The Gladys Knight is a flexible melee PbAoE build. It's powerful on heroic and epic levels and will work nicely as a quick and brainless warlock past life or a powerful and durable first life toon. (get a
Tiefling Assassin's Blade from Three Barrel Cove asap tho and ask a friendly crafter for an assortment of Radiance rings. You'll thank me later.

In a way it’s a flavor toon for my main Yumie Nightfall, which always and forever will stay Drow. If you want to squeeze every last bit out of the character I’d recommend using human as a race instead, gaining one more feat.
I’m currently leveling it up and having a total blast.
Feel free to give feedback and point out mistakes or optimizations that keep the general build idea and flavor.
If you got questions about the build and happen to hang out on Khyber, send Yumie a tell and we'll chat.
PLAYSTYLE =================================================
I'd describe it as a mixture of a barbarian and a sorcerer - on steroids.
Step 1 - Gather about a million mobs
Step 2 - Intimidate, to prevent those pesky, party members from distracting your prey
Step 3 - Hit your Burst. Stuff dies.
Step 4 - Hit your other Burst. More stuff dies. A lot.
Step 5 - If you really feel like it, kill some stuff with absurd melee crits for a change.
- If things go haywire, turn off your aura and hit Fascinate. Take a nap. Or kill some stuff. You pick.
- If you take actual damage, hit a Cocoon. Or chuck a Silverflame pot, boosted by your Heal Amp and triggering even more temp HP.
- If you face a trap, boost your temp HP, slap on a Protection from energy and just walk through it.
- Can't reach stuff? Switch to blaster mode and annihilate ranged mobs with level 14 powered single target Warlock blasts.
- Oh, and buff those other guys as well occasionally. Share temp HP across the group every 3 seconds. Spam any pot as a layered poor mans 'group heal'. Make new players happy as they throw toothpicks on dragons!
- Show off your tentacles. Then sing a good soul tune in group chat while autorunning to the next 30 mobs. ("War! Huah! Yeah! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!" is one of my favorites...and no, don't sing it on voicechat.)
REQUIREMENTS =================================================
- Warlock class unlocked (obviously…)
- A +3 Dexterity tome, if you don’t want to make compromises stat-wise and use Precision.
PRO =================================================
- Solid swashbuckler SWF melee with all the appropriate feats
- Added perks from warlock like selfbuffs, great UMD and lots of temp HP
- If you’re into tanking: High DC Intimidate and extra melee threat
- Balanced defenses with a lot of stacked PRR/MRR, capped dodge and displacement
- Decent Fortitude and great Will saves
- Decent HP pool
- Solo and group friendly
- High DC Fascinate
- Brainless area damage
CONTRA =================================================
- No evasion (if that counts as a contra nowadays). Technically you could get Evasion from epic destinies, but…
- …reflex save is sorta crappy

- You gotta like Soul music!
- You gotta call your tentacles lovingly „the Pip’s“
THE GLADYS KNIGHT =================================================
Drow, True Neutral
14 Warlock / 3 Bard / 3 Fighter
Str 14
Dex 10
Con 12
Int 14
Wis 8
Cha 20 (all level-ups)
If you pick Precision instead of Epic Eldritch Blast as a feat, you’ll need a +3 Dex tome to hit the 13 dex prereq. If you don’t have that available, lower Strength or Intelligence accordingly. (but...even if you're just starting out, these tomes are not all that hard to come by, be it from friendly guildies or farming some gold and buying one at the AH.)
On a first and second life I'd probably recommend to lower strength a bit and making up for the lost to hit by taking the Precision feat. (melee damage on this build is Charisma based)
SKILLS =================================================
- Spellcraft, Perform, Intimidate, UMD, Heal (only half ranks)
- at least 7 ranks in Balance for GSWF
- 1 point in Jump and Tumble
- spare points in Concentration, or whatever you like really
FEATS =================================================
SWF, ISWF, GSWF, Maximize, Empower, Quicken, Improved Critical, Shield Mastery, Improved Shield Mastery, Force of Personality, Overwhelming Crit, Perfect Two Weapon Fighting, Epic Eldritch Blast (or Precision), Epic Arcane Eldritch Blast
Lvl. Class Feats
1 Bard Single Weapon Fighting
2 Warlock Pact: Fey
3 Warlock Maximize
4 Warlock
5 Warlock
6 Warlock Empower
7 Bard
8 Warlock
9 Warlock Quicken
10 Bard
11 Warlock
12 Warlock Improved Critical
13 Fighter Shield Mastery
14 Fighter Improved Shield Mastery
15 Fighter Improved Single Weapon Fighting
16 Warlock
17 Warlock
18 Warlock Force Of Personality
19 Warlock
20 Warlock
21 Epic Overwhelming Critical
24 Epic Greater Single Weapon Fighting
26 Epic Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
27 Epic Precision (or Epic Eldritch Blast)
28 Epic Epic Arcane Eldritch Blast
The feat order is pretty much adaptable to your tastes. I recommend getting at least Maximize and Empower early as the Warlock Burst powers are immensely powerful on heroic levels.
The level order might still be optimized a bit to get the best yield from your skill points: Bard at level 1 is a given (most skill points), frontload Warlock for me as well (most fun), then take Bard and Fighter levels as late as possible to optimize cheap Intimidate and Perform level up’s. Having said that, especially Bard 3 is lots of fun to take early, as it makes killing those poor bursted bastards that much more whammy.
OPTIONS =================================
"Moar swashbuckling"
A decent build option would be to use Cleave / Greater Cleave instead of Empower / Maximize and remove the two warlock Burst abilities, which has the added perk of freeing some enhancement points. This probably is better with 5 bard levels and tier 5 swashbuckling stuff. I opted against that for now, mostly because I wanted to try the effectiveness of said Bursts on a deep splash melee warlock. Also, it fits the zergy, brainless nature of the build.

See below discussion for further contemplation on this.
"Moar soul"
Yes, it's possible. Picture James Brown on a reunion concert with the Temptations. The idea is to use FvS levels instead of fighter. This loses 2 feats and the defensive goodness that is stalwart defender. It also adds a lot in regards of Burst and Aura damage with Shield of Condemnation, light SP, spell crit, plus some defenses from Warpriest as well. (LavidDynch and Tapster pointed that great option out, thanks!)
"Drow? Seriously?"
A good argument can be made for sure to use a different race. Human as always is a great option for an additional feat and probably is the best option overall. Also Dwarf comes to mind to add more Con and HP ('re very, very AP starved when you fiddle with the details and lose Charisma). Or maybe PDK for both Charisma to Hit and Damage (but you don't really need the to hit and it has it's drawbacks as well...less skillpoints total...more AP needed...).
As mentioned, Yumie will stay Drow, so for me this was not an option at all. Feel free to figure out build variations and post them in this thread, tho.
SPELLS ================================================== ==
Bard 1 (3): Sonic Blast, Focusing Chant, Cure Light Wounds
Warlock 1 (2): Jump, Shield
Warlock 2 (2): Blur, Invisibility
Warlock 3 (2): Dimension Door, Displacement
Warlock 4 (1): Evard’s Black Tentacles, Protection from Elements
Warlock 5 (1): Tenser’s Transformation
ENHANCEMENTS =================================
Warlock - Enlightened Spirit
4 AP - 4x Core (Aura every 3 sec., +5% Healamp, Fear Immune, 10 max HP, 5 MRR)
3 AP - Spiritual Defense (9 AC, 15 HP)
3 AP - Resilience of Body (6 PRR)
3 AP - Spiritual Bastion (13 PRR)
3 AP - Spiritual Ward (13 MRR)
3 AP - Eldritch Burst
6 AP - Power of Enlightenment (30 Light SP, 12 Universal SP)
1 AP - Brilliance (Aura gives temp HP)
3 AP - Spiritual Retribution (3d6 Light Damage on hit)
4 AP - 2x Charisma
3 AP - Spirit Blast
2 AP - Beacon (+20 Heal Amp)
2 AP - Shining Through (12xCon temp HP clicky, +25 Heal Amp for 20 sec, 30 sec CD)
42 AP
Warlock - Tainted Scholar
1 AP - Core (+25 SP, +2 DC clicky)
2 AP - Strong Pact (2d4 Pact Damage)
2 AP - Feigned Health (temp HP on cast - or pot use!)
2 AP - Utterdark Blast (Blast + Aura damage turns evil -> affected by light SP)
7 AP
Bard - Swashbuckler
2 AP - 2xCore (2% Dodge, +2 Reflex, +2 Max Dex Bonus, 1% Doublestrike, +1 Weapon Enh.)
1 AP - Tavern Shanties (1 more Bard Songs)
3 AP - On your Toes (3% Dodge)
2 AP - Fast Movement (4% Runspeed)
2 AP - Deflect Arrows
1 AP - Skirmisher (10% Dodge)
6 AP - Resonant Arms (6d6 Sonic Damage on crit)
2 AP - Different Tack (Cha to Damage)
19 AP
Fighter - Stalwart Defender
2 AP - 2x Core (18 HP, 6% Fort, 10 PRR, 10 MRR, 50% melee threat)
3 AP - Durable Defense (15 PRR, 15 MRR)
3 AP - Stalwart Defensive Mastery (3 AC, 3 Max Dex Bonus for Armor)
3 AP - Resilient Defense (3 All Saves)
3 AP - Hardy Defense (6 Con)
14 AP
PRR =================================
10 PRR Stalwart Defense
15 PRR Durable Defense
6 PRR Resilience of Body
13 PRR Spiritual Bastion
5 PRR Improved Shield Mastery
15 PRR Legendary Shield Mastery
16 PRR Light Armor
35 PRR Sheltering
5 PRR Insightful Sheltering
120 PRR, 54.55% damage reduction
MRR =================================
10 MRR Stalwart Defense
15 MRR Durable Defense
13 MRR Spiritual Ward
5 MRR Enlightened Spirit Core
10 MRR Paragon’s Aegis
10 MRR Light Armor
35 MRR Sheltering
5 MRR Insightful Sheltering
103 MRR, capped at 100 for Light Armor, 50% damage reduction
AVOIDANCE =================================
2% Swashbuckler Cores
3% On your Toes
10% Swashbuckler Stance with a buckler
15% Dodge, plus gear
Dodge caps at 27% with Guild Bonus. Limiting factor is probably your choice of armor. With Thunderforged you’ll be able to hit 21% + 3% Defensive Mastery + 2% swashbuckler core = 26%.
Then 50% Displacement, on a seperate roll.
Then 10% Incorporeal, on a seperate roll.
MELEE DAMAGE PROCS =================================
6d6 sonic damage, scaling, on crit
3d6 light damage, scaling, on hit
2d6 sneak attack from Shadow Killer Thunderforged
AURA AND BURSTS =================================
Aura, every 3 seconds
7d6 light damage, 14 Warlock
2d6 light damage, Epic Eldritch Blast
2d6 light damage, Epic Arcane Eldritch Blast
7d4 sonic damage, reflex for half, 14 Warlock
2d4 sonic damage, reflex for half, Tainted Scholar
20 - 102, scales with 150% light / sonic SP
Eldritch Burst: Hits for aura damage plus 3d6 light damage:
23 - 120, scales with 120% light / sonic SP
Spirit Blast: Hits for aura damage 10d6 light damage:
30 - 162, scales with 120% light / sonic SP
DOUBLESTRIKE =================================
8% Improved Shield Mastery
7% Legendary Shield Mastery
1% Swashbuckler
16%, plus 0-50% from Divine Crusader
EPIC DESTINY =================================
The build is not yet fully fleshed out for epic levels. In my opinion it works best in Divine Crusader:
- meshes very well with the PbAoE nature of the build
- closes a few gaps, namely some strong active healing and full BAB, if you don't want to use Tenser's.
- warlock aura also builds Purification stacks lightning fast
- the better critical profile synergizes with swashbuckling
Twists: Cocoon, Legendary Shield Mastery, Grim Precision (you'll know what to pick as a 4th if you have it available

Another Twist combination pointed out by Tapster (thanks!) is using Prism, Double Rainbow and Legendary Shield Mastery as a third, if you can live without cocoon or have 4 twists available.