If I want a high dps repeater build, I'll run a mechanic. My mechanic also had significantly higher ranged power than this (before I TR'd her), so these changes do not make the ranger competitive. My ranger, my arty & my mechanic all do more damage than 25-80 with the right bows/repeaters/Xbows & DR breakers. My level 28 AA does 85-90 per hit with only 26 ranged power, using a level 16 bow (I put her into magister and didn't activate any twists to minimize the effect of epic destinies in the testing). So if the numbers you're quoting are what we can expect, this pass is not an improvement, it's a nerf.
You discount bows because of their low rate of fire & lack of special attacks in comparison to repeaters. By that reasoning, the mechanic tree should have done nothing for great crossbows (it is the slowest of the ranged weapons by far, and was universally ignored by most players until the mechanic pass), yet that is now the preferred mechanic weapon because of the massive damage it does with the improved mechanic enhancements.
What needs to be done is to make the bow enhancements as compelling for a ranger as the great crossbow/repeater enhancements are for mechanics. The ranger +W bow enhancements have never worked since the enhancement pass 2 years ago, which has not helped the situation any.
Instead of three viable ranger trees, each of which has compelling enhancements in it & each of which is a viable option when taken to cap (aka: warlock), rangers are getting a "meh" tree, which is supposed to be a "supporting" tree. If this had been done for warlock, the screams would still be raging. Right now, I see nothing in this tree that is compelling for an AA ranger, a class which some lfms don't want in their party, because they don't put out enough dps.
This whole tree appears to be aimed at multi-classers, not at pure rangers. The mechanic tree & the warlock trees are attractive to both pures & to multi-classers ... this proposed tree is not. Give the pure rangers something to work with, right now we have almost nothing.