Does the Ninja spy dex to att + dmg work properly with bows? Because it says that it will add it to slashing and piercing weapons but does it apply to bows because there considered ranged weapons but do piercing dmg?
Does the Ninja spy dex to att + dmg work properly with bows? Because it says that it will add it to slashing and piercing weapons but does it apply to bows because there considered ranged weapons but do piercing dmg?
Thelanis: Nassim* (F12/P6/M2) - Talienor** (P18/Ra2) - Feithlin** (F12/Bd7/C1) - Stoneoak* (F12/M6/P2) - Hokusai (M17/F2/C1) - Ardence* (Bd15/F3/Ro2) - Matsushiro* (Ro11/M6/P3) | Argonessen: Luneargent (W18/Ro2) - Talienor (Ro20) - Takshir (Bd16/F2/Ro2) - Hiacynthe (C20) | Ghallanda: A bunch of pre DDO Unlimited characters (field of testing for post U19)
This--the only way you will get dex damage on bows is spending a LOT of ap in the Elven racial tree.
Shurikens get dex to damage and huge bonuses from high dex and shuriken expertise when taken with the ninja core (advanced ninja training).
If you have low Str but high Int you can try taking INT to damage from the harper tree (if not elf but still wanting to use bows occasionally as a dex build).
What is your build, anyway? I play a lot of dex builds.
Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players
Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players
They really dont affect throwing weapons -_- thats annoying. and I normally play 15-28 instead of 1-20 because I enjoy epics more then heroic. And the last time I played a ranging build I dont remember it doing to poorly but I understand what you mean. Im still messing around with what I want to play for his lives and have not set my mind to anything yet