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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default New player looking for people or guild to play with

    hii, im new i always wanted to play ddo and i started a few days ago ,im a paladin but the thing is , playing alone and for first time is kinda boring and confusing so, if someone wants to play send me a mail in game (IGN: Mrvoid) or here . thank you

  2. #2

  3. #3


    Hi Mrvoid, welcome to DDO!

    Buy potions of remove curse, neutralize poison, remove blindness, lesser restoration, remove disease and cures serious wounds. Put them all on a hotbar.

    Then join help channel. There are lots of nice veteran players there to answer questions in game, including me and a very friendly turtle.

    You can join help channel by typing "/joinchannel help"

    then you can type in help channel by typing "/1" before your message.

    Good Luck and I hope you have fun here on Sarlona!

  4. #4
    Community Member williamsond's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Default The Unrepentant

    Hey buddy,

    If you're still looking for a guild come check us out at we're a long established guild with a casual and friendly attitude maybe we're what you are looking for.

    "Stand still, stop moaning and put the grape on your head son. I can do this with my eyes closed" William Tell's ill fated come back tour.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    Wow I just came back after a couple of years and loaded up my half orc ftr/rngr/thief and found I've got 80 action points to spend.

    This game has really changed during my absence. It's kinda overwhelming that it's changed so much. He's a 'capped' 20th level toon with so many gewgaws that I don't even remember what half of them do. And He's got 10 task bars to boot. Should I just start over? Or putz around to find out *** is going on?

    I really don't want to waste peoples game time seeking help so a pointer would be helpful.
    Last edited by Bwahahaha; 09-17-2015 at 10:07 PM.

  6. #6
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Apr 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Bwahahaha View Post
    Wow I just came back after a couple of years and loaded up my half orc ftr/rngr/thief and found I've got 80 action points to spend.

    This game has really changed during my absence. It's kinda overwhelming that it's changed so much. He's a 'capped' 20th level toon with so many gewgaws that I don't even remember what half of them do. And He's got 10 task bars to boot. Should I just start over? Or putz around to find out *** is going on?

    I really don't want to waste peoples game time seeking help so a pointer would be helpful.
    Welcome back!

    It's kind of personal preference. If it was me I would TR and start back at 1. There have been so many changes to the game it's kind of helpful to level up and figure out AP spend, feats, etc. as you are leveling. There are some new concepts PRR/MRR which you can read about on ddowiki.

    Trap bonuses are higher than they used to be so that is a factor for some people that solo.

    You can make any build work, but the builds that are strongest right now are paladin (enough levels to get holy sword - usually 15+), barbarian, mechanic (rogue crossbow), swashbuckler and warlock. Of course build whatever you have the most fun with, but these are classes that had recent revamps and are considered the strongest. Ranger is currently getting re-worked and fighters will get re-worked later.

    Barbarian you will only want to play if you have enough necropolis quests to get favor for silver flame pots.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
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  7. #7
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrVoid View Post
    hii, im new i always wanted to play ddo and i started a few days ago ,im a paladin but the thing is , playing alone and for first time is kinda boring and confusing so, if someone wants to play send me a mail in game (IGN: Mrvoid) or here . thank you
    Welcome! Don't be afraid to use the LFM system to join parties. It's also good to let people know you are new and don't the way as well as others. Most people go out of their way to help out new players and will go out of their way to play at a comfortable pace. Sarlona is a great server with many friendly and helpful people.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
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  8. #8
    Community Member
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    Default Thanks.

    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    Welcome back!

    It's kind of personal preference. If it was me I would TR and start back at 1. There have been so many changes to the game it's kind of helpful to level up and figure out AP spend, feats, etc. as you are leveling. There are some new concepts PRR/MRR which you can read about on ddowiki.

    Trap bonuses are higher than they used to be so that is a factor for some people that solo.

    You can make any build work, but the builds that are strongest right now are paladin (enough levels to get holy sword - usually 15+), barbarian, mechanic (rogue crossbow), swashbuckler and warlock. Of course build whatever you have the most fun with, but these are classes that had recent revamps and are considered the strongest. Ranger is currently getting re-worked and fighters will get re-worked later.

    Barbarian you will only want to play if you have enough necropolis quests to get favor for silver flame pots.
    I just wanted to thank you for your response and a couple of questions.

    One. Are green steel weapons still in vogue, or are they obsolete? (I've got a bow and a kopesh and a hat that I treasured...)

    Two. Any idea when the Ranger update will come out?

    (I like dual wielding Kopeshes.)

  9. #9
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bwahahaha View Post
    I just wanted to thank you for your response and a couple of questions.

    One. Are green steel weapons still in vogue, or are they obsolete? (I've got a bow and a kopesh and a hat that I treasured...)

    Two. Any idea when the Ranger update will come out?

    (I like dual wielding Kopeshes.)
    Greensteel weapons are solid until level 24. At that point a tier 1 thunderforged weapon that costs 80 ingots does 4x weapon damage compared to 1.5x on a greensteel weapon. You can add 10-60 fire damage, 10-48 negative energy damage or first degree burns which adds stacks of vulnerability. Triple positive greensteel may still be better against undead, but other than that I don't think any greensteel weapon can compete with a tier 1 thunderforged weapon.

    You can make khopeshes or any other weapon with thunderforged crafting.

    Khopeshes of the drow weapon master may also be good at lower epic levels, but those are hard to get. There is also a nice khopesh you can make from the House C challenges, but I can't remember the name.

    The ranger update will be this next release in a few weeks or so. Here are the tempest changes which you can test out on Lamannia now:

    If you are dual-wielding khopeshes it's unlikely that any pure ranger build will be beat 15 paladin / 5 ranger, but of course build the character the way you want to. 15 Paladin gives you holy sword which gives your khopeshes +1 critical range + 1 critical damage. You also get 10% doublestrike from zeal and of course you get divine might which lets you add your charisma modifier to strength and with all the gear options, this is at least 15 even if you dump charisma at level 28. You also get great saves + great defenses (defense stance from sacred defender with no downside).

    the last few cores in tempest look good, but basically going pure 20 ranger means you are trading the last 4 cores for everything paladin 15 gives. you can still go tier 5 in tempest with 5 levels of ranger - the only restriction is you only have access to the first 2 cores and have to take greater two weapon fighting AFTER you take the 5 ranger levels. It will be a fun build.

    If you want an evasion/dodge character 20 ranger tempest is very compelling, but less dps than a 15 paladin / 5 ranger.
    Last edited by slarden; 09-20-2015 at 12:38 PM.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
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  10. #10
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    Greensteel weapons are solid until level 24. At that point a tier 1 thunderforged weapon that costs 80 ingots does 4x weapon damage compared to 1.5x on a greensteel weapon. You can add 10-60 fire damage, 10-48 negative energy damage or first degree burns which adds stacks of vulnerability. Triple positive greensteel may still be better against undead, but other than that I don't think any greensteel weapon can compete with a tier 1 thunderforged weapon.

    You can make khopeshes or any other weapon with thunderforged crafting.

    Khopeshes of the drow weapon master may also be good at lower epic levels, but those are hard to get. There is also a nice khopesh you can make from the House C challenges, but I can't remember the name.

    The ranger update will be this next release in a few weeks or so. Here are the tempest changes which you can test out on Lamannia now:

    If you are dual-wielding khopeshes it's unlikely that any pure ranger build will be beat 15 paladin / 5 ranger, but of course build the character the way you want to. 15 Paladin gives you holy sword which gives your khopeshes +1 critical range + 1 critical damage. You also get 10% doublestrike from zeal and of course you get divine might which lets you add your charisma modifier to strength and with all the gear options, this is at least 15 even if you dump charisma at level 28. You also get great saves + great defenses (defense stance from sacred defender with no downside).

    the last few cores in tempest look good, but basically going pure 20 ranger means you are trading the last 4 cores for everything paladin 15 gives. you can still go tier 5 in tempest with 5 levels of ranger - the only restriction is you only have access to the first 2 cores and have to take greater two weapon fighting AFTER you take the 5 ranger levels. It will be a fun build.

    If you want an evasion/dodge character 20 ranger tempest is very compelling, but less dps than a 15 paladin / 5 ranger.
    Ok so I wanted to set the record straight after typing this. Since I wrote this the tempest/deepwood stalker trees have been changed so you can get the +1 crit range and +1 crit multiplier if you take the level 12 cores in both tress. So if you want an evasion off-tank pure ranger 20 will give you top-tier dps and solid surivability, especially in the divine crusader epic destiny. 15 paladin / 5 ranger is still a really solid heavy armor build, but 20 ranger also gives you a 20 second manyshot every 2 minutes which is useful with 0 feat investments and gets pretty solid with 2 feats. Overall I think ranger 20 is better overall, but either way both builds are going to be really good
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  11. #11
    Intergalactic Space Crusader
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    Default Trees

    Whenever a tree is updated by DDO or you make certain changes to feats on your toon, the affected tree(s) get reset and you then have to reassign points.

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