I would like to see some sort of sneakattack oriented talents in this tree (can be simply +dices and/or cripling strike sort of talents) because i see DWS as ranger going on sort of rogue stealthy path with some dirty fighting tricks.
I think T5 or some core in "stalker" tree should be some sort of assassinate. Autocrit on CD is really underpowered for T5 talent especially in current game with current crit ranges. If you want to avoid another instakill talent then make it atleast something like autocrit + critprofile for X sec (1/2 of CD time ?) or something that will scale like this.
Some sort of CC (and other) traps makes perfect sense in this tree and could diferentiate this tree in usefull and fun way.
And what i really would like to see is pet tree. Pet does make sense in this tree also (atleast compared to AA and tempest). But i know this is from dreamland now because ranger do not have pets in DDO![]()