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  1. #1
    Community Member DareDelvis's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Default Auto self-targetting healing spells vs targetting current undead enemy

    A recurring frustration with my paladin, but really with any character with a self-heal spell, is that when fighting undead mobs, if that enemy is the current target, the spell deals damage to it instead of healing my character.
    I know, I just need to target my character, but...

    Maybe there could be a toggle, stance, UI check box or something, that will auto-target the player character when fighting undead mobs just as when fighting other mobs.

    I am not sure what the work around would be when a player wants to do damage to the mob and not actually heal, except to turn off the feature, but I bet someone could come up with a better idea.
    Fellowship of the Bling Ghallanda
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  2. #2
    Community Member daniel7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DareDelvis View Post
    A recurring frustration with my paladin, but really with any character with a self-heal spell, is that when fighting undead mobs, if that enemy is the current target, the spell deals damage to it instead of healing my character.
    I know, I just need to target my character, but...

    Maybe there could be a toggle, stance, UI check box or something, that will auto-target the player character when fighting undead mobs just as when fighting other mobs.

    I am not sure what the work around would be when a player wants to do damage to the mob and not actually heal, except to turn off the feature, but I bet someone could come up with a better idea.
    I think it would be nice to just right click your spells that are loaded and have a menu with little boxes to check, similar to your chat options.
    Cure Serious Wounds target
    X Self Only
    X Self and party members only
    X Self, party members, friendly NPCs only
    X All possible targets
    Volver life 3 lvl 20 sorc - 4 Epic /// Adept life 3 lvl 2mnk/17pal /// Vindicate life 6 lvl 18rgr/1ftr/1clr - 2 Epic /// [COLOR="Red"]

  3. #3
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    It is an ongoing problem for players that has been ignored by devs.

    We asked for a meta option where we could right click it on the hot bar and set defaults for heals/cures.
    Same for LoH.. <redacted emotional tirades> I don't want to use my LOH on a undead boss that is trying to beat the hell out of me..

    1. Any
    2. Any Friendly
    3. Self Only
    4. mob only

    Then we can set different hotbar shortcuts for different options.
    as far as I am concerned.. I never want to use a heal scroll on a mob.. I want to use it on myself or a party member..or maybe that squishy Coyle..
    I am sure some whiner will be aww but I want to heal mob skeletons for an hour with scrolls for 100 points at a time.. <redacted comment on that>
    set the meta- and go..
    Even a sub-variant spell like fireshield where you select hot/cold.. or resists... then we can drag the one we want to the hotbar..
    that's all we want...
    Last edited by JOTMON; 08-11-2015 at 03:42 PM.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Tom116's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DareDelvis View Post
    A recurring frustration with my paladin, but really with any character with a self-heal spell, is that when fighting undead mobs, if that enemy is the current target, the spell deals damage to it instead of healing my character.
    I know, I just need to target my character, but...

    Maybe there could be a toggle, stance, UI check box or something, that will auto-target the player character when fighting undead mobs just as when fighting other mobs.

    I am not sure what the work around would be when a player wants to do damage to the mob and not actually heal, except to turn off the feature, but I bet someone could come up with a better idea.
    Definitely, that can be pretty unfortunate when then happens. A check box would work great, but turning it off wouldn't be the worst either. Honestly, there are more sp effecient damage spells than that lol
    Kestros, Wisdom Wolf
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  5. #5


    OP we have asked for a selective toggle or even a another variant of the spell (aka cure light wounds (party only)) to be added since.... 2005? 2006? Somewhere around the beginning of the game.

    The plea has fallen on deaf ears.

  6. #6
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    In the very old days, I'm not sure how they'd have implemented this, but we've had per-spell-metamagics for quite a long time now.

    Just make it an auto-granted, zero-cost metamagic, so we can right-click-menu toggle it like any other metamagic.

    Oh, and at the same time, give us back the option to Heighten our Heal spells!
    Quote Originally Posted by ProducerRowan View Post
    Our final update of 2014 will extend the level cap to 30, which is intended to be DDO’s “permanent” level cap

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