My situation may not be like the majority of other monks (considering I'm actually a rogue with just 2 monk levels) but the gearing should be roughly the same.
Currently my build is a wisdom based rogue/monk focusing on stuns. I do this build because I just love the play style and because I don't really care what build crushes EE content. Does it work in EE? Absolutely yes I can stun stuff even into the hardest content (and will be even better when I get those goggles).
What my question is is pretty simple:
What are you using for gear, specifically bracers? I'm debating on going with the claw set because right now my gloves are the EE Backstabber's for improved deception and insightful sneak, but if I get Strange Tidings from what I understand the deceptions may not stack. If I went with the claw it would allow me a bit more healamp (I'm a bladeforged because easy button) when someone throws a consecrate down and a bit more base damage.
Also, what's everyone's opinions on the TOEE set for wraps? I've only heard one person refer to them and it was basically "run like hell in the other direction", so I'd like a bit more info. Being that the bulk of my damage is still base damage+sneak attack I'm thinking the +20 melee power should be a good reason to do them.