I had bought an Otto's box the last day they had them in the DDO Store and decided to bump my Monk up from 4 to 20. As I had already decided what he would be, I leveled him as the title says, using Khopeshes and TWF with the Kensei tree. However, the novice in me has finally learned his mistake, in that I just randomly chose what each level would be, instead of planning it out, so now I will need to LR a few times to get the leveling right, and that's where my question is. How do you decide, if or when you multiclass, which level will go to which class, and is there a good strategy for Monk/Fighter levels? He's a Dragonmarked human on his first life, and I don't think I will TR him, or at least not for a while. I'll edit this post later with his stats.
Thanks in advance for the help. :3