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  1. #1
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Jun 2010

    Default From the Release notes:

    Disabling a spell on the hotbar of the hireling will now prevent it from being used by the hireling automatically as well.
    Can a Dev please tell me why we'd ever want to disable our own ability to get a hireling to do something?

    The Disable option should have been specifically for stuff the hireling chooses to do by themselves! NOT completely disabling a hotbar button so that we can't even tell them to do it!

    The Hireling Enable/Disable UI Box is fundamentally flawed because it only allows us to disable the hotbarred stuff and a couple of standard extras NOT the spammable stuff!

    Yes Larafay has Cometfall and Destruction on her hotbar and spams both! But she doesn't have Gtr Command on her hotbar and spams that too!
    I want to be able to disable her spam of Gtr Command when in Undead Hvy quests but can't because it isn't disablable!

    And why do I have to not be able to even TELL her to cast Destruction when I want to just to stop her from spamming it versus every single mob?

    The Disable/Enable UI Box should be for stopping hirelings from spamming abilities we don't want them to!
    It should NOT stop us from being able to tell that hire to do something!

    Another example: Albus - This box should have been a Godsend for Albus! It allowed us to disable Mass Heal! Which meant he'd use other healing on us rather than taking 30 seconds to cast a non-quickened mass heal that usually got interrupted anyway!
    Unfortunately Albus doesn't have any other healing ability on his bar and therefore by disabling Mass Heal we had no way to tell him to cast it in a pinch!

  2. #2
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    My first guess is that the toggle couldn't differentiate between the skills/spells being on the hotbar or off. So toggling the skill/spell on/off is an all or nothing switch.

    (I'm not explaining that very well, hopefully my meaning comes thru.)
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

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