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  1. #1
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Default Gear Set Up - U27

    Hey folks,

    Trying to put together an optimal gear set up including some of the new shinies. This is for a DC FvS, though I am sure it could apply to a Cleric as well.

    Head) Halcyonia (Quality Wis +2, Devotion +150, Magic Efficiency 10%, Healing Lore X, Insightful Heal +2, Green Slot: )
    Neck) Greensteel Smoke II (+45 HP)
    Trinket) Epic Litany (Profane +2 to all stats, Yellow/Blue Slot: Green Slot: )
    Cloak) Countenance (Cha +12, Evocation +5, Radiance Lore X, Spell Pen VI, Yellow Slot: Green Slot: )
    Belt) Thoughtful Remembrance (Con +11, Deathblock VII, Resistance +11, Dodge 11%, Greater Regen, Concentration +20, Yellow/Blue Slot: Green Slot: )
    Ring) Lantern (Radiance +144, Radiant Glory, Radiance Lore VIII, Ins Wis +2, Green Slot: Colorless Slot: )
    Ring) Band Immaterial (Illusion V, Enchantment V, Ins Illusion II, Ins Enchantment II, Green Slot: )
    Gloves) Arcane Soldier (Quality Spell Focus I, Spellcraft +20, Wizardry XI, Arcane Augmentation IX, Green Slot: Yellow Slot: )
    Boots) Greensteel Airx3 +300 SP - After buffing swap to Sages' Shoes (Conjuration +5, Vitality +40)
    Bracers) Dumathoin (Energy Resistance +45, Sheltering +30, Dex +11, Natural Armor +10, Blue Slot: )
    Chest) Shadowscale (Deathblock, Fort 130%, Ghostly, Profane DC Bonus +1, Blue Slot: )
    Goggles) Visors of Precision (Wis +12, Ins Wis +4, Enhanced Ki +3, Dazing X, Blue Slot: Green Slot: )

    Hand) Thunderforged (Impulse +150, Necro +6, Lore 17% all schools, Orange Slot: )
    Hand) Libram of Silver Magic (Cha +11, Int +11, Ins Potency +10, Ins Spell Lore II, Spellcraft +20, Orange Slot: )

    I will fill in the blanks with augments later, just want to get a feel for the basic set up. But, there should be plenty of room to fill in all I want with augments. Things I want to include will be rounding out on stats, good luck, Meridian Frag, Combustion Spell Power, Evocation, Enchantment, Conjuration, Necromancy, False Life, Globe of True Blood, etc.

    Ok did I miss anything? Any thoughts/opinions welcome.
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  2. #2
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braegan View Post
    Trying to put together an optimal gear set up including some of the new shinies. This is for a DC FvS, though I am sure it could apply to a Cleric as well.
    Been thinking about this too, even though it may be quite a while before my main gets to be a Cleric once more.

    Quote Originally Posted by Braegan View Post
    Head) Halcyonia (Quality Wis +2, Devotion +150, Magic Efficiency 10%, Healing Lore X, Insightful Heal +2, Green Slot: )
    Trinket) Epic Litany (Profane +2 to all stats, Yellow/Blue Slot: Green Slot: )
    Gloves) Arcane Soldier (Quality Spell Focus I, Spellcraft +20, Wizardry XI, Arcane Augmentation IX, Green Slot: Yellow Slot: )
    Chest) Shadowscale (Deathblock, Fort 130%, Ghostly, Profane DC Bonus +1, Blue Slot: )
    Goggles) Visors of Precision (Wis +12, Ins Wis +4, Enhanced Ki +3, Dazing X, Blue Slot: Green Slot: )
    Those ones look like givens for a DC divine. Though I still wish they'd make Arcane Augmentation into Spell Augmentation and have it work on everything.

    Quote Originally Posted by Braegan View Post
    Hand) Thunderforged (Impulse +150, Necro +6, Lore 17% all schools, Orange Slot: )
    Hand) Libram of Silver Magic (Cha +11, Int +11, Ins Potency +10, Ins Spell Lore II, Spellcraft +20, Orange Slot: )
    Either a 2-hander, or an Alchemical +2 Wisdom in the other hand, get you one more DC. You can always swap the Libram back in for heavy-duty nuking.

    Quote Originally Posted by Braegan View Post
    Cloak) Countenance (Cha +12, Evocation +5, Radiance Lore X, Spell Pen VI, Yellow Slot: Green Slot: )
    Ring) Band Immaterial (Illusion V, Enchantment V, Ins Illusion II, Ins Enchantment II, Green Slot: )
    Yes, I like those, too. The 6 Spell Pen pretty much makes building a 7 Spell Pen Thunderforged pretty much pointless (and you don't have to give up a DC to use it.) Moving Evo to Cloak FINALLY frees up neck from an otherwise-mediocre guaranteed-end-reward item. And a couple extra points of Enchantment are nice for Greater Command and Hold Person. All that plus Green slots!

    Quote Originally Posted by Braegan View Post
    Neck) Greensteel Smoke II (+45 HP)
    Belt) Thoughtful Remembrance (Con +11, Deathblock VII, Resistance +11, Dodge 11%, Greater Regen, Concentration +20, Yellow/Blue Slot: Green Slot: )
    Ring) Lantern (Radiance +144, Radiant Glory, Radiance Lore VIII, Ins Wis +2, Green Slot: Colorless Slot: )
    Boots) Greensteel Airx3 +300 SP - After buffing swap to Sages' Shoes (Conjuration +5, Vitality +40)
    Bracers) Dumathoin (Energy Resistance +45, Sheltering +30, Dex +11, Natural Armor +10, Blue Slot: )
    This is territory where you have more leeway.

    There's some nice necklace possibilities out there: Shroud of the Ardent, Noxious Embers, Mystic Eidolons, probably others.
    Likewise, there are some nice footwear possibilities: Blessed Travels, Halcyon, Innocent, etc.. You don't lose the +5 Conjuration DC if you swap in the new raid bracers, and don't lose the Sheltering from Dumathoin's if you use Shroud of the Ardent.

    Lantern Ring loses some of it's glory when you have a better Radiance Lore on your cloak; the Radiance Spell Power could be covered on a Red slot, essentially leaving just the bonus Light damage. Circle of Malevolence is a nice possibility, or the Ring of Shadows, say.

    There's not too many places to get Con +11 with a variety of nice other stuff, so Remembrance is probably a keeper.

    Anyway, it depends on what you have and/or how much you want to grind. I'm still searching for the Arcane Soldier gloves myself for my main, and for basically everything on my first-life alt.
    Quote Originally Posted by ProducerRowan View Post
    Our final update of 2014 will extend the level cap to 30, which is intended to be DDO’s “permanent” level cap

  3. #3
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Thanks for commenting. I am trying to make the best set up and you are another player I respect for feedback on Divine characters.

    On the Alchemical, that is a good point. I do have a +2 Wis Kama crafted already. I could certainly use that.

    On Augmentation being general and not just Arcane. Ugh. I have voiced my concern on this as I am sure you have. Really sucks, and it should apply.

    Otherwise you gave some good ideas to consider. I do have Noxious Embers and that is a nice item. For consideration, this it for my main so I will grind out whatever for my main. I enjoy playing the character and am just making plans to get a good gear plan up as it were. Now that I am off the TR/ETR cycle I am focused on gearing up.

    More suggestions are of course welcome.
    Git off mah lawn!

    If, If's and But's was Candies and Nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas.

  4. #4
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    A couple further ideas from Update 28:

    No point in grinding for either the Arcane Solider gloves OR an Alchemical anymore. Use the new Orb, Increased Potential, to get the same +DC, Wizardry, and a Spell Pen bonus, while freeing up Glove slot. (Still astonished that they'd completely invalidate their BTC raid-loot gloves with BTA quest loot just ONE update later, but there you have it.)

    I don't have any super-cool ideas what to put into Glove slot instead, but you could use Greensteel if nothing else.

    The new necklace, Lion's Mane, isn't must-have, but is worth considering (+4 Insightful Con, +20 Insightful HP, etc.).
    Last edited by SirValentine; 10-13-2015 at 10:59 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by ProducerRowan View Post
    Our final update of 2014 will extend the level cap to 30, which is intended to be DDO’s “permanent” level cap

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