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  1. #241
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    I use a repeater on my rangers. The changes allow swapping out the 41 AP in AA to DWS and Harper while maintaining the 20% doubleshot, and gaining ~50 ranged power.

    With 50-80 damage hits, this will add 25-40 damage a hit, and horizon shot will enable another 15-30 a hit in sneak damage.

    This is balanced and seems good enough to be competitive with a mechanic.

    It is irrelevant what the tree does for bows, since they simply don't fire fast enough, and even if they did, they don't inherently penta-hit special attacks.

    If I want a high dps repeater build, I'll run a mechanic. My mechanic also had significantly higher ranged power than this (before I TR'd her), so these changes do not make the ranger competitive. My ranger, my arty & my mechanic all do more damage than 25-80 with the right bows/repeaters/Xbows & DR breakers. My level 28 AA does 85-90 per hit with only 26 ranged power, using a level 16 bow (I put her into magister and didn't activate any twists to minimize the effect of epic destinies in the testing). So if the numbers you're quoting are what we can expect, this pass is not an improvement, it's a nerf.

    You discount bows because of their low rate of fire & lack of special attacks in comparison to repeaters. By that reasoning, the mechanic tree should have done nothing for great crossbows (it is the slowest of the ranged weapons by far, and was universally ignored by most players until the mechanic pass), yet that is now the preferred mechanic weapon because of the massive damage it does with the improved mechanic enhancements.

    What needs to be done is to make the bow enhancements as compelling for a ranger as the great crossbow/repeater enhancements are for mechanics. The ranger +W bow enhancements have never worked since the enhancement pass 2 years ago, which has not helped the situation any.

    Instead of three viable ranger trees, each of which has compelling enhancements in it & each of which is a viable option when taken to cap (aka: warlock), rangers are getting a "meh" tree, which is supposed to be a "supporting" tree. If this had been done for warlock, the screams would still be raging. Right now, I see nothing in this tree that is compelling for an AA ranger, a class which some lfms don't want in their party, because they don't put out enough dps.

    This whole tree appears to be aimed at multi-classers, not at pure rangers. The mechanic tree & the warlock trees are attractive to both pures & to multi-classers ... this proposed tree is not. Give the pure rangers something to work with, right now we have almost nothing.

  2. #242
    Community Member HuneyMunster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gratch View Post
    Replace "BLIND" in Head Shot with "KILL". If you want it to be competitive and have something other ranger trees do not.
    Alternatively replace "BLIND" with some affect that works on bosses... 10% vulnerability? That would be PRE defining as well.

    Also for being a "stalker". One who "stalks" which suggests movement around the prey... this PRE does best when standing still.
    Deepwood Stander? Hmmm... what if they could maintain archer's focus while sneaking?
    I can see problems with a ranged assassinate ability added without major restrictions or a long cooldown. But, Bard already have one in swashbuckler with ranged version of CdG that does have a restriction.

    If Head Shot as a Kill ability can proc on all targets hit when using IPS with Leg Shot, this could become too powerful. I would probably add a sneak attack requirement for kill chance with blind on non-sneak attack. But, Rangers can get 45 meters range on a sneak attack with all core of DWS and that a lot of potential to get instant kills out of sight of mobs and never getting any agro from other mobs close to them. So I would limited it to the standard 15 meters range of a sneak attack and no range limit to blind effect.

  3. #243
    Community Member Axeyu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by salmag View Post
    I should have said that it ruins it for me, at least.

    Look at the trees of other classes. Basically, all of them could be main focuses, except for DWS. DWS is pretty much a splash only. So, why not make all classes have a melee, range and splash option? Would you be ok with that? I'm wouldn't.

    All trees for all classes should be viable options, not just splashes.

    If you make a rational argument then maybe someone will listen to you.
    Last edited by Axeyu; 09-12-2015 at 04:59 PM.

  4. #244
    Community Member FestusHood's Avatar
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    Deepwood could provide the function of being a support tree for the other trees without being designed that way. The other two trees are primarily ranged or melee, and by being a hybrid tree deepwood would have enhancements that could provide benefit to both. That said, it should be viable on it's own as a hybrid playstyle.

    Yesterday i had mistakenly thought deepwoods 20% double shot was in it's capstone, i see now that it is tier 5, so it could be stacked with the AA capstone to give 40% doubleshot. It would require spending all of your points in those two trees, but so be it. With the option to have up to 20% more at any given time using killer. This would be a good match for 10k stars, but only if the debuff to doubleshot wasn't such a huge factor.

    How can they remove the post manyshot doubleshot penalty without still leaving monkchers clearly better than non monkcher archers? I guess you could simply have it apply to 10k stars, but not manyshot, and then adjust the time it applies for balance. Rangers should still be able to get higher doubleshot numbers anyway, since the only way a monkcher could get the AA capstone is through elf, and i don't think there is enough ap to get that and also tier 5 from deepwood.

    People have mentioned that there are no alacrity bonuses in this tree. Alacrity doesn't work so well with bows, since it only applies about half of it's effect to actual fire rate due to firing and reloading being seen as two different actions by the game. When they rebuilt the crossbow animation one of the things that did was to unify the two actions so that alacrity bonuses applly to both. So 10% alacrity actually meant you fired 10% more often. The result is that now crossbows actually fire faster than bows, especially great crossbows with mechanical reloader.

    Can they, or will they do a similar overhaul to bow animation? If not, then doubleshot bonuses can effectively make up the difference, since either alacrity or double shot both produce the effect of firing more arrows over time.

  5. #245
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    Quote Originally Posted by DevilYouKnow View Post
    Deepwood is just a filler. Tempest is the main dps tree.

    Yes, that is pretty much what the producer said, so you are just repeating him. The point of my post was, why would you do that? It seems quite arbitrary to designate DWS as a support tree when other trees are given a host of very powerful abilities and can stand on their own.

    As another poster astutely pointed out, it's not a good support tree either. If this were the intention, then the tree could have been stacked with genuinely useful abilities, not what is being proposed. If you go through the tree, most of the abilities are combat based anyway, just not particularly good ones.

    What I see here is a very half-arsed job, which is being trotted out in the hope that we'll buy the excuse that the other trees will be better and archers will also be helped by subsequent rules changes to manyshot, doubleshot, RoF, etc. Of course, whether or not that actually happens to the extent it should is something else again. At this point we are being asked to take that on faith. It would be very easy to get to the final step of this process, after offering the benefit of the doubt at each stage, only to realise we've been bilked and it's now too late to do anything about it.

    Is the development team finally realising they went too far with the munchkin classes? If so, they might want to consider that stopping that approach halfway is the worst possible solution. The result will be that the munchkin classes remain overpowered relative to others, while anything reviewed in this new light will remain substantially behind for a period of years while this whole exercise comes around again.

    In a game where bards (a support class), along with throwers and crossbow users can put out enormous amounts of damage, there's no reason why rangers should be relegated to second place. Make a serious attempt at fixing the problems with archery compared to other ranged styles, and let rangers be competitive with other classes when it comes to ranged combat instead of preserving a system where monks, paladins and even rogues are so superior at it.


  6. #246
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    I have concerns about this comment:

    ~ This tree is meant to add Versatility and DPS that stacks well on top of other trees. As such we don't expect this tree alone to provide the DPS of, say, Tempest or Swashbuckler because it is a good tree to take to stack on top of main DPS trees
    From Severlin

    DWS was the primary tree used by throwing builds until mechanic was updated. So there has been a history of it being the primary dps tree for some builds.


    Tier 1-4 are pretty much just updates and ap costing adjustments.

    Tier 5 seems to be where the discussion is. First as this is tier 5, there is no excuse not to make these abilities good for dps. One cannot pick multiple tier 5's.


    Head Shot: Blind needs to be changed to stun for 3 seconds, because running after a mob that is blinded and running away randomly is not what a ranged build wants to do. The enemy is already at range, and the mob is running even farther away. This is just flat out annoying.

    Also making this a ranged coup de grace would be a mistake.


    Stalker Training:
    I played improved archers focus a lot, before mechanic and it is a different play style, than the usual improved precise shot builds. This is an opportunity to build on this difference rather than make it even worse.

    Math calcs ahead:
    Regular Archer's focus is 15 stacks, which is

    15*3=45 Ranged Power

    You add +10 ranged power from "with bow and sword"

    45 + 10 = 55 Ranged Power

    With Imp Archers Focus, 25 stacks

    25*3=75 Ranged Power (cannot take bow and sword)

    There is a difference of 20 Ranged Power, in a very specialized circumstance (standing still and hitting red names (because everything else is dead before that), after waiting for 15 stacks from the regular archer focus to build up) to see any benefit.

    That is terrible. Action Boost Ranged Power is a better use of points, for 2 points it gives the exact same benefit, with no waiting.


    My proposal is this:

    Make Improved Archers Focus change the 3 Ranged Power it would normally give to 6 Ranged power for each stack. Still only have it go to 15 stacks.

    This make the benefit start from the beginning, make it take a lot less time to build up. It would be an actual ability as to the other thing nobody takes.

    It would certainly make taking improved precise shot a choice instead of a necessity.

    Promote 2 different ranged play styles.


    Please fix the Swashbuckler - Shuriken Multiplier bug
    Lunality, Sorcality, Tunality, Axation, Causation, Shurality, Desparality, Stingality and a few more...

  7. #247
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Core 5: Costs one use of animal empathy and 100sp: Your summons now have a hireling bar, and do not count as a party slot.
    Core 6: You can now have two summons at once, each with a hireling bar. Your summons respawn if killed within 10 min counter.

  8. #248
    Community Member salmag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Axeyu View Post
    If you make a rational argument then maybe someone will listen to you.
    I stated I read everything and agree with the complaints.
    So you would like me to repeat, ad nauseum, what everyone else is saying? So we all sound like a broken record.
    Perhaps the Devs will listen to that. Try again.
    No one listens to broken records.

  9. #249
    Community Member Axeyu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by salmag View Post
    I stated I read everything and agree with the complaints.
    So you would like me to repeat, ad nauseum, what everyone else is saying? So we all sound like a broken record.
    Perhaps the Devs will listen to that. Try again.
    No one listens to broken records.
    A broken record is better than a completely illogical one. Your previous post made no sense.

    If the argument against this DWS theme is that paladins must also get a ranged tree then your position is pretty weak.

  10. #250
    Community Member DevilYouKnow's Avatar
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    It seems that you guys still do not understand the math behind a flat bonus to your ranged power and percentage bonus to your overall damage.

    Those are the formulars.

    Percentage calculation, added percentage damage (y -> old archer focus) : ((v/100)+1)*((t/100)*(100+y)) = b (new base dmg after calc.)

    Flat bonus only, added ranged power (z -> new archer focus) : (((v+z)/100)+1)*t = a (new base dmg after calc)

    For a = b, with y = percentage damage bonus, z = flat ranged power bonus, v = base ranged power, t = base damage before calc.

    it has to be as follows :

    a = b :

    - ((v/100)+1)*((t/100)*(100+y)) = (((v+z)/100)+1)*t

    - ((v/100)+1)*(t+ty/100)) = (((v+z)/100)+1)*t

    - (vt/100) + (vty/10000) + t + (ty/100) = ((v+z+100)/100)*t

    - vt + (vty/100) + 100*t + ty = (v + z + 100) *t

    - v + (vy/100) + 100 + y = v + z + 100

    - (vy/100) + y = z

    - y ((v/100) + 1 ) = z ---> flat ranged power needed, for a = b.

    Archers focus :

    Damage: up to once every half second, you gain +2% competence bonus to missile damage.

    This effect can stack up to 15 times, for a total of +30% missle damage.

    That means y = 30.

    Result :

    For example : With v = 100 (base ranged power)

    y ((v/100) + 1 ) = 30 ((100/100) + 1 ) = 60 = z

    For example : With v = 110 (base ranged power)

    y ((v/100) + 1 ) = 30 ((110/100) + 1 ) = 63 = z

    For example : With v = 120 (base ranged power)

    y ((v/100) + 1 ) = 30 ((120/100) + 1 ) = 66 = z

    conclusion : For every +10 ranged power beyond 100 of your base, you would need 60 + every 3 ranged power to your value z.

    For a to be b, the above expression needs to be fulfilled.

    That means, the new archers focus needs to provide 60 + 3 ranged power for every +10 ranged power beyond 100 ranged power of your base.

    I had suggest raising it to 4 ranged power per stack (15 stacks) for a total of 60 ranged power for it to be equal to the former +2% per stack percentage bonus to missle damage for a total of +30% damage bonus to missle damage at 100 ranged power as base.

    By the way. This is also true for melee power boosts.
    Last edited by DevilYouKnow; 09-12-2015 at 09:53 PM.

  11. #251


    Convoluted math is convoluted!

    Ranged Power increased ranged attacks by the following formula: (100+Rating)/100

    That means that a rating of 30 RP = (100+30)/100 = 1.30 which is.. low and behold, a 30% increase in damage. So, if I do 100 damage, then I actually do 130 damage due to 30 RP.

    Archer Focus NEW = 3 RP per stack and stacking up to 15 times = 45 RP
    Archer Focus OLD = 2% Competence Bonus to Missile Damage per stack and stacking up to 15 times = 30% Competence bonus to damage.

    Full stacks of both on 100 damage:

    New = 100 Damage x 1.45 = 145 Damage
    Old = 100 Damage x 1.30 = 130 Damage

    Clearly the new archer focus is better then the old archer focus. I can't see any reason to complain about THAT particular change. Though I do feel the stacks need to decay slower and the requirement of "not moving" needs to be lifted, because 99% of dungeon content you are not going to be standing around long enough to get a full 15 stacks.

    IMO it should function more like blitz and keep building as long as you are successfully hitting something.
    Last edited by Xionanx; 09-12-2015 at 09:24 PM.

  12. #252
    Community Member Vellrad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DevilYouKnow View Post
    It seems that you guys still do not understand the math behind a flat bonus to your ranged power and percentage bonus to your overall damage.

    Those are the formulars.

    Percentage calculation, added percentage damage (y -> old archer focus) : ((v/100)+1)*((t/100)*(100+y)) = b (new base dmg after calc.)

    Flat bonus only, added ranged power (z -> new archer focus) : (((v+z)/100)+1)*t = a (new base dmg after calc)

    For a = b, with y = percentage damage bonus, z = flat ranged power bonus, v = base ranged power, t = base damage before calc.

    it has to be as follows :

    a = b :

    - ((v/100)+1)*((t/100)*(100+y)) = (((v+z)/100)+1)*t

    - ((v/100)+1)*(t+ty/100)) = (((v+z)/100)+1)*t

    - (vt/100) + (vty/10000) + t + (ty/100) = ((v+z+100)/100)*t

    - vt + (vty/100) + 100*t + ty = (v + z + 100) *t

    - v + (vy/100) + 100 + y = v + z + 100

    - (vy/100) + y = z

    - y ((v/100) + 1 ) = z ---> flat ranged power needed, for a = b.

    Archers focus :

    Damage: up to once every half second, you gain +2% competence bonus to missile damage.

    This effect can stack up to 15 times, for a total of +30% missle damage.

    That means y = 30.

    Result :

    For example : With v = 100 (base ranged power)

    y ((v/100) + 1 ) = 30 ((100/100) + 1 ) = 60 = z

    For example : With v = 110 (base ranged power)

    y ((v/100) + 1 ) = 30 ((110/100) + 1 ) = 63 = z

    For example : With v = 120 (base ranged power)

    y ((v/100) + 1 ) = 30 ((120/100) + 1 ) = 66 = z

    conclusion : For every +10 ranged power beyond 100 of your base, you would need 60 + every 3 ranged power to your value z.

    For a to be b, the above expression needs to be fulfilled.

    That means, the new archers focus needs to provide 60 + 3 ranged power for every +10 ranged power beyond 100 ranged power of your base.

    I had suggest raising it to 4 ranged power per stack (15 stacks) for a total of 60 ranged power for it to be equal to the former +2% per stack percentage bonus to missle damage for a total of +30% damage bonus to missle damage at 100 ranged power as base.
    Flat +x% damage will affect only base damage, ranged power will also affect sneak attack, damaging clickies etc. so it should have smaller value.
    Quote Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Random Person #2 View Post
    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

  13. #253
    Community Member DevilYouKnow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xionanx View Post
    Convoluted math is convoluted!

    Ranged Power increased ranged attacks by the following formula: (100+Rating)/100

    That means that a rating of 30 RP = (100+30)/100 = 1.30 which is.. low and behold, a 30% increase in damage. So, if I do 100 damage, then I actually do 130 damage due to 30 RP.

    Archer Focus NEW = 3 RP per stack and stacking up to 15 times = 45 RP
    Archer Focus OLD = 2% Competence Bonus to Missile Damage per stack and stacking up to 15 times = 30% Competence bonus to damage.

    Full stacks of both on 100 damage:

    New = 100 Damage x 1.45 = 145 Damage
    Old = 100 Damage x 1.30 = 130 Damage

    Clearly the new archer focus is better then the old archer focus. I can't see any reason to complain about THAT particular change. Though I do feel the stacks need to decay slower and the requirement of "not moving" needs to be lifted, because 99% of dungeon content you are not going to be standing around long enough to get a full 15 stacks.

    IMO I should function more like blitz and keep building as long as you are successfully hitting something.
    New Archers focus is 45 RP if you base ranged power equals to 50.

    Because : y ((v/100) + 1 ) = 30 ((50/100) + 1 ) = 45 = z, with old AF = new AF being fulfilled.

    But who is seriously gonna be stuck at 50 ranged power ? People easily break 100 ranged power already...

    This isn't better at all... Just try and understand the math behind all that a bit. It is not there for fun.

    The higher ranged power you already have, the more ranged power you are going to need, so that old AF equals to new AF.

    This is why percentage bonus > a flat bonus to your ranged power. Chainging it will result in a NERF.
    Last edited by DevilYouKnow; 09-12-2015 at 09:36 PM.

  14. #254
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aletys View Post
    You discount bows because of their low rate of fire & lack of special attacks in comparison to repeaters.
    You know during the rogue update, repeater reload + fire animations were combined (if I remember right),
    and thusly reduced in time, this resulted in a higher rate of fire from Xbows.

    Could the same be done for archery bows?

    That would impact our perspective on ranger trees.

    It would also impact our perspective on any possible changes to manyshot, etc...

    The obvious Fury + Manyshot/10K + Slayer Arrow combo will be foremost in our minds when reading thru any ranger trees.

  15. #255


    Quote Originally Posted by DevilYouKnow View Post
    New Archers focus is 45 RP if you base ranged power equals to 50.

    Because : y ((v/100) + 1 ) = 30 ((50/100) + 1 ) = 45 = z, with old AF = new AF being fulfilled.

    But who is seriously gonna be stuck at 50 ranged power ? People easily break 100 ranged power already...

    This isn't better at all... Just try and understand the math behind all that a bit. It is not there for fun.

    The higher ranged power you already have, the more ranged power you are going to need, so that old AF equals to new AF.
    No, new archer focus is 45 RP whether you have 0 RP or 1000000 RP.

    And your attempt at "math" to confuse the issue is just that.. an attempt to confuse the issue.

    This is no "Diminishing Returns" on RP or MP.

    If I do 100 damage and have a 100 RP then I do 200 damage. If i then add 45 RP from Archer focus, guess what, I do 45% more damage from the BASE.. which is 100, for a total of 245 damage.

    Also.. I am curious.. show me a ranged build that has 100+ ranged power 100% of the time.

    EDIT: You know what, nevermind I'll do it myself.

    12Fighter/5Rogue/3??/8 Epic Shiradi Champ is, by my math the absolute most RP a person can get:

    8 Epic Levels = 3RP per Level = 24RP
    Shiradi Champ = 4RP per core = 20RP
    Shot on the Run = 3 RP
    Weapon Focus = 2 RP
    Greater Weapon Focus = 2 RP
    Weapon Specialization = 2 RP
    Greater Weapon Specialization = 2 RP

    = 55 RP from Feats and Levels

    Harper Agent
    Versatile Adept I,II,III: 1/2/3
    Versatile Adept IV: 2/4/6

    Rogue Mechanic
    Fletching: 3/6/10
    Mechanical Reloader: +10

    = 29 From Enhancements

    Items (I am not 100% on these ATM)

    +12 RP from "Best" possible combination of items from the new raid (unless I am mistaken).

    55 + 29 + 12 = 96 RP 100% of the time. So yeah, I guess its "Doable"

    As Shiradi you loose out on masters blitz which can give you +7RP/stack and stack 10 Times.. but that is only if you can get the blitz stacks.
    You could also go Divine Crusader and use Zeal of the Rightous for +50RP and 50% doubleshot for 50 stacks.. so yeah.

    Still, an extra 45RP from Archer Focus is STILL A GOOD CHANGE.
    Last edited by Xionanx; 09-12-2015 at 09:57 PM.

  16. #256
    Community Member DevilYouKnow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xionanx View Post
    No, new archer focus is 45 RP whether you have 0 RP or 1000000 RP.

    And your attempt at "math" to confuse the issue is just that.. an attempt to confuse the issue.

    This is no "Diminishing Returns" on RP or MP.

    If I do 100 damage and have a 100 RP then I do 200 damage. If i then add 45 RP from Archer focus, guess what, I do 45% more damage from the BASE.. which is 100, for a total of 245 damage.

    Also.. I am curious.. show me a ranged build that has 100+ ranged power 100% of the time.
    What is confusing about my math ? Maybe try reading the whole thing, instead of publishing some flawed equation out of nowhere... It isn't that simple !

    This is the formular you need :

    y ((v/100) + 1 ) = z ---> flat ranged power needed, for a (new base dmg after calc. with old focus) = b ( new base dmg after calc. with new focus).

    With y = 30 being the old archers focus total missle dmg and v = 50 your base ranged power.

    Which results in :

    30((50/100) + 1 ) = 45 ranged power (new archers focus total ranged power needed) = z, at 50 ranged power.

    You are wrong. Obviously there are diminishing returns, and it has been proven multiple times already.

    This needs to be addressed to 4 ranged power per stack, to be less of a nerf. Otherwise it is clearly a NERF.

    Have a nice day.
    Last edited by DevilYouKnow; 09-12-2015 at 09:58 PM.

  17. #257
    Community Member barecm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by legendkilleroll View Post
    And i just dont get the people who want to see this as the next OP, FotM, Steamroll all content. Yes improvements are needed but not a copy of all the other trees that already making the game to easy

    Yes rangers need to be buffed but no way should they all be going the Barb etc route, its riduculous. As for the bolded part, the community makes it OP then next month complaints begin about how easy it is

    Not sure how its worse than before, my friend is ranger, no monk levels, rarely dies in EE and always is up there with DPS, maybe people need to actually start playing properly instead of expecting everything to be Warlock-esque where 1 or 2 buttons wipes everything out.
    They have already gone there. So, not going there with ranger means they lag farther behind. Yes, rangers are worse off after the class adjustments since the other classes are way, way ahead.

  18. #258
    Community Member the_one_dwarfforged's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xionanx View Post
    Convoluted math is convoluted!

    Ranged Power increased ranged attacks by the following formula: (100+Rating)/100

    That means that a rating of 30 RP = (100+30)/100 = 1.30 which is.. low and behold, a 30% increase in damage. So, if I do 100 damage, then I actually do 130 damage due to 30 RP.

    Archer Focus NEW = 3 RP per stack and stacking up to 15 times = 45 RP
    Archer Focus OLD = 2% Competence Bonus to Missile Damage per stack and stacking up to 15 times = 30% Competence bonus to damage.

    Full stacks of both on 100 damage:

    New = 100 Damage x 1.45 = 145 Damage
    Old = 100 Damage x 1.30 = 130 Damage

    Clearly the new archer focus is better then the old archer focus. I can't see any reason to complain about THAT particular change. Though I do feel the stacks need to decay slower and the requirement of "not moving" needs to be lifted, because 99% of dungeon content you are not going to be standing around long enough to get a full 15 stacks.

    IMO it should function more like blitz and keep building as long as you are successfully hitting something.
    +30 rp is only equal to +30% dmg if you have 0 rp. that isnt even possible at lvl 28.
    You are but a lamb, ignorant of your own ignorance. You no longer interest me.

  19. #259
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    Quote Originally Posted by mezzorco View Post
    It does not add healing spells or SLAs.
    It does, however, gives you 90 positive spell power (70 on cores, 20 on low tier enhancements). That is on par with Radiant Servant, a focused healer tree, while also giving out a ton of Melee/Ranged power.

    I would like that something there (cores probably) adds Lesser Vigor, Vigor, and Greater Vigor as ranger spells at level 1, 2 and 4. Heck, anything that give us more spells is welcome. It is not like rangers are swimming in spell options.

    Quote Originally Posted by LordTigerDawn View Post
    Stalker Training:
    I played improved archers focus a lot, before mechanic and it is a different play style, than the usual improved precise shot builds. This is an opportunity to build on this difference rather than make it even worse.

    Math calcs ahead:
    Regular Archer's focus is 15 stacks, which is

    15*3=45 Ranged Power

    You add +10 ranged power from "with bow and sword"

    45 + 10 = 55 Ranged Power

    With Imp Archers Focus, 25 stacks

    25*3=75 Ranged Power (cannot take bow and sword)

    There is a difference of 20 Ranged Power, in a very specialized circumstance (standing still and hitting red names (because everything else is dead before that), after waiting for 15 stacks from the regular archer focus to build up) to see any benefit.

    That is terrible. Action Boost Ranged Power is a better use of points, for 2 points it gives the exact same benefit, with no waiting.


    My proposal is this:

    Make Improved Archers Focus change the 3 Ranged Power it would normally give to 6 Ranged power for each stack. Still only have it go to 15 stacks.

    This make the benefit start from the beginning, make it take a lot less time to build up. It would be an actual ability as to the other thing nobody takes.

    It would certainly make taking improved precise shot a choice instead of a necessity.

    Promote 2 different ranged play styles.
    +1 to you. This is genius. Even if raising it to 5 (so it ends up on +75 RP like intended), the useful advantage from even the first stack is something worth of consideration.
    Amossa d'Cannith, Sarlona, casually trying Completionist (12/14) [<o>]
    Almost-never-played-alts: Arquera - Chapolin - Fabber - Herweg - Mecanico - Tenma

    I want DDO to be a better game. Those are my personal suggestions on: Ammunition, Archmage, Combat Stances, Deities, Dispel Magic, Epic Destiny Map, Fast Healing, Favor, Favored Enemy, Half-elf Enhancements, Monk Kensai, Monk Stances, Past Life, Potency, Potions, Ranger Spells, Summons, Tiered Loot.

  20. #260
    Community Member Urjak's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    A few points in my opinion:
    • DWS should not just be a filler tree
    • Head Shot: Blind effect in and off itself is not so uber-powerful - add the fact that the DC won't be that amazing either this still blows. A +x [w] and guaranteed crit every once in a while is really bad for a tier 5 ability. One thing though that might be interesting is: What about guaranteed vorpal? It would probably still not be enough and a death effect WOULD fit the theme, but I understand that after Coup de Grace the devs don't want to add another insta-kill. Maybe add some effect that only works on Favored Enemies and additionally requires the ranger to be stealthed and the target to have full health or even be completely out of combat (dunno if that would be possible to implement - not talking about sneak-attackable like the prerequisite for Assassinate, but really completely unaware of the player - that would imo fit the stalker theme)
    • Dex to damage for melee weapons - kinda meh - isn't that already included in Tempest tree?
    • Improved Precise Shot - agreeing that it needs a buff - upping the Ranged Power per stack would probably be the best course of action - building those stacks up requires standing still for a while and is thus only situational anyways, so the reward should really make up for that.
    • I like the idea of granting better healing spells
    Argonessen (mains):
    Myriellah (Stargazer II), Xryn (Pale Master), Ryaleen (Air Savant), Mayeena (Assassin)
    Leader and founder of the ShadowThieves guild

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