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Thread: Lamannia

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  1. #1
    Community Member Jappy's Avatar
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    Jul 2013

    Default Lamannia

    This is anything about lamannia you want to talk about is, Why do you guys rush the updates instead of leaving lamannia for 3-4 weeks for proper quest running. You guys run it for 2 (more or less) weeks and some people have to work and go to school and such so some people only get to make there guys and spec them to the way they want and don't get to run the quest. And yes I know people only use lamannia to test build but when I get on by the time I have my build ready and I run a solo quest to test it. Lat time for u27 I had a group and everything ready to run the quests and the raid and then people had to go and I was rally disappointed cause I wanted to run it but then lamannia was down the next day. Anyone that reads this thanl you and hopefully you can join in here.

  2. #2
    Community Member Lemdog's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    I agree Lamannia should be up for longer so the players can fully test OR the full build be out so there doesn't have to be any breaks. So just give us all the content in the 1st build without splitting it up, then flesh out the bugs and typos, etc.

    People need to start actually running the new content on lamm. Most people are ****ing around testing out builds. Do that after you have tested out the new stuff!
    Quote Originally Posted by Elsbet View Post
    Moved his sense of humor to a new data center, eh?

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Jun 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Jappy View Post
    This is anything about lamannia you want to talk about is, Why do you guys rush the updates instead of leaving lamannia for 3-4 weeks for proper quest running. You guys run it for 2 (more or less) weeks and some people have to work and go to school and such so some people only get to make there guys and spec them to the way they want and don't get to run the quest. And yes I know people only use lamannia to test build but when I get on by the time I have my build ready and I run a solo quest to test it. Lat time for u27 I had a group and everything ready to run the quests and the raid and then people had to go and I was rally disappointed cause I wanted to run it but then lamannia was down the next day. Anyone that reads this thanl you and hopefully you can join in here.
    Because they don't care if you test it. It's not a test server, it's a preview server; a marketing tool. It's always been this way.

    Updates will go out on their scheduled deadline date come hell or high water - no matter how broken it is. This has not changed in the 8 years I've been around, so don't expect it now. People have been campaigning for this change for years too and all you can expect is silence.

  4. #4
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    This is a preview server not a test server.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

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