high strain of enhancements for melee rangers. At 1/1/1 it may be worth trying to pick up extra levels for those rare occasions it helps... but at 2 each its just not going to happen. Hopefully the cost can get brought in line as well.
Overall this is a decent pass. The added melee power and prr, as well as the T4/5s, will help make it modern. The overall AP costs are still a bit high... and there are some things which are still lacking. The dodge increases are too costly for a "skirmish" style class, and some of the abilities (storm dancer, dance of death) are either easily mitigated by mobs, or easily mitigated by the collision system of twf. I would like to see those "unique" things focused on to be sure they actually deliver, same with the lv18 core doublestrike stacking just be sure it works on top of other things. Otherwise the tree will wash out in "effective" choices and just sort of be the same thing as it is now but with slightly bigger numbers. Good potential for a first draft, I hope it can get polished up.