There is a max amount of friends a character can have in the game. It is roughly 150 friends. I don't like to ever dismiss a friend. Many people play DDO on a casual basis and I like questing with those people when they are on. I also have many friends from specific guilds and there are a lot of guilds and I don't want to miss out on anyone, especally if I really like the guild. People also have different characters in they play. I like to be able to catch all the characters they play. I now have three main characters I play. So if everyone had three and I wanted to keep all my friends characters, I could only really be friends with about fifty people. If a server had only fifty people on it, it would probably be closed down. Finally, I play at all hours of the day and night. Lots of different people play on certain times. I want to keep all of those friends with all their characters so I am never without. That would be great.