I cannot accept this as being the status quo. I have worked for a number of <50 person companies who held customer service to be of the utmost importance, and I will not accept any statement other than one from Turbine itself that they are simply incapable of providing good customer service. Your acceptance of the 'warts' is not of any importance to me. If you accept a sub-par service for whatever reasons, then don't expect it to ever improve. I'm asking for improvement. I don't think this is an impossible task. No, I know that this is not an impossible task.
Please note that it is not I who am saying that "shouldn't attempt to provide time estimates because they are often wrong", that would be Cordovan, who is the current Turbine customer liaison. Whether or not people complain about the information they receive is a completely separate issue from the simple desire to receive timely and accurate information.
Here's another thought: I suggested something exactly similar in my original post in this thread.
Cordovan chose not to address that point when he responded, which spoke volumes about how important such a solution was to him and his management.Originally Posted by Me
Actually, he did sort of respond. He claimed that posts like my post asking for improved time estimates was the reason why Turbine typically did not provide estimates at all, and stated that providing time estimates at all was beyond the capabilities of Turbine. An admission of failure which I hope that Turbine itself does not agree with.