The evolution of DDO: Stormreach to Eberron Unlimited to Dungeons & Dragons Online
-1--2 -3 -4 -5--6 -7 -8--9--10 -11-12 13 14! 15 16 17 years & still spawning kobolds
From Turbine to SSG, who are the devs anyway? DDO Peeps Tracker
This one should be easy for some and difficult for other.
On G-Land : Flavilandile, Blacklock, Yaelle, Millishande, Larilandile, Gildalinde, Tenalafel, and many other...
Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players
I see that I've missed some good ones! Great shots, all.
I love visiting a good ominous place such as this one:
"When asked if the developers hate the players, as they make so many challenging jumping puzzles, their response was that they have what they consider a “… normal amount of contempt for the players.” This is good. A dungeon master should always nurse a healthy contempt for his or her players."
Still waiting for devs to add fishing, this spot would be good.
My first thought was Eveningstar on the way to the Stormhorns.
Thelanis - Ethforged - Etherar - Fjirty --- Mitis Mors
Ghallanda - Ethrayne - Ethryne --- Omnipresence
Youtube channel:
Here's another...
And one more before I go to sleep, this one is kinda easy I think...
So many treasures you have found, but bigger is better -
The evolution of DDO: Stormreach to Eberron Unlimited to Dungeons & Dragons Online
-1--2 -3 -4 -5--6 -7 -8--9--10 -11-12 13 14! 15 16 17 years & still spawning kobolds
From Turbine to SSG, who are the devs anyway? DDO Peeps Tracker