So my computer broke when I upgraded it to Win 10 so I had to do a fresh clean install of Win 7. Was going through all my games and reinstalling everything when I came across this this old relic called DDO!
Waiting for it to finish installing and then I do believe i will be popping in to take a look around and see if i wanna get back as a serious player. Been about 3 years since I played last, Right after underdark was released iirc.
Anyhoo, so whats been going on in Kyber? Drunken Raids still a thing? Elitist no pug greensteel runs gone bye bye yet? Cant wait to jump on and see whats new and improved and what still sucks! lol Half elated at the thought of re-experiencing DDO and half dreading the thought of re-experiencing DDO Lag monsters.