Glad tonight is one of my PnP D&D sessions! (Well, Pathfinder, actually, but still...)
Glad tonight is one of my PnP D&D sessions! (Well, Pathfinder, actually, but still...)
Honestly I don't know what is sadder, all the moaning cos there is nothing else to do with your day or the fact that I just got home from a really fun night out and have sat here for half an hour reading this thread! None of this should come as a surprise, DDO has been broken from the start. Remember when every single update they did for about 2 years broke Titan?
If we are going to love DDO we've got to love all its quirky bits too! Hope you get it fixed by morning UK time, good luck!
Misscarlet~Klya~Chelsey~Mvffin~Sporren~Heathers~Mi nimvffin~Lillmiss~Crumpet~EvannyGUILD LEADER: Southern Tenant Farmers Union SERVER: Ghallanda, RIP Fernia
Tomes poof. Servers poof. Xp bonus weekend poof?
Some sleeves are rolled and armpits wet I'm sure. Some furious coding and meetings.
Group bonus is nice hope they forget to turn it off.
- a tribe called zerg - cannith -
Does anyone know of another MMORPG, with similar UI and control to DDO? Looking for something when there is down time here....
GW2 have just done prestige class or sorts for their warrior - that's a good game that you can group with friends regardless of what level they are (lvl 80s can play with lvl1s and the game will level them down of sorts so they can adventure together without the capped character roflstomping.)I struggled to get the mrs to play DDO but she loves playing that Guild Wars, so that was a rewarding experience.
Path Of Exile is a f2p game with an awesome levelling system. In addition to a FF10 sphere grid all skills/spells/feats are tied to augment slots. So for example if I wanted to cast a quickened empowered magic missile I'd need an item with three linked augment slots, a MM augment, a Quicken augment and an Empower augment: I found that to be really cool.
Nothing scratches my DDO itch though, seems I'm not the only one.
Last edited by blackdoguk; 08-20-2015 at 08:25 PM.
Community Member
Seems that after each update we are having more and more problems patch 1 patch 2 hotfixes here and there that create even more problems I especially liked loosing all my Cannith items in the shared bag bank last time so now what? Try stop working on new content and work on the stability of the game for a change kill a lag monster for us and we would love even more or at least again
Did they fix the ladder bug from 2006?
after all this down time something free would be nice,
can we all get a free dirty kobold and take a collective shot
Been patient, but getting impatient... Wondering why I am paying every month to drop out every 2nd time I zone, sit around waiting for three hours just to have a GM answer a gameplay ticket.... Several days to have a guild ship issue looked at, when trying to upgrade ship... Confusing information or lack thereof for something as important as what guild ship your guild owns... Lag and rubberband on a regular basis, to the point of no longer enjoying questing and logging out... Be subject to 14 hours downtime, when 4 was advertised... Be unable to purchase points in game and not get the bonus points from the purchasing in DDO market... Lag so much a single purchase of a rogue hireling turns into 5 purchases... Pay every month to play then have to outlay even more money for expansions... Be subject to derision and trolling every time you make any sort comment in general chat...
How much longer we deserve some answers on when uptime is or even what is causing the hold up.... I deserve some answers on my guild ship issue.... To be completely honest there are a few things I am sick to death of waiting for....
When there is extended downtime like this ..its sets my HORDE blazing when they get to log back on .. they swarm the SARLONA scene with such devastation . I'm willing to bet there will be another server shutdown due to all the violence they have bottled up ...FOR THE HORDE!!!!