When DDO first came out I was extremely hardcore and still love every aspect of this game. Real life took me away for awhile but I have still kept pushing through levels and stuff (11th past life or so). Anyhow real life has slowed a bit and I am looking to get back into the endgame. I am looking for a guild with a decent amount of active players, enough players that can fill their own raid. I prefer to raid on weekends because my son has an active weekday schedule with martial arts/break dancing lessons but I wouldn't mind a guild that runs things a few times a week where I can pop in when I have time available. I will be able to raid at least once a week thou.

I play a mechanic repeater/great crossbow rogue and hes decent geared and specced out. I have +6 tomes/max evade/ and can get any trap in the game. My wife is coming back also (13 past lives) and making a warlock as her new main (most likely). She needs a week or two but would also like the same type of schedule.

I have zero knowledge about the majority of previous updates on the raiding end so this will all be new to me. Looking for a group of people that I can learn the raids with. I wont hold you back thou, I am a skilled player and able to hold my own but am clueless currently on new content.

Only character I will be on is Coin so just message me in game when available. New two days I will be on pretty often or will check back on here Even if I don't sound like I would fit in your guild if people know of a guild that sounds good for me please point me in the right direction

Thank you.
