Hey folks,
Trying to put together an optimal gear set up including some of the new shinies. This is for a DC FvS, though I am sure it could apply to a Cleric as well.
Head) Halcyonia (Quality Wis +2, Devotion +150, Magic Efficiency 10%, Healing Lore X, Insightful Heal +2, Green Slot: )
Neck) Greensteel Smoke II (+45 HP)
Trinket) Epic Litany (Profane +2 to all stats, Yellow/Blue Slot: Green Slot: )
Cloak) Countenance (Cha +12, Evocation +5, Radiance Lore X, Spell Pen VI, Yellow Slot: Green Slot: )
Belt) Thoughtful Remembrance (Con +11, Deathblock VII, Resistance +11, Dodge 11%, Greater Regen, Concentration +20, Yellow/Blue Slot: Green Slot: )
Ring) Lantern (Radiance +144, Radiant Glory, Radiance Lore VIII, Ins Wis +2, Green Slot: Colorless Slot: )
Ring) Band Immaterial (Illusion V, Enchantment V, Ins Illusion II, Ins Enchantment II, Green Slot: )
Gloves) Arcane Soldier (Quality Spell Focus I, Spellcraft +20, Wizardry XI, Arcane Augmentation IX, Green Slot: Yellow Slot: )
Boots) Greensteel Airx3 +300 SP - After buffing swap to Sages' Shoes (Conjuration +5, Vitality +40)
Bracers) Dumathoin (Energy Resistance +45, Sheltering +30, Dex +11, Natural Armor +10, Blue Slot: )
Chest) Shadowscale (Deathblock, Fort 130%, Ghostly, Profane DC Bonus +1, Blue Slot: )
Goggles) Visors of Precision (Wis +12, Ins Wis +4, Enhanced Ki +3, Dazing X, Blue Slot: Green Slot: )
Hand) Thunderforged (Impulse +150, Necro +6, Lore 17% all schools, Orange Slot: )
Hand) Libram of Silver Magic (Cha +11, Int +11, Ins Potency +10, Ins Spell Lore II, Spellcraft +20, Orange Slot: )
I will fill in the blanks with augments later, just want to get a feel for the basic set up. But, there should be plenty of room to fill in all I want with augments. Things I want to include will be rounding out on stats, good luck, Meridian Frag, Combustion Spell Power, Evocation, Enchantment, Conjuration, Necromancy, False Life, Globe of True Blood, etc.
Ok did I miss anything? Any thoughts/opinions welcome.